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Upcoming Patch Tomorrow, February 9th, 2012


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Ok you can provide constructive critism. I apologise for being rude. I now understand where you are coming from, you are at a point in the game that requires you to play on Ilum and for this I understand it is aggravating you as there is content you cannot get. But please also understand where alot of other players are coming from. you said in your previous post [thousands of people have had their play ruined], but wouldnt it ruin, yes even for 4 hours thousands more? not to say you are selfish and only thinking of a small percentage of people playing the game, but aren't you selfish for thinking of a small percentage of people playing the game? yes it is only for four hours and yes I can do other things much like everyone else, but with their constant interruptions. 4hrs here 4hrs there 8hrs here 8hrs there. it all adds up. I do have other games I can play, but this is not about that. this is about reducing downtime by consolidating issues and rolling them out. today it could be Ilum, tomorrow it could be Hoth who knows who cares. downtime is all that remains and downtime is all that people remember. keep the masses happy, reduce the downtime and prioritise issues.


Once again, I thank you for your opinion.


Well, damnit, you just pissed all over my incivility earlier. Nah, I'm in the same boat you are, I can't play on illum either, but I don't feel a pressing need to play this game or any other 24/7 (hell it's hard for me to stay on this one more than an hour a day) so I guess maintence/downtime doesn't really effect me as much as it does you. What server you on? Let's roll some nubs together and lay some waste to a starter planet before it goes down. Whatcha say?

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in closing; if you are going to bring down a server for 1 patch that can wait. do it on the sched maintenance days. if it is urgent, do not bring down "all" servers for 4hrs, im sure an urgent patch requires urgent attention, but you could micro manage the servers a bit better and apply them 1 by 1. and if you are applying patches and you want to inform us, please do so with as much detail as possible, it is sometimes very difficult to trudge through countless forums to find a list of the upcomming bug fixes.




1) I do not believe there is any SLA terminology in the actual TOS for server maintenance. While I certainly understand and empathize with your frustration and disagreement with the focus of this limited scope patch-to-a-patch and it's execrable timing, no doubt some pithy wag will politely inform you of this, point you to a thread where others are stating the same thing and being happily ignored, and close your thread. In light of that my main constructive suggestion is to address the issue vial email, social media and to bring it to the attention of gaming news sites, that can apply a force multiplier to customer displeasure.


I am not saying you should not or cannot post it here...only that I personally feel it will be ignored like much else on these forums.


2) The direction of the patch is meant to pacify people like me who are unhappy with certain PVP issues that have promised to be resolved and have not been. I can agree that for a large portion of the playerbase, this is either a non-issue or a minor issue, but unfortunately the majority of the issues we have at this stage fall into that catagory. FPS lags affect some (but not all), UI flashing irritates some (but not all), microfreezes affected some (but not all). I can only assume that BW is having some sort of fantasy where having to patch patches shows they are being reactive, but to me it implies they are either breaking things with each patch (not very competent) or , worse, have portions of the code that are black boxed and not understood and that patches are interacting with this in a bizarre manner.


I said all that to suggest that something technically complicated, like attempting to piece meal the patch process, might actually make things worse, or introduce differeing "sub bugs" into each group of servers upgraded. If I couldn't even figure out how to fix a counter, I would also hesitate to piecemeal out the process.


Clearly, what is needed is a better understanding of


a) how many are adversely affected by the issue , and why , given the recent post on triage and patch importance, do they seem to be making fixes that only affect a relatively small portion of the player base and


b) why are we having to issue emergency fixes so often now


EU , West Coast, off-primetime and Oceanic players are being disrupted by this activity, certainly it wouldn't kill someone to at least explain WHY.

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Well, damnit, you just pissed all over my incivility earlier. Nah, I'm in the same boat you are, I can't play on illum either, but I don't feel a pressing need to play this game or any other 24/7 (hell it's hard for me to stay on this one more than an hour a day) so I guess maintence/downtime doesn't really effect me as much as it does you. What server you on? Let's roll some nubs together and lay some waste to a starter planet before it goes down. Whatcha say?


In the spirit of alls fair in love and war. I will create a toon on .... [The Maw]

lets kill some time and enjoy life. then it's off to Terraria. :D

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Sorry but to have Ilum pvp broken for an entire week is not an option, especially with the weekend coming up. Hotfixes come up quickly with not too much warning.





73 pages of fun^


I couldn't image if bioware waited an entire week to address the issue.

Edited by Powerhowse
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Sorry but Ilum pvp has been broken since launch and this patch is not going to fix that, its just going to fix 1 part of the broken. Again not a priority.


What is broken? Besides the valor and credit caused by this last patch?


The word broken gets thrown around way too much now a days.

Edited by Powerhowse
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I applaud your post, you are a very smart fellow. I understand that because I am in Australia my laws are very different to that of the U.S.


We have the ACCC - this stands for Australian Competition & Consumer Commision

this umbrella if you will protects customers (consumers) from various things.

1 could say that if a company did not uphold to their agreement (written or verbal), 1 could get compensation. obviously I am being extremely general and I am not giving details for obvious reasons (I have no examples).


What I am saying is I agree and disagree with their methods of delivering the patching structure and I understand they will probably never ever ever ever read this post.


I feel better knowing more people feel the same (even though I had a fair idea most would), I just wanted some insight into the people that this bug was affecting and how they could justify bringing down the server, time and time again. especially when they are complaining about the downtime also. catch 22.


I must admit, I feel better about writing as I am a fairly anti-social person and to put my thoughts out there for others to listen to helps me feel loved.


Thank You all.


P.S. if you don't like my posts, I still love you for reading them.

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In the spirit of alls fair in love and war. I will create a toon on .... [The Maw]

lets kill some time and enjoy life. then it's off to Terraria. :D


OK, i rolled repub. my toons name is weirdbeard, i'm on tython. BTW also, they've only gone over the time they've said it would take once and all the other downtimes have come under the estimated time, if that helps.

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Alot of people who are 50 play for PVP, and getting those kill credits for weekly/daily are some of what they PAY each month to do same as you, And it was ruined by Biowares patch, So Bioware is fixing a mistake they made.


Servers are going down for up to 4 hours, Get used to it. SWTOR is not the first mmo to put in hotfixes outside regular scheduled patch days

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OK, i rolled repub. my toons name is weirdbeard, i'm on tython. BTW also, they've only gone over the time they've said it would take once and all the other downtimes have come under the estimated time, if that helps.


Still at work for 1hr, I will be on then. You are correct, they have a template that states 4hrs and they don't change it. this ensures if they finish early, people are happier than if they stated 1hr and took 4hrs.

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What I am saying is I agree and disagree with their methods of delivering the patching structure and I understand they will probably never ever ever ever read this post.


Couple of points:


First, I agree. Bioware has decided, for whatever reasons, that the patching methods they are using is what is best. I'm not sure why they made this choice, and their current decisions fly directly in the face of the blog post they made a few days ago about how they prioritize patches, so I doubt they are going to be further ... ah, forthcoming about their reasoning.


The ACCC I am familiar with , as my cousin was a junior VP with the retailer Woolworth's some time back when they tangled with them. The primary problem I have is that they are far too dependent on litigation and restriction of access to markets. They have good records when it comes to dealing with anti-trust issues or illegal pricing deals, but a more ... ahem, should I say , timid record when it comes to dealing with software issues.


Their only real recourse is to argue from Parts four and five of the TPA, about unconscionability and consumer practices. The former can be applied to binding arbitration if and only if said arbitration has already transpired and legal findings indicate the neutral arbitrator is not acting in a neutral manner.


Long story short, until and unless someone threatens legal action over this debacle or can illustrate how Bioware isn't making any actions to address the issue, I'm not sure the ACCC or the European trade commissions CAN do anything.


Pity, really.

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They analysed this bug. Now they can fix it. They fix it.

Thats what BW is ought to do.


The OP cleary does not understand how this works.

So what if they would do it on maintenance day?

Then the Maintenance would last 8 hours instead of 4.


There is just no reason to complain.


This is an MMO and it just launched.


If you only want one patch per week, go play an MMO that has been out for several years.

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I agree with the OP. He is correct.


This game has a player base that spans a number of time zones. It doesn't matter whether the downtime is inconvenient for your time zone or your work schedule. It is still downtime.


In my case, the downtime falls into my prime playing time, because of my work schedule. I can easily work around a once-a-week downtime schedule, but when they start bouncing the servers several times a week, during my personal prime playing time, then I start getting really annoyed too.


I'm sure many people who are affected by this feel the same way.


And yes, I like the game, which is why it annoys me when they keep taking the servers down. If I didn't like the game, I wouldn't give a damn.


And just because they CAN take the game offline anytime they want, doesn't mean they SHOULD. That's really noobie behavior for a publisher. Better planning on their part would mean less inconvenience on the paying player's part. They are a business, after all.


That's not an unreasonable request in the least. To even have to mention it should be embarrassing for Bioware as it is.

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Couple of points:


First, I agree. Bioware has decided, for whatever reasons, that the patching methods they are using is what is best. I'm not sure why they made this choice, and their current decisions fly directly in the face of the blog post they made a few days ago about how they prioritize patches, so I doubt they are going to be further ... ah, forthcoming about their reasoning.


The ACCC I am familiar with , as my cousin was a junior VP with the retailer Woolworth's some time back when they tangled with them. The primary problem I have is that they are far too dependent on litigation and restriction of access to markets. They have good records when it comes to dealing with anti-trust issues or illegal pricing deals, but a more ... ahem, should I say , timid record when it comes to dealing with software issues.


Their only real recourse is to argue from Parts four and five of the TPA, about unconscionability and consumer practices. The former can be applied to binding arbitration if and only if said arbitration has already transpired and legal findings indicate the neutral arbitrator is not acting in a neutral manner.


Long story short, until and unless someone threatens legal action over this debacle or can illustrate how Bioware isn't making any actions to address the issue, I'm not sure the ACCC or the European trade commissions CAN do anything.


Pity, really.


You truly are a smart man. I must admit, I am not that familiar with the laws, but what you say sounds too good to not agree.


The OP cleary does not understand how this works.


you sure are just rude and on this occasion, you do not deserve my attention other than letting you know this. Thank You and good day.

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My primary play time is between Midnight and 6AM CST.


Consistently these emergency or unscheduled maintenance patches have completely ruined my play time.


It's been understandable to know that I can't play one of these evenings throughout the week. However, when you come home extra tired, decide to take a nap to make sure you're fully awake for a great night of gaming, wake from your nap, down an energy drink, and log into SW:TOR to find out that over 2/3rds of your play time are now gone due to an unscheduled patch...


Well, it doesn't make me want to say nice things about the server administrators, that's for sure.

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LogicalPremise inspires me. I found this http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC/


the basics of what we all need to know - hahaha. very vague.


13. Software, Utilities and Tools

15. Updates to EA Services


ok.. now that I have found this, it puts a damper on my day. Just because it is written does not make it fair. we have advanced since the days of the ten commandments, cannot we advance in the 21st century?


Ten Commandments

#6 Though Shall Not Kill


21st Century

#6 Though Shall Not Kill - Unless it's a computer game. :D


WOW! this post is disjointed, have fun understanding what I mean.

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OMG this is hilarious. <3 Savarous



Bioware Employee: Welcome everyone! Welcome to the Bioware theme park! Enjoy your stay at the most fun place in the galaxy!


Visitor 1: Wow, this is great!


Visitor 2: Meh, I've been to better places.


Visitor 3: This is fun. A little rough, but I can handle it.


Bioware Employee: I assure everyone that Bioware is doing all that it can to quickly iron any possible problems and shortcomings. We all very much care for your concerns!


Visitor 2: One of your rides is broken.


Visitor 1: Oh what? That sucks!


Visitor 3: Shoot. Well, I guess I'll go on another ride. That one looks fun--


Bioware Employee: What?? It's broken! Quick! Everyone has to evacuate the park immediately! Code red!


Visitor 1: What? For how long?


Bioware Employee: Oh not that long, well, maybe about about a quarter of the work day.


Visitor 2: Ehh, that's fine. I'll go do something else.


Visitor 1: Aww! Didn't this park close down yesterday?


Visitor 3: Yeah, but that was when it's usually closed down for maintenance, right? Why does it need to be shut down again?


Bioware Employee: Because!! This one ride is broken! Everyone out! We care about all of your concerns!


Visitor 3: But only a few people care about this ride. We'll go on other rides.


Visitor 2: Well, I care about this ride. No, I'd rather have them fix this now. The sooner the better. If you're upset, then you're a crybaby.


Visitor 1: But I thought I could spend the whole day at the park today!


Visitor 3: It's natural to be upset at such a short notice, but I understand if they need to fix something. Still, there's a LOT of people at this park--and a lot of them don't even know or care about this one ride. Can't you put it on the fix-it list for next Tuesday?


Bioware Employee: NO! We have an official schedule to fix things on a certain day! And yes, that was yesterday, but still! You can enjoy this park's two-hundred rides tomorrow, after we shut it down and fix this one ride! We must fix park breaking problems as they arise!!


Visitor 3: It's just one ride. The park as whole is still operating pretty well--


Bioware Employee: SILENCE! We reserve the right to shut down everything on any other day we want!!


Visitor 1: But you just closed it down yesterday! This sucks! You suck!


Visitor 2: You're such a wuss, Visitor 1. Stop crying and get over it.


Bioware Employee: Thank you visitor 2. Your concerns are very important to us!


Visitor 3: Wait, hasn't this happened before?


Visitor 1: Yeah! You guys shut down this place multiple days in a row!


Bioware Employee: [Dialing] Hello, la Bioware parc à thème? Yes, that's right. That one ride--mm hmm. Shut it down, correct. Kick everyone out. Yes, we're doing it too. Mm hmm, all at the same time. Merci!


Visitor 1: Man! What a load of bull!


Visitor 2: Pfft, get a life you two.


Visitor 3: Well, I guess we'll try again tomorrow...


Bioware Employee: (Yes.... I can feel their hatred... It gives them FOCUS... Makes them STRONGAH...!)

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I dont mind a down time for something worthy, but pointless silly little things like this ? meh. When there are so many more (imo) more important bugs, glitches, hacks and exploits that actually ruin the game that get left alone for so long ? meh


Fair enough if its at 2am for you guys in the US, but 4pm here in Perth, Australia.. so a night gone to fix a problem that never I never even noticed on Ilum ??


What a joke.. Like the last emergency patch to fix some problem that a FEW people were having logging in SOMETIMES, I never had this problem, but because they screwed something they had to extend the downtime so long that I lost an entire day of play time for another little problem that I never even saw myself.


Add to the fact that end game PVP and content is a joke, Im really wondering why I'm paying to play this when I get shafted so often.

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If most servers are like the one I'm on there is little to no actual pvp happening on ilum to update the daily or weekly anyways. Once in a while the republic will form a small group and hit a solo person here or there in the center area while collecting armaments. As other imps make their rounds doing the same they come over drive them off, a few minutes later republic comes back with a few more people, op starts forming on imp side, republic crushed and that is about all.


So unless this fix is going in so kill trading can resume then I see no point in not waiting until regular maintenance.


There is soo many more things that are more broken and more important to more people that should be fixed.

Edited by Ojaix
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I understand that the game is new and needs constant patching, but for me the every other day of downtime is too much. For most of you this does not effect your play time but I work 2 jobs and have a girlfriend so the only time that I can really play is around Midnight and 4 am... which is when the servers go down. Yes I realize that it is my schedule and I have to deal with it but since I pay $15 a month for this game and 5 out of the 10 times I go to play it, its down it has become a problem.


The only logical thing that I can do (and that will affect BioWare) is to take a break for a month (at least) and save my money.

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