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Quest Log STILL Bloated. Really?


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So my quest log like many others, is bloated with old quests that I can't abandon. These are mostly LONG questlines. I have so many that I often can not have weekly quests up along with dailies from a certain planet.


The other day I got fed up and completed a few, which took over 4 hours!


I am just baffled that this hasn't been fixed yet. Why do I have to waste my time to finish low level quests that are completely useless to me now when there is a perfectly good Abandon Quest feature already built into the game?


I kept putting it off thinking, they're going to fix this next patch. And here we are.


Allow us to have more active quests or just make it so you can abandon all non-class quests already, jesus. That would be a better use of Bioware's time than making new cooldown animations that make people want to vomit.

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This annoys me a lot. It's getting to the point where I am afraid of talking to a quest giver because far too many times, I am handed a quest that I do not have time to do or it's waste of time for my level, and cannot get rid of.
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In my case I had about twelve of these suckers until the other day. For me it's a pretty big annoyance, a few steps above something like say you're browsing the market and one of your companions finishes a mission and closes the window out on you.


In my case I was pvping quite a bit while leveling and then the side quests would turn green. At that point it wasn't the best use of my time when trying to catch up to Guildies. I still didn't get into the first few 8 man ops groups because I do like to enjoy some of the well done questlines.


I still have quite a few but I think I'm out of the crippled category.

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I only have one quest I cannot abandon (I am lvl 27 at the moment). But I am very wary of this bug and finish all quests so as to not accumulate non-abandonable quests in my log.


I have a ton of heroic quests in my log that I don't do because I can almost never find anyone to do them with (I made the mistake of choosing a 'light' server). And once they turn gray I am no longer interested in them. So when I run out of room I abandon those.


I recently ran into a quest on Tatooine that will not complete until after I complete some other 'bonus' quest (sorry I cannot remember the name off the top of my head). I did the bonus quest but I can't complete it until I finish the first quest. Catch-22. I already filed a ticket for it.

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I also only have one quest in my log that is bugged like this. Luckily I play kinda slow (just reached 50 last weekend), so I read about this bug early on and didn't collect a lot of quests.


For me and my one quest it's not game breaking...but if I 10 or more quests bugged like this I'd be pretty annoyed.

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That's exactly what I'm talking about. Players who have wised up about it can avoid it but your gameplay experience is being negatively affected.


Good luck on the ticket, I've never gotten anything beyond an automated response.

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Anyone else annoyed by this?


Yes. It is very annoying. At 50 I have 15 quests i cannot abandon, all the way from Nar Sha to Corellia. I have submitted a ticket thinking this was fixed. I guess I was wrong. I even read something about quests on Tatooine being abandon-able again after tuesdays patch. I still cannot abandon my Tatooine ones either.


In the ticket I asked if they could temporarily raise the the quest limit or just remotely abandon all my quest log for me as short term solution. They would not. I got a cookie cutter response about pressing ctrl-U twice to reload my ui. I don't think they even read my ticket listing all the quests by name.


I go about my travels now, not wanting to accept quests for fear of not being able to abandon them. I cannot even have pvp quests (daily/weekly/illum) & dungeon/raid quests active at the same time.

Edited by Savesthaday
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Yeah, I submitted a bug report about it a couple of days ago, because I've been steadily hitting my mission cap for a while now. I was told to go back and complete the quests that I didn't finish the first time.


Luckily, I had fewer than five of these un-abandonable grey quests, but it did kind of perturb me. It feels like a bug, but that wasn't how it was characterized to me by customer support.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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There's nothing wrong with seeing things from the other perspective. However, I don't contradict that article.


One - The article itself states that developers may not perceive the importance of certain bugs...Well i'm here to let them know!


Two - Why don't I just rely on submitting tickets? I am doubtful that whoever sees those tickets has the ability to read.


Three - There's plenty of support out there that the new global cooldown is poop. Can the team who did that have worked to fix this issue? Alright that I don't know. Was it a valiant effort? I'm not very sure about that either :)

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How many people think Bioware should have fixed this issue instead of coming out with another global cooldown change that is making people either want to vomit or not be able to see which abilities are available?






New GCD is terrible in my opinion. No choice to go back is just plain silly. Seems like some big wig looked and went "oohhhh shiny. Let's use that method"


Not being able to abandon quests is ridiculous!


The argument of "Do all your quests before you move on" doesn't hold water for me. This is how I was playing in the first place and I was out-leveling the quests on planets before long and quests were green and grey before I finished my class quests after a few planets. While I enjoy the story of this game, I want to pay attention to my class story much more than the extras, as each extra quest will be available on any alts I create. This means that I will see them all at least once on some character eventually.


There's no need to force me to do quests that get me absolutely nothing worthwhile for the time it takes to travel in this game.


"Let's go clear out a few of these grey quests I can't abandon"

Run to ship.

Run to cockpit.


Run to door.

Run through airlock to orbital station.

Run through orbital station.

Wait for incredible load (depending on planet quite long and SSD does not help)

Run from shuttle to taxi.

Take LONG taxi point to first area.

Get on slow ***** mount (really? 10% increases? really?)

Drive miles to quest I can't abandon.

Kill 20 baddies.

Drive miles back to outpost.

Get 1000 credits and no experience since I'm 50. Yippee! not

Take taxi to next area with quest I can't abandon




You get the idea. I'm 50! I don't want to go back to these low level places for nothing other than virtual exercise!


I've got 6 of these quests just on Belsavis!

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Here's what BioWare instructed me to do;


Open a ticket in game. Put the keyword "Hedgehog" in the ticket, at the beginning. List all the quests you want them to abandon for you.





Then sit back and wait 6 months for them to do something about it.

(I added this line myself)


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