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Is Empire full of frustrated people like the one I met?


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Btw I am also trying to avoid gamers from my own country as our gaming community tends to be asocial, hateful and frustrated to extreme due to large prejudice against gaming around here...


Just for curiosity... where are you from?

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LOL. Actually I am a decent guy. But expecting people who are playing the 'Evil' faction to be good seems counter productive. The whole story/lore of the empire, and especially the ways of the dark side/sith are to be a dick...in every imaginable way. I am just playing the part of the side I chose. As are many others on the Empire side.


If BW gave to the players the right to choose between light/dark in both the factions, that means that neither is supposed to be right or wrong.

Not all siths do evil things just for the pleasure of doing it: look at Darth Vader and Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus.

What pisses me off is that there is people that offend you for your choices.

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If BW gave to the players the right to choose between light/dark in both the factions, that means that neither is supposed to be right or wrong.

Not all siths do evil things just for the pleasure of doing it: look at Darth Vader and Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus.

What pisses me off is that there is people that offend you for your choices.


There is that word again....Offend. I dont know about the rest of society but I am sure that nothing some stranger says or does in an MMO is going to 'offend' me. People get 'offended' by the stupidest ****. Getting offended in general is stupid.



Sums it up nicely.

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ive yet to group up with anyone i would consider putting on my ignore list on Nightmare Lands EU server, so its been really good so far.


although there is the usual general chat when people moan about the different languages spoken (European Union Server) which i find quite ignorant. but the games community so far seems really good, better than most other MMOs ive played:o

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From what I've experienced, you either roll on Empire side to exercise your inner *** hole (very therapeutic), and you roll Republic side to be the big goddram hero. I find that my mindset often will change depending on what character I'm playing, and I play according to what mood I feel like elevating.

Sometimes being a real Sith bastard can be cathartic, but most groups I've been in keep it to a role play standard without a lot of Meta-Drama like you experienced.


And I totally feel you on the Needing. Dear Sally on the Ebon Hawk server...you are a Bounty Hunty, you have no need for a Lightsaber from the Black Talon that you couldn't get from running it on any other toon, you ponce.

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After levelling a Jedi Guardian to 50, both by questing and by doing FPs, I decided to try a Sith Marauder, and today I did my first FP there (Black Talon).

We start in 4... 2 leave at half, without giving any reason and after needing on stuff they couldn't even use, but the "best" specimen of the group is the one that decided to finish the FP.

We did the whole run, with him continuously hurrying me to press space bar, even if I stated that this was my first time here and that I wanted to enjoy the story.

We arrived at the general, and I chose to spare his life and imprison him (light choice).

After that, he wrote to me "gay" on the chat... At which I replied him "finish the run by yourself, ******e", then I left...

I didn't know that the FP was over, and if I knew that, probably I would have swallowed my reply and just report him for being offensive after the run. Instead, he also mocked me because I left when the run was finished.

Obviously I added him immediately to the ignore list, but, just to know, is that the average level of the people rolling Empire side character? Because I never experienced something like that while levelling on the Republic side...


It's probably a bit early to start characterizing players by faction choice, but that sounds like a truly horrible experience. I hope it is not representative of the player base of either faction.

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Is it so odd to choose a light path within the empire?


I play with three people regularly. Two of us always pick light side options. The other two go dark. It may be a little unusual to go with light side options as Sith, but certainly not unheard of.


As for your first experience, people can be jerks. It's why I generally avoid PUGs. They can be great fun and a way to meet new people, but in my experience more often than not they lead to misery lol. I don't imagine it would have much to do with Imp vs Rep. It's just people

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From what I've experienced, you either roll on Empire side to exercise your inner *** hole (very therapeutic), and you roll Republic side to be the big goddram hero. .


That hasn't been my experience. I've found some very good people and made some very good friends on the Empire side on my servers (Iedelis, Adraas, Kath Hound, and Bergeron), and I've run into some not so good. Same thing on the Republic side--good and not so good. Morons on General in both factions--although I have found that KH tends to have fewer. But, I've also found that the are good people on Iedelis where I have most of my higher level toons. I'm still feeling my way around Begeron and Adraas. My IA met a really nice SI on Iedelis a few nights ago and we ran a quick mission together. I wish I could have done more with him, but I had to log off and look after my mother for a bit.


In short, this is like any other MMO--good people, bad people, good people who have bad days every once in a while, bad people who have good days every once in a while--in other words, just like life.

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Just try and find another group, Remember most people act like that because that's how they either got treated in other MMOs or just think it's "Cool". Don't worry about em, just keep your cool and make anything they say to you sound funny.


I would know because I used to be like this on MMOs when I was younger but people change, Now I help people out every bit I can. I have yet to come over someone that is a complete idiot on the Dark side. Heh what can I say, I havn't made a Jedi yet, Only Sith :)

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