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Enemy Nameplates


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There seems to be a need across games to overtly mark what needs to be killed in pvp which I feel is unnecessary and takes away from the combat feeling of a warzone.

If a sniper was to get into a good position it doesn't make sense to have a shield with flashing lights and a giant red nametag so people can easily find an murder them. If someone is willing to put forth the effort of sneaking around a battle group without a stealth field generator, which any smart person should try to do in a semi-realist situation, they should be rewarded not punished.

In the "hope" trailer can you imagine how much of a failure that ambush would have been if Malgus could see the 40 red name plates floating around on top of that cliff?

Does it not make more sense for the default setting should be that you can't see opponents name plates and each player can turn on if they want their own name plate to be seen in pvp?

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While we're at it we should throw in friendly fire as well to add to the realism.


Friendly fire is a convention of games in which you aim if you haven't noticed. Since there is an automatic targeting system for abilities friendly fire is rather pointless.


I realize going completely realist isn't really the goal of swtor. There are people with lightsabers and they would 1 hit almost everything. However this seems more of a systematic flaw that is commonly adopted across games with pvp that seems without any significant advantage.

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have a shorter distance draw on name plates, it would do a two fold thing, it would allow max range lurkers from standing out as much, and it would reduce draw calls, meaning that you wouldn't be trying to also display that information at such a long range, reducing over all latency.


One game I really liked the name plate system for, was DAoC. I liked that your target was just 'Elf <rank>' instead of 'SkinyBob CrazyMan, Lord stupidpants of the green glade'


I'd rather see 'Sage Battlemaster' or 'Juggernaut Exterminator' or whatever, for my enemy name tags.

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