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What class companion is your favorite? *Maybe some Spoilers*


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chasing her all the way through chapter 1 until the show down with her master - which was

a better fight than any storyfight in the JK story. then turning Jaessa aginst him and embrace

her as your own apprentice ....... epic.

the sense of accomplishment u get for turning her to the sith and then even determing

her alignment during that event makes her by far my most favored companion.

the way she is tied into the story really gives you the feel that she is meant to be trained in

the ways of the dark side by you. wheres the JK gets his padawan after some talking and

one walk-in-the-park mission. i still like kira but storywise she just holds no ground against

Jaessa. (just like everything else when it comes to JK vs SW story)



i absolutely can't stand quinn.

at first i was happy as hell to get a healer so early in comparsion to my JK but after a

while that boot-licking idiot annoyed the **** outta me.

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Jaesa, because she is open to the idea of a 3some (or at least sharing) with my SW and Vette.


Mako is a cute girl, the "angel from a bad home, hanging around with the rough crowd" type, and she looks good in the Nar Shaddaa slave girl outfit :p


Khem Val is just so damned ugly, and just fits the Sith mentality so well, but while my Sorcerer is arrogant and overweening to everyone else and tries to treat Khem as an ally, Khem seems to feel like a slave. Maybe I should slap him around a bit...


Of the 3, I think Khem is my favourite.

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Risha (Smuggler)

Kaliyo (Imperial Agent)

Vette (Sith Warrior)

Gault (Bounty Hunter)


The snarkiest and funniest companions, love having them tag along for their comments while entering a new area or in conversations. Laugh out loud funny.




Corso (Smuggler)

Jaesa (Sith Warrior)

Quinn (Sith Warrior)

Last one for Bounty Hunter, blanking on name, seemed just randomly thrown in there


First 3 were sooo boring and predictable and whiny or kiss ups. There was almost no dimension to them and they were not enjoyable to talk to. Quinn and Corso in battle had the most annoying, whiny voices - the ship droid became preferable.

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It's funny, between Khem and Qyzen, I find Khem to be pretty cool and Qyzen to be a complete tool, but I generally lean towards light side choices in my play style.


Qyzen just seems like he's trying too hard and his stupid scorekeeper religion irks me to no end. I would have much preferred a cliched wookie/life debt companion to that fool. Give me Zaalbar's great great grandson or something!


Don't tell me, that falls into Bowdaar's story somewhere, heh. Since I haven't seen much mentioned about Bowdaar one way or the other, I'm guessing he ends up being pretty middle of the road as far as story goes.

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For my bounty hunter I like Mako the most. My Inquisitor I like Ashara the best. I've just started a Sith Warrior and so far I just love Vette, although that one is still so new. my Agent I like kaylio. Victor is creepy and scorpio is something I don't want to turn my back on. Edited by SolHalcon
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Number one for me would have 2 be Mako. I've done so many Heroic quests alone or with only one partner. And the few times when i had a full team no one would heal or help each other:mad:. So all i have 2 say is THANK GOD FOR A HEALER:D...XD Plus Mako makes being a light side Bounty Hunter fun.
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One of the things I love about this game is the variety of companions. Some of them I really like, and others I dislike enough to leave them on ship maintenance duty almost always. lol. But there's always one or two companions who I find falling into my favourites category, and usually use them exclusively in-game.


So far they've turned out to be:


Sith Warrior ~ Quinn and Vette are my favourites here. My Jugg was Lightside, so these two just fit well with her mentality.


Sith Inquisitor ~ Khem Val. He was an awesome shield/tank for my Sorc healer (accidentally aggro three large groups and two elites? No problem!), and his story evolution was interesting. By the end Khem was my go-to companion for pretty much every fight.


Imperial Agent ~ Kind of undecided on this since I haven't gotten all companions yet!


Bounty Hunter ~ Mako and Torian are probably top of the list. Mako was an awesome sister-in-arms through the whole story for my Merc. But I got to say most of the companions for the BH were great -- Blizz was way too likeable, Gault was amusing, and I had a hate-relationship with Skadge.


All in all I have to say I had the most fun getting to know the BH's companions. But, so far, I'm finding myself undecided on the Republic companions. Maybe by the time I get one of them to 50 I'll have an opinion on them, lol.

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#1 Khem Val - by far the most ****** companion in the game. An ancient monster that devours people and fought side by side with one of the greatest Sith Lords to have ever existed? Yes please.


#2 Khaliyo - as love-or-hate as she is, I feel her character and story offer the most depth and unpredictability.


#3 Jaesa(DS)/Ashara - these two don't really surprise with their personalities and stories, they're exactly what you would expect most of the time, but with these two, I don't mind that at all.


As for the rest... Vette and Mako get an honorable mention.


EDIT: Silly me, forgot to spread some hate as well. The worst three: #3 Quinn (just annoying as hell, in addition to the ugly mole and sleep-inducing voice) #2 Qyzen (an ugly lizard man that raves about points. How this isn't a BH instead of JC companion is beyond me) #1 And the worst companion in existence, simply terrible in every way... Skadge! Yay!

Edited by Ryndaris
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SW - Jaesa

SI - [Not Played]

IA - [Not Played]

BH - Blizz


JK - T7-O1

JC - Toss-up between Qyzen and Nadia

Smuggler - Bowdaar

Trooper - M1-4X



Least Favourites:


SW - Quinn

SI - [Not Played]

IA - [Not Played]

BH - Torian Cadera


JK - Rusk

JC - Tharan

Smuggler - Corso

Trooper - Aric

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I just got Xalek on my inquisitor. He is supposed to be an assassin tank but after reading about how his tanking ability is a little off, I decided to dress him up as dps and we seem to be doing just fine. (I'd still like his tanking ability worked on though.)


I love his look, I love that he can use my old gear, I love the progression of acquiring him as an apprentice but most of all I love his voice. The things he says while we fight makes every encounter feel epic, like "Life ended." Just quiet and cold; he's got style.

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Might just be me, but all of my companions have grown on me (except that stupid ship droid).


Mako: Sweet, optimistic, played by an insanely hot actress.

Gault: Clever, opportunistic, all about the creds, straight-up conman like The Music Man but without the musical.

Torian: Honorable, Mandalorian, and he looks up to you as a superior hunter.

Blizz: He's a freaking Jawa, and everything he says is gold. "Blizz like Boss new game. Kaboom!"

Skadge: Only true Darkside companion, rough, tough, mean, "original gangster" type guy. Was the only thing missing from the crew to make it complete.

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All I've made so far is a mara but Jasea would have to be my favorite. Mostly because she puts out ;). Least favorite is Quinn so far such a tool :(.


Quinn can't help being a tool; he's the very incarnation of the ideal Imperial. Loyal, competent, and utterly submissive to the Sith Order; everything in his life has made him that way.

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