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A hard pill to swallow for SWTOR fans


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I conclude the reason for such a wave of negative posts against this game is that it is truly how people actually feel about it. Thats all I have to say.


Thank you


I'm sure they don't like the game - and that's fine. Nobody (or me, at least) is telling them they have to like the game. Nobody is saying they can't not like the game. I think what draws a lot of the ire is from when people act like it's the worst game ever made, and if you like it, then you must be a braindead dolt. However, it's just as bad as when someone says they love the game, it's the best game ever made, and if you don't like it, then you must be a braindead dolt.


It's basically the two extremes that make everything bad. You know, like Light Side and Dark Side. Us Grays know what's up, we're cool like that.


Some of the people quitting do have good points, but just because I feel differently than them doesn't invalidate their opinion, or the fact that they might be right making those points. Same thing with some of the people who vehenemently(?) defend the game. They make good points, and I sometimes disagree with them, but it doesn't invalidate their opinion.


About the only ones I would make fun of are the ones who have no points to back up their argument, yet still defend that their opinion is a fact, and insult everyone else who disagrees.

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I know alot of people on these forums love to say that the reason these forums are so negative is because the only people who are upset tend to come to the forums. Well in my experience not so.


I know right now personaly about 15 people who are not happy with this game at all. 5 of them have already unsubbed and no longer play and the other 10 or so are planning on quitting very soon.


The funny thing about it is the fact that not one of those 15 people I know ever 1 time posted on these boards. Not even 1 of them has. They never use the boards and post on them.


The idea that the only reason the forums are negative is because only negative people are drawn to them is not true.


Positive and negative people are drawn to the forums equally. Some people like to post others could care less to ever even log on them at all.


I conclude the reason for such a wave of negative posts against this game is that it is truly how people actually feel about it. Thats all I have to say.


Thank you


You will never win a prize for math or statistics.


It's a simple fact that most people who enjoy a game don't or rarely come to the actual forums. You know 15 people who are leaving this game. Well, on a total of 2 million copies sold I don't see this as any indication. But numbers aside, it really doesn't matter.


What are you trying to achieve here anyway? Do you need to convince more people of your opinion, simply to validate your own? If you don't like it, that's a shame but it's all fair. You decide what you like. And so do I. You don't like it, I do.


I am sure a fair number of people will quit this game, as with any game. Not everybody likes the same stuff. That's the only reality here. Besides, for all we know, you are making this whole thing up anyway. So thank you for this thread, but really, you shouldn't have.

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I think the harder pill to swallow in today's society is that people as a whole have a hard time accepting that other people might have varying opinions than themselves (or themselves and "all the people they know").
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Just a quick question. Can OP direct me to a game forum for a large online MMO where the majority of posts are positive?


Is that a hard pill to swallow?


Your gamer culture has gone to ****, with forums having no relation to the game whatsoever. People treat forums as a separate entity, almost a game in itself, where trolling is an art form and flamers rule supreme. That is why forums are so negative, deal with it.

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Oh come on lol - YOU are the most negative person here. Since you supposedly cancelled on January 16th.


If your guild tells you they're quitting, it's most likely just to get rid of you and your negative attitude. They're probably more sick of it than I am and told you that so that you'll leave.


Negative? They are the ones that made me as upset as I am. Actually I have been the one trying to make them stay and give it another try. Nice try though.

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Junk statistics and junk science will be the death of us all. Anecdotal evidence? Sample size of 15? 15 of my friends don't like Coke, therefore it's a failed product? 100% of people that drink Coke will die one day, therefore Coke kills everyone that drinks it?


Is the scientific method still taught in school?


I know the psychological reasons people think like this, but wow. Makes me sad.

Edited by gwit
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This guy posted this on 12 -27 - 2011


7 days after launch


I won't be re subbing.


Disappointed in so many areas I am not gonna waste my time listing them all.





Yet 2 months later he is still here telling us how much he hates the game.

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Im really negative on these boards, and i want this game to do well, i dont want to go back to wow or rift, i want to play swtor. But it feels like warhammer all over again, slow reacting devs who make horrible decisions.


And yes alot of people are leaving this game. my guild is down quite a few players just in the last two weeks. maybe the slap in the face bioware will get the 20th will wake them up and get them in gear.

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I know alot of people on these forums love to say that the reason these forums are so negative is because the only people who are upset tend to come to the forums. Well in my experience not so.


I know right now personaly about 15 people who are not happy with this game at all. 5 of them have already unsubbed and no longer play and the other 10 or so are planning on quitting very soon.


The funny thing about it is the fact that not one of those 15 people I know ever 1 time posted on these boards. Not even 1 of them has. They never use the boards and post on them.


The idea that the only reason the forums are negative is because only negative people are drawn to them is not true.


Positive and negative people are drawn to the forums equally. Some people like to post others could care less to ever even log on them at all.


I conclude the reason for such a wave of negative posts against this game is that it is truly how people actually feel about it. Thats all I have to say.


Thank you



At the end of the day, it's only pixels on a screen, and I'm really happy that you have spent 5 minutes today concluding your assumptions. Oh, and it's funny how people like you keep on playing the game. Funny that.

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All I really care about is that:


Im happy with the game, it could use some improvement.


My kids love playing this game.


I have friends that play, and love it.




If you and your 15 friends are unhappy , please unsub, delete from hard drive and move on.


its that simple.


I agree with this.

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Introverts and extroverts!


Do a search. It will explain alot for you.


Players that are voiced(extroverted) tend to critique and want to "fix" things. Or even expound on their own content.


Introverts on the other hand tend to stay quiet weather or not they are content.


As to the ratio of introverts/extroverts leaving the game feel free to check the server lists at primetime.

























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Official forums attract those who are most passionate about the game and those who are most bored and at work. They're the ones who post. but as for it not be indicative of the SW:TOR general population, that's absolutely correct. The question is just how out of kilter the opinions expressed on the forums are with the rest of the player population.
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I know alot of people on these forums love to say that the reason these forums are so negative is because the only people who are upset tend to come to the forums. Well in my experience not so.


I know right now personaly about 15 people who are not happy with this game at all. 5 of them have already unsubbed and no longer play and the other 10 or so are planning on quitting very soon.


The funny thing about it is the fact that not one of those 15 people I know ever 1 time posted on these boards. Not even 1 of them has. They never use the boards and post on them.


The idea that the only reason the forums are negative is because only negative people are drawn to them is not true.


Positive and negative people are drawn to the forums equally. Some people like to post others could care less to ever even log on them at all.


I conclude the reason for such a wave of negative posts against this game is that it is truly how people actually feel about it. Thats all I have to say.


Thank you


And I personally know more than 15 players who currently enjoy the game and aren't planning on unsubbing, none of them posts or even visits the forum (not after the first time they saw the trolls on general forum atleast), so what was your point again? some like it, some don't?

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Im really negative on these boards, and i want this game to do well, i dont want to go back to wow or rift, i want to play swtor. But it feels like warhammer all over again, slow reacting devs who make horrible decisions.


And yes alot of people are leaving this game. my guild is down quite a few players just in the last two weeks. maybe the slap in the face bioware will get the 20th will wake them up and get them in gear.


And if that slap is 2.5 million players what then? Will you then finally accept that the game is successful yet not for everyone?


Or will the doom-singing continue?

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This guy posted this on 12 -27 - 2011


7 days after launch


I won't be re subbing.


Disappointed in so many areas I am not gonna waste my time listing them all.





Yet 2 months later he is still here telling us how much he hates the game.








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I conclude the reason for such a wave of negative posts against this game is that it is truly how people actually feel about it.


So does that mean every other MMO out there that have official forms, all the negativity is a sign of how bad the game is?


Go read the forms for any other MMO out there, including WoW and you'll see as much if not more negativity then you do here.


Your point, about people really posting how they feel is true, there are people who don't like this game. Just like there's lots of people who don't like WoW or Rifts, or EQ2, or will not like GW2, or every other MMO out there. There will also be people who buy the game thinking it's one thing find out it's not, and make an angry post on the boards about it.


While we're at it, I'll also point out that water is wet, if you jump up you will come down, and we need air to breath.

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This guy posted this on 12 -27 - 2011


7 days after launch





Yet 2 months later he is still here telling us how much he hates the game.








Technically, it's two months after his cancellation and he's telling us how much his friends hate it, too.

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It is fairly well known in business, that's it's easier to deal with and retain an unhappy customer, then it is a silent one.


If people are complaining then they actually _want_ to carry on using a product, they just want to be told things are moving their way.


If a customer is silent, then he is either perfectly happy, or he is leaving and sees no reason to bother even trying to complain.


The question is, how can you tell one from the other in the silent group. Bioware has the usual leaving questions, but by then it's often too late.



You can tell them apart by how many of them keep paying you, or not. Only EA/Bioware has those exact numbers. Anything else is speculation.

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I know alot of people on these forums love to say that the reason these forums are so negative is because the only people who are upset tend to come to the forums. Well in my experience not so.


I know right now personaly about 15 people who are not happy with this game at all. 5 of them have already unsubbed and no longer play and the other 10 or so are planning on quitting very soon.


The funny thing about it is the fact that not one of those 15 people I know ever 1 time posted on these boards. Not even 1 of them has. They never use the boards and post on them.


The idea that the only reason the forums are negative is because only negative people are drawn to them is not true.


Positive and negative people are drawn to the forums equally. Some people like to post others could care less to ever even log on them at all.


I conclude the reason for such a wave of negative posts against this game is that it is truly how people actually feel about it. Thats all I have to say.


Thank you




First of all - your 15 friends hardly represents enough of a sampling of the community to make the statement you're making.


Secondly - you're confusing the issue. No one said "all the negative people are here on the forums". Its a well known fact that the vast majority of players, negative or positive, never bother to post on the forums at all. The claim is that, of the people that do fequent the forums, the majority of them are those that are discontent with the game.


Whether or not that's true can be debated, but your "logic" is completely faulty here, and adds nothing relevant to either side of the debate.


Thank you.

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