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List Faction % on server list


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As state in topic it would be extremely helpful if you could find a way to add faction % to server listing so players can get the most out of their play time.



Canderous Ordo Very Heavy PvE East 34% Empire 66% Republic


The Crucible Pits Heavy PVP West 53% Empire 47% Republic


And so on.


Please you read this and think its a good idea please keep bumped.

Thank you

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Wouldn't this cause more imbalance? As in an idiot looks for new server and thinks "I'm going Empire, so lets find a nice Empire dominant server so I can win at world PvP". You could find all the Republics flock to a smaller set of servers and the others become even more biased. It'd be lovely if people thought the other way, but that's not how it works I don't think.
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Wouldn't this cause more imbalance? As in an idiot looks for new server and thinks "I'm going Empire, so lets find a nice Empire dominant server so I can win at world PvP". You could find all the Republics flock to a smaller set of servers and the others become even more biased. It'd be lovely if people thought the other way, but that's not how it works I don't think.


Yes it could work that way very easily but what else is there to do? Server merges will not do anything to help the imbalance if the difference between the two factions are the same on t he serves merged are the same.


If the servers are at least tagged with faction percentages it at least gives a republic player a chance to roll or reroll on a server more even rather then have them quit the game out of frustration because they always seem to hit a low pop republic server which seems to be happening.


Until they are able to implement cross server warzones/instances this is the only solution I can think of and one that shouldn't be too hard to implement.


The only other option they might try is to force it ... place a faction cap of say 60% which might interfere with guild transfers and separate friends

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