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Order of precedence of guard, protect, expertise, and other damage reduction?


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What is the order of precedence and what damage is effected?


-30% for taunt.

-50% for guard

-15% for expertise buff?


I assume they are additive and not cumulative.

so its not some straight up 95% damage reduction stat but something more like

first 30% is removed then 50% of that and then 15% of that.


Then personal resistance like armor and such? or is armor and resistance counted first and then protection?


I am guessing that taunt reduces the damage you can do so thats first.

then guard reduces the damage done.

then all the rest is combines in some cluster of stats coming somewhere around 0-75% of of what gets past guard and taunt.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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It doesn't matter which order percentage damage reductions are applied in. X amount of damage, reduced by 50% and then by 30%, or reduced by 30% and then 50%, is the same reduction.


As for what's affected by Guard/Taunt/Expertise - I'd assume all player damage types are. It'd be pretty silly if some types weren't affected by abilities like those.


Armour: Only Kinetic and Energy damage are reduced. But again, assuming it's one of those two types, it doesn't matter if Armour is applied to the damage first or Guard first or what.


With things that have a chance to work (like Shield, Dodge etc) it's a little different, but the above should be the way it works for what you were asking about.


Hope that helps!


Edit!: Order won't matter to the person taking the damage, but in the case of Guard it'll matter to the one guarding him. Again I haven't tested, but I'd very much assume whoever is doing the guarding takes exactly half the incoming damage to their guardee, minus any relevant damage reductions of their own.

Edited by Zeel_Aldair
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