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Accuracy over other stats for Mara?


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Current build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRroMcGzZhGb.1


Question is how important is Accuracy in PvP? I was told that the priority was to get Accuracy to 108% then focus on Power/Crit/Surge. I believe Kibas Mara guide also states this.


However, I have seen quite a few builds ignore Narrowed Hatred in lieu of other talents like Subjugation or Defensive Roll.


Seems to me that the less you miss, and the more defense you ignore, the more dps you will ultimately put out, or is this flawed thinking?

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Current build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRroMcGzZhGb.1


Question is how important is Accuracy in PvP? I was told that the priority was to get Accuracy to 108% then focus on Power/Crit/Surge. I believe Kibas Mara guide also states this.


However, I have seen quite a few builds ignore Narrowed Hatred in lieu of other talents like Subjugation or Defensive Roll.


Seems to me that the less you miss, and the more defense you ignore, the more dps you will ultimately put out, or is this flawed thinking?


98% normal, 108% special. So you only need 8% additional acuracy

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So Narrowed Hatred is a good PvP talent to spec into?


I am at 97% regular as it is, so I have very little to go.


Then just throw 1 point into it and use the other 2 points elsewhere. As you get more accuracy you can change your build up more as you probably wont need any extra.

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Then just throw 1 point into it and use the other 2 points elsewhere. As you get more accuracy you can change your build up more as you probably wont need any extra.



Why would you say that for PvP? For PvE the 98/108 makes sense but not necessarily for PvP.


If you are only going to be fighting other dps or healers then you could go as low as say 95/105 as we/they only have a base 5% chance to dodge or parry and aren't likely to be stacking any sort of defense rating to increase that percentage. 95/105 means you will have your assault dodged/parried on occasion (not sure about battered assault) but you shouldn't have that happening to any of your special attacks.


If you might end up fighting a tank though the additional accuracy can be very valuable as even in PvP gear a tank type will normally have maybe 20-25% defense and every point above 100% is going to reduce that for you. Personally I like running a bit over 100/110% for PvP as taking out a tank is bad enough without giving them such a large chance to dodge/parry our attacks.

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Dots cant be parried.Crit close 30%,surge to 85,Always try to get more power.


Except the rupture and the attacks that proc the dots can all be dodged.


Accuracy definitely has more value for carnage then the other two specs though but it isn't something that should just be discounted that definitively when talking about PvP. PvE sure but not PvP.

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Except the rupture and the attacks that proc the dots can all be dodged.


Accuracy definitely has more value for carnage then the other two specs though but it isn't something that should just be discounted that definitively when talking about PvP. PvE sure but not PvP.


Unless its a tank dodge chance is what?5%?id rather have more oomf.And if its a tank its more productive to let him be and screw some healer.

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Why would you say that for PvP? For PvE the 98/108 makes sense but not necessarily for PvP.


If you are only going to be fighting other dps or healers then you could go as low as say 95/105 as we/they only have a base 5% chance to dodge or parry and aren't likely to be stacking any sort of defense rating to increase that percentage. 95/105 means you will have your assault dodged/parried on occasion (not sure about battered assault) but you shouldn't have that happening to any of your special attacks.


If you might end up fighting a tank though the additional accuracy can be very valuable as even in PvP gear a tank type will normally have maybe 20-25% defense and every point above 100% is going to reduce that for you. Personally I like running a bit over 100/110% for PvP as taking out a tank is bad enough without giving them such a large chance to dodge/parry our attacks.


I said 98% because thats what i keep hearing on the forums as the amount we need regardless of what we are doing.


Also, you say 95% is ok, which sounds right, but you personally go with over 100%, so im confused as to what you believe is right. 5% is a big difference, and unless your annihilation, you shouldnt be engaging a tank. 3 of the 24 specs are tank specs. Yeah in huttball its unavoidable, but Tanks should always be low on your priority list.


I just wish BW would clarify it all up. All the BM gear is mainly accuracy so if we only need 95%, someone made a big effin mistake on the gear.

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I said 98% because thats what i keep hearing on the forums as the amount we need regardless of what we are doing.


Also, you say 95% is ok, which sounds right, but you personally go with over 100%, so im confused as to what you believe is right. 5% is a big difference, and unless your annihilation, you shouldnt be engaging a tank. 3 of the 24 specs are tank specs. Yeah in huttball its unavoidable, but Tanks should always be low on your priority list.


I just wish BW would clarify it all up. All the BM gear is mainly accuracy so if we only need 95%, someone made a big effin mistake on the gear.


Thing is someone once posted that 110% is main prio and all misinformation stems from that post.We dont have parsers so there is no hard data to compliment any kind of theorycrafting.


Yes,stats on bm gear suck alot.Get power+surge and Surge+crit enchants from champion gloves for marauders and operatives,now its easier than ever.

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I said 98% because thats what i keep hearing on the forums as the amount we need regardless of what we are doing.


Also, you say 95% is ok, which sounds right, but you personally go with over 100%, so im confused as to what you believe is right. 5% is a big difference, and unless your annihilation, you shouldnt be engaging a tank. 3 of the 24 specs are tank specs. Yeah in huttball its unavoidable, but Tanks should always be low on your priority list.


I just wish BW would clarify it all up. All the BM gear is mainly accuracy so if we only need 95%, someone made a big effin mistake on the gear.


It's pretty simple and all in the tooltips. 90% regular hit and 100% specials is base. Once over 100% for either (so with any accuracy at all for specials) it starts to eat into the opponents defenses.


Everyone starts with 5% defense. So to make sure that none of your attacks are parried or dodged you need at least 105%. The idea of 98/108 is based on the concept that it's a dps increase to cap specials but leave basic attacks uncapped. It's dependent on the unconfirmed reports that bosses only have an 8% chance to dodge/parry (unconfirmed because hard to validate anything without combatlogs). Players without defense have a 5% chance to dodge/parry so by the PvE logic running 95/105 should be sufficient.


Thing is that PvP is a very different animal then PvE. In PvE you will encounter tanks and tanks have a much high percentage of parry/dodge then any boss. Asked a friend who plays a tank assassin how much defense he runs with for PvP and he told me 22%. If you only have 95/105 you end up with a 27% chance for him to dodge/parry your basic attacks and a 17% chance for the same with your specials. Dodging/Parrying that rupture is really going to mess you up as annihilation same as doing that to a Deadly Throw would do the same to carnage.

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It's pretty simple and all in the tooltips. 90% regular hit and 100% specials is base. Once over 100% for either (so with any accuracy at all for specials) it starts to eat into the opponents defenses.


Everyone starts with 5% defense. So to make sure that none of your attacks are parried or dodged you need at least 105%. The idea of 98/108 is based on the concept that it's a dps increase to cap specials but leave basic attacks uncapped. It's dependent on the unconfirmed reports that bosses only have an 8% chance to dodge/parry (unconfirmed because hard to validate anything without combatlogs). Players without defense have a 5% chance to dodge/parry so by the PvE logic running 95/105 should be sufficient.


Thing is that PvP is a very different animal then PvE. In PvE you will encounter tanks and tanks have a much high percentage of parry/dodge then any boss. Asked a friend who plays a tank assassin how much defense he runs with for PvP and he told me 22%. If you only have 95/105 you end up with a 27% chance for him to dodge/parry your basic attacks and a 17% chance for the same with your specials. Dodging/Parrying that rupture is really going to mess you up as annihilation same as doing that to a Deadly Throw would do the same to carnage.


So 95% should be the goal. Anymore than that is a waste. Tanks shouldn't be getting hit by us unless they are a ball carrier(or we are annihilation). Deadly throw is resisted by some tank talents anyway so the root is useless. However, Force Scream cant be dodged, and again, 3 out of the 24 specs are tanks, so keeping accuracy to a bare minimum is still better. No matter how much defense a tank has or accuracy you have, you shouldn't be focusing one down as you will never negate all of there defenses. They want you to attack them so there teammates have a chance to kill you. Also annhilate has a chance to finish the CD so you can use rupture again. 3:4 chance it will land.

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The information in this thread is somewhat ... off-base.


Accuracy for PvP:


1. All your attacks except assault have a base 100%.


2. Most enemy players have a base 5% defense.


3. Consular/Inquisitors have a base 10% defense, just because BioWare is cool.


4. All tanks either have, or can easily acquire, a 5% miss debuff (AOE in all cases IIRC).



As a result, 5% is essentially required. You're going to get somewhat noticeable miss rates if you have <5% ACC in PvP.


10% is a good mark to aim for overall. This will negate missing on Inq/Cons classes, and it will buffer your ACC so that pervasive tank AOE miss debuffs will not affect your ACC against "most" classes.

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