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As the title says i'm alittle confused on this entire Crew Skill Thread.. i got this game a few days ago and i'm already at lvl 19, but the Crew Skill i'm having issues with..


I picked up three without even knowing what they do. Unlike WoW that tells you like Mining goes well with BS or Skinning with Leatherworking.. i really don't know which ones are the gathering or main Professions


i grabbed




Underworld Trading


Now should i focus more on what my Companions Skills are like


T7-01: +10 Bioanalysis Efficiency +2 Slicing Critical

Kira Carsen: +5 Synthweaving Critical +1 Treasure Hunting Critical

C2-N2: None


I guess what should a Jedi Sentinel Grab.. But all and All i really enjoy this game.. Just really confusing for newcomers

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You picked up three mission skills, no gathering, and no crafting.

Read the Crew Skill Bounus sticky. It has several recommendations



For a Jedi Knight you should probably take

Artifice > Archeology > Treasure Hunting


Synthweaving > Archeology > Underworld Trading

Edited by Owsley
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If you right-click on each skill trainer, it will unlock a log in your Codex. Read each entry, as it will tell you what skills go together. Or you can look at the Sticky guides on this forum.


If you are a Jedi Knight, then Artifice (for lightsabers, offhand focus/shield generators, and color crystals) or Synthweaving (for armor that adds to Strength) would be the most directly useful. Cybertech or Biochem are useful for just about any profession. Armortech and Armscraft would not be particular useful for a Jedi.


Hope this helps!

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If you want pure profit, go Underworld trading (get metals only), Slicing (lockbox missions and sell mission items you get), and either Scavenging or Bioanalysis. You can make bank selling off mats to people that are skilling up other professions.


I wouldn't take any other production profession other than BioChem when leveling up though; you outlevel most gear you'll be able to make before you can make it.


You can always switch when you reach max level if you like; the pure profit option is good because your stuff will sell, then you turn around the cash and buy some nicer items off the auction to level up with easily.


Good luck and welcome to SWTOR! :D

Edited by Kapono
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If you're a Jedi Knight biochem is also a valid option. Though in the end you can really take whatever you want. I took cybertech on my JK it's worked fine, I just don't crit much for augments on my ears which I'm not too fussed about.
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the crafting skills. It sells mats that are used in crafting that are not found in mission skills or gathering.



Not true.


Some missions give you crafting mats sold at vendor and it's actually MUCH CHEAPER to get from missions than buying from vendor at higher level.


You really should NOT be buying mats from vendor except when...

1) you didn't pick the mission skill related to it

2) getting low level mats

3) you absolutely need the mats RIGHT NOW and can't wait for your companion to come back from the mission

Edited by MilkPudding
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