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Help me earn more medals!


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Hey everyone, I just started my marauder and absolutely love it so far (level 25). I'm probably going to turn it into my main. I've been leveling as annihilation and feel very powerful. Even without all the nifty toys and cooldowns I seem to hold my own pretty well in warzones.


My main "issue" is that I just don't seem to be able to get very many medals. As my powertech, I would average around 8-10 without even putting forth that much effort. On my marauder, I feel like I'm working my butt off and ending up with 5 or 6, maybe 7 or 8 on a very good round. I get most of the damage/killing ones, and usually a few defense ones, but that's about it. Are there some medals that I'm not thinking of that I should be going for? I've seen some people reference getting some of the healing medals through the bleed heals I assume, but being a lower level, my crit and surge are pretty woeful.


Any help?


(Also, I keep reading/hearing from others on my server that marauders are very hard to level. I've had no problems, especially after getting my healer companion. My killing speed is so fast that mobs are dead before they have time to hurt me much. Does this change as I get higher and make it more difficult or what?)

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I got 10 once. I was having a really good day. (that included a lucky, one-time-only 5k+ crit with annihilate.)


No annihilate at level 25...


The only way to get the 2.5k damage in one hit is either Scream while in Carnage, or Smash while in Rage, I think. Doubt you can do it at that level using any other ability.

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Ok I got the water but it didnt heal that much and I only got one 2.5k heal medal?


the water should heal for 6.5-9k every time


it doesnt count overhealing so if your HP is 9k/12k you wont get the 5k heal medal


be really low on HP when you use it and youll get both the 2.5 and 5k heal medals


and as stated before, if you strictly want medals ... go rage for big smashes, youll get the 5k single hit medal every time, and the only one you are potentially sacrificing by leaving annihilation spec is the 75k heal medal, which isnt a guarantee anyway

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