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Need Advice for Advance Protoype PVP (For people using this spec)


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So I figure I would see what all the negative talk about AP is about and play it for a day or so just to feel it out. Being Pyro extensively it obviously is a bit of a "culture" shock to me when trying to kill a target.


Due to being Pyro my BM Gear is Eliminator so I lose out on the RP Crit.


I'm finding it so far, a very frustrating class to play and burn people down in. I know was Pyro, if I want a person dead, he's dead. I am not expericiening that as AP Though.


Full Trinket/Adrenal/Fuel I seem to max out at 4.8K Immolate right now. In general Crits with the spec are nice so I like that, especially spammable 3K+ FB Crits.


However, all the damage seem incredibly super low non crit. (And this is with a lot of +Power stats in my gear too) and this is what usually causes me the most problems going up against people. Just feels like I lack any of the burst I really need to make this spec do amazing.


So for people who DO have good experience in AP what are some tips/tricks you use ? I want to give this a shot a bit more but also don't want to be playing it wrong to where I'll hate it without good reason.

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well at level 50 it does affect how much damage you'll do if you don't have the correct gear. A few things:


guarding people is good. Get your 3 protection medals to pad the scoreboard. (the 2k protected, 5k protected, and if possible 10k protected medals.)


assuming you've specced into the talents that improve it, use the high energy gas cylinder. You get a flat run speed buff and vent 8 heat every so often.


I'm just assuming you're talking about PvP here... so I'll try to help out with that spectrum of things. The general rotation for me goes something like this:


Open with retractable blade

rail shot


this opener give fairly reliable burst damage.

now: flame burst/rapid shots spam

if you've got a few points in iron fist, rocket punch is to be used liberally as well.

explosive dart can also be lined up for burst, using it from range and the timing your rail shot to hit at the same time it explodes.


AP is a good tree, and my chosen PvP tree because I find the shorter cds on grapple and quell to be invaluable. However, it will not do the same burst pyro will, even on a good day. It just won't. Also, further up in the talents tree, you'll find more skills to improve flamethrower. Since it's a channeled ability, it is sadly mostly useless in PvP.


For this reason, I suggest going a hybrid spec like Iron Fist, which can be found in the powertech forums.

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