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Marauders = weaksauce


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I love how all these people bragging about their marauders being awesome post screen shots of their warzone accomplishments. Oh my, you had a couple of awesome rounds! How bout you post your spec and gear? Instead of trolling everyone on how great you are, actually post something that helps other marauders play their class better.


Thank you to the few that have posted something constructive and helpful such as tactics, where to put skill points and such. All the trollers, just stop posting unless you have something helpful to say.

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The image above is how my Marauder feels.


Maybe it's my gear level or experience level but when compared to my Mercenary, my Marauder is just bad. It takes so little to kill it and it has such a hard time killing anything else. One way to get within range of players, no hard stun, one slow, low damage output and low damage resistance.


It's the only class in the game that no one calls OP.


Are you 50 with some PvP gear? I doubt it......dude Maras are the class I fear most - they hit like a mac truck and have so many stuns/slows/interups it is nuts - plus most of them leave tons of DOTs on you as well

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I agree that marauders are great for pvp and group pve, but for solo pve they could use a buff. Many of their stuns and snares don't work on stronger opponents, ie silvers and golds.


Smash only stuns weaker npc's, and ravage, which is supposed to be uninterruptible is commonly interrupted by lower ranking npc's. Bosses and such, fine let it get interrupted but control effects need to work on those lower npc's.

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Are you 50 with some PvP gear? I doubt it......dude Maras are the class I fear most - they hit like a mac truck and have so many stuns/slows/interups it is nuts - plus most of them leave tons of DOTs on you as well


What stun do you talk about? The force Charge 2sec stun (unless rage spec can be 3) which is up by the time animations are finished? Maybe the 3sec Force Choke Channel? As for disrupt its on an 8sec CD. I will give it to you though, we do have a ton of slows if anni

Edited by SandorClegane
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force choke works and crush but outside of those the others don't have an effect on silvers. Now in a 1v1 scenario thats fine, but in a situation where youre against 2 or 3 you need those other snares to help control the dps from the other targets.


the aoe's dont cooldown fast enough to keep doing damage on everyone, you have to focus on 1 target, at least intermittently to start taking dps out of the engagement. Those few seconds you could tie up the other baddies would make a world of difference.

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I play a sith jugg and I hardly, if ever, lose a 1 on 1 with a sentinel or a mara. I am specced 8 in immortal and the rest in vengeance now, but even fully immortal like i had been through most my play time since early access with that char i almost never lost against a mara.

Personally, i think they should be buffed a bit more, unless juggs are just a class they do poorly against overall.

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Actually I've noticed Marauders are very powerful in Huttball. They've good skills for actually scoring (charge, speed buff). Their DPS is certainly pretty good. They're tough enough that they're unlikely to die while being healed. They have two skills that practically ensure they won't die while being healed (Force Camo + Undying Rage). Now you say just kill the healer first? But in Huttball their healer is hiding somewhere in a ramp above you that you can't reach as melee, so you're forced to fight the Marauder.


But if you're not in Huttball, Marauders aren't anything special. Ignoring them and focusing on the healer first also greatly diminishes the power of Undying Rage/Cloak of Pain. It's only in Huttball where healers can easily hide from melee you get this combination of the unstoppable Marauder. Yes you could actually replace them with say, an Assassin, but Assassins can't charge, so you might as well pick someone who could be better at running the ball if need be.

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Here's a more pro tip... If you are fighting a ranged class you already lost.


Here's an even more pro tip... How's that heal exploit working for you on a class that isn't a healer?


2 free medals for clicking an item once. It's not even an exploit because it's legitimately a better way to heal when you're out of combat. Why would I sit there and keep fiddling with my out of combat health regeneration when a DOT is on me and an enemy is closing in, when I have only a small window to heal up before the next fight? Of course I'm going to use it.


Regardless, most of the heals are from Annihilation. If I wanted to just exploit healing I could sit back and do it all round... but it's obvious when you get 300k+ damage, you're not wasting time sitting around exploiting healing. That's mostly from Berserk. Nub.

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Marauders are beastly. I hate them. There's one in particular that makes a beeline for me (I'm a healer) in every single WZ I've ever seen him in. If I don't get support from my team, he will take me out of the game in a matter of seconds by forcing me to heal myself....and then he will melt me because I really can't afford to stand still and heal myself when he's on me. Granted....I don't have particularly good PvP gear, but still.....It's horrible. It wouldn't be so bad if he weren't so tenacious. Why can't he just forget about me after I stun and run like every other scrub DPS? :mad:


You might need gear. You might need more practice. I dunno. When they are geared up and played well, they are a healer's nightmare. Actually, I can't imagine how any class could ever go toe-to-toe with one.


a good guardian/jugg will **** a sent/mara, or thats just me beating my servers top ones 1 on 1

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Not to be a jerk, just hoping you get the point...






If you're looking down, then you are WRONG!!




Attack attack attack...get fast with interrupts...continue to attack.


Sorry for me it's not happening with a standard Keyboard.. I'm looking into purchasing a gamepad that should help, but I just don't have the dexterity/flexibility in my hands anymore to button jam..


I still do ok, and hold my own most the time, so I'm not complaining. Learning to overcome physical limitations 101.

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From my personal experience Marauders basically need gear above all (because otherwise they hit you as hard as a dead fish might) and a certain amount of skill (which anyone does really)


I have a Marauder myself that I played to 50, pvp'ed a bit, made rash decisions and rerolled (partly due to the fact that Melee Classes just get ****ed over so much in this game (esp. PvE wise) that it isn't funny anymore)


But if a full t2/t3 Marauder is coming at me I have to outsmart him in order to have any chance of survival - speaking as a Sorcerer...


If he has gear and brains it's pretty much over already unless I get lucky crits and even then it's a close call...


Rage specced Marauders do such a sh** ton of dmg in an amazingly short time span that anyone will be hard pressed to outlast them especially since they have so many defensive cooldowns...Annihilation specced Marauders on the other hand are a casters nightmare since they can pretty much interrupt everything you want to throw at them while dealing brutal damage.


Luckily though, most Marauders have the brains of a lump of lard and play accordingly but then again that applies to any class out there. However, with Marauder having a slightly higher skillcap than spamming tracer missiles, force lightning, ambush, maul or backstab, there is an unusually high amount of noobishness running around with two lightsabers.


So my advice to all the Marauders out there:


Learn your class, gear up and especially (and I can't stress this enough) learn the other classes' weaknesses and go wreak havoc on everyone and anyone.



Edited by E_c_c_e
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Pretty much. Rather than hitting 3 or 4 buttons they have to hit 7 or 8....so damn hard. I haz to move a finger more than u I haz skillz!


I dunno. I reguarly use about 20 skills through the course of a WZ. It's not rocket science, but it's the hardest class.

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Why do people think marauder is difficult?


Sent/Mara really isnt difficult, I would imagine it could seem overwhelming at first for people used to much more simple classes and games. Also Sent/Mara dont consider themselves more skillfull over the amount of buttons they need to press in order to be combat effective(Not that you said that, but it was said latter in the thread).


That being said, late and endgame pays off quite nicely for the Sent/Mara, if you've learned to use the class to its full extent the rewards are very good. The learning curve may be higher than alot of other ACs, but the Class's potential more than makes up for it. A well played Sent/Mara is a force to fear.

Edited by Thundartwothree
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I love how all these people bragging about their marauders being awesome post screen shots of their warzone accomplishments. Oh my, you had a couple of awesome rounds! How bout you post your spec and gear? Instead of trolling everyone on how great you are, actually post something that helps other marauders play their class better.


Thank you to the few that have posted something constructive and helpful such as tactics, where to put skill points and such. All the trollers, just stop posting unless you have something helpful to say.


The problem is, with marauder it isn't about the spec. Put at least 35 into Watchman, 3 into dual weild mastery and the rest doesnt matter much. It is not a case where there is debate about what spec to go. It's obvious. You go watchman and you go watchman hard.


The issue with being a good marauder is the CDs. I have been a marauder playing full time since August. I have played the class before zen, defensive cooldowns, and obviously after. I also got to about level 40 with a Mercenary. I thought I was good at the game, then I rolled a marauder and that changed my attitude. I'm competent at marauder now, but I feel a big plus in my favor is I didn't develop bad habits via WoW addicton.


It's not rocket science, but you're high to say other classes are harder. Melee is going to be the harder classes, and of the melee school marauder is the hardest. You are fairly squishy, yes we have CDs but if you aren't paying attention you will get melted quickly. It's a reactionary class, you don't go in with a "set" rotation. You want to minimize wasting rage/focus so you odn't pop that merciless strike when someone has 100 HP, you dispatch or strike if they are in range. The resource management, and lack of anything spammable other than a snare make it tough. WE have no casts, it's all CD abilities. WE have to use our full arsenal, and that is no joke. I don't use ripotse or blade storm much, but that's about it.


A great marauder can do massive amounts of single target damage. (Watchman), but it doesn't come easy. It's frantic, and as any good DPS you have to switch targets when neccessary. If I see a healer, Im on him, that's our job, if no healer Im on a glass cannon, or anything that's about to die. A good marauder is attacking you because he sees you as a threat to the team that needs to be killed ASAP, it's almost a compliment. If we have a hard time killing a healer, we are at least locking them down and the team suffers. It should be obvious that we are a caster/healer nightmare. This is why Tracer spammers and the like are going to get their faced kicked in.


Marauder/Sentinels are, however, controlled very well by snipers/gunslingers. Their root/snares and inability to be interrupted and charged in cover screws us. If we don't have force stasis/choke up we can't get them out, it's a DPS fest that isn't worth the effort I just try and get them out of LOS.


Certain Shadow builds with skilled players are also tough to beat. As well as Jugg/Guardians. If you can withstand our onslaught, and live through our defensive cooldowns we are very fragile. However, if you rely on casting for DPS I won't even use my defensive cooldowns. I will just use Force Kick, Stasis and force jump to control you via interrupts.


Being a good marauder is more about the type of gamer you are, than your ability. Reactionary, twitchy ADHD types will probably do well. Just like any other class. Mercs can spam tracer missile but they also have other abilities that do massive damage like Rail Shot. They also have abilities that deal elemental damage, which penetrates nearly all your armor.


It's laughable to think that we run from ranged classes. Only a naive player to the game would think that. Sorc/Sages mercs/commandos ops that don't shiv constantly, are pretty much facerolls. The only reason a sent/marauder couldn't kill any of the above is because they are bad. Smart Sage/Sorcs run when a marauder is on them, if they realize he is good. Ranged have to sit still for a lot of their abilities to pop off. Being able to move and do your main dps abilities is a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR thing that is underestimated. It is what balances ranged/melee. I can run around and swing all day long, but a BH has to sit there to do tracer missile.

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More people need to post their specs.




Here is mine. I have found this to be the most effective DMG output vs Survivability.


The 3 Points in Narrowed Hatred are very flexible. I may actually move those into Quick Recovery and Gravity or Unbreakable Rage after I exceed 103% ACC, To speed up my bigger dmg and the extra point really doesnt matter.


My build is focused on BIG hits. And it is very convenient that those big hits are AOE. My initial rotation typically puts players >40% health with in 5 seconds. Thats a pretty brutal burst.


And due to my build I focus on stacking Power, Surge, and Accuracy since my Smash is always a 100% crit and my Vicious Slash has a 15% base crit. PVP gear tends to have a good amount of Crit on it anyway and we get a ridiculous boost to crit from STR.


No matter what ALWAYS stack STR first, as much as possible. The bonus to Dmg and Crit is significant. So any AUGMENT slots need to be straight STR. Do not waste time with Crit, Surge, Power, or Accuracy in those slots.

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- Use your rage wisely. This is where the most have trouble IMO, most peeps pop on their target and just empty their DPS bag as quickly as possible where in actual fact, most of the time you're better off starting the fight slowly by spamming assault to build rage and go for the seriously strong Burst once the target reaches 50%-60% hp.


Your rage builder can get people to 50%???

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The image above is how my Marauder feels.


Maybe it's my gear level or experience level but when compared to my Mercenary, my Marauder is just bad. It takes so little to kill it and it has such a hard time killing anything else. One way to get within range of players, no hard stun, one slow, low damage output and low damage resistance.


It's the only class in the game that no one calls OP.


Easily the most powerful class in the game before the patch where they gave you a damage increase. Learning curve is larger but they straight destroy any class in the game with laughable ease if your team doesnt focus them.

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