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31/2/8 PvP


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I'm looking for some feedback on fine tuning a variation to the cookie cutter 31/0/10.




I'm not too excited by the second tier skills in madness except for Chain Shock, so, I'm putting my last 2 points into Dark Embrace for some extra force.


My question is how valuable is Charge Mastery now that I wont be stance dancing? Is the 9% Internal and Elemental resistance worth it or should I put a couple points into Lightning Recovery?

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There's really no way to predict what kind of spec you'll be going up against. There are relatively few specs that do significant damage via internal/elemental, but the ones that do also hurt you a lot. An Arsenal Merc will pretty much never do elemental/internal damage, but a Pyrotech Merc can do a lot of elemental damage. To make an assessment here you'd have to know what are the likely specs of your server, or at least the specs of the good players you'd be expected to face.
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Dropped Wither/HD for DF/Claws of Decay/Haunted Dreams. Last point can be put into Dark Embrace or whatever you want.


The reason for not taking Wither/HD is because another instant stun, targeted AOE (internal), and +50% crit damage on thrash is more versatile.


Going full Darkness 31 is definitely less bursty, but with this build I'm running it gives you the survivability as well as a small amount of burst.


The main skills you'd use would be Thrash, Shock, and DF with DPS gear and a shield.

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Not sure how those running madness are getting 600-700K DPS...heh


I have similar build to Kuogi. Good utility.


Death field and tab discharging, pretty much useless in any wz, they are topping damage but their single damage is very low and can be easily healed; that's why a lot of people say that damage means nothing.

Personally I went to a 31/0/10 spec, the change to HD and wither made my damage go up quite a lot

Edited by ombraa
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