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Would it be that bad, if Snipers could use all abilities outside of cover?


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I mean really. Why not? Reduce all Cover Abilities' damage, and when your in cover it increases the damage to the current amount. I think this would fix a lot of issues with Sniper. Give us some mobility, and make us not completely rely on if "cover suddenly decides to work."
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How's it change ANYTHING? You still have to be rooted to use your skills outside of the instants and those are....um...explosive probe...and.....uh........that's it. Alright, woo, we got 1 change! I haven't had cover not work in so long I forgot that it might still be an issue.


And if you want to be mobile, spec engineering or lethality. Not saying MM isn't mobile, but you sure don't have a clue as to how it works since you think if you have to enter cover you have to apparently remain in cover 24/7.


No, cover is fine.

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It really only have a large effect on Explosive Probe and Snap Shot Snipes. You will lose a little time going into cover and using these abilities they way it currently is setup instead of being able to fluidly instant cast them while moving. Edited by Ayestes
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Let cover increase the range of our abilities by a few yards. I don't understand why our range is the same as everybody else. Snipers are long range killers for a reason!


This would be a good common sense change too. Give snipers a small range buff for choosing to be essentially immobile. Snipers are supposed to be extreme long range specialists, after all.

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