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watchman respec


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I just wanted to mention that after the last patch, I had alot of trouble in warzones with DPS, so I asked one of my guildie tanks to try some things out on during a duel. Sure enough, my dps was down from what I would usually do. So I decided to respec, and just change a few things, in the end I moved two points around, and went and smacked my guildie around again. I noticed that the dots/dps had gone up quite a bit. The funny thing about this is I only moved two points, and they were from one defensive skill to another. I found this odd.....so I went back to my original build, the dps remained steady so I kept it.


I am not trying to ***** or complain, just mentioning something that I thought might help someone that is frustrated and thinks they might have been nerfed in the last patch.


I think it resest something, and I am quite happy with the recent changed in the class now.

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I reset my skill tree too just out of paranoia and i noticed more surviability in pvp i didnt change my gear or level or do anything different...i cant say i did more dps or anything like that but it did appear that my reset helped my character function smoother IE crit procs and abilities ect. could just be my perspective though.
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