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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People BAD in pvp


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on my server ive noticed that the 50 bracket knows what they are doing an actively works towards objectives. the 1-49 bracket think that pvp is tdm and pretty much sit in the middle of the map circle jerking themselves


This is true because once you become a new 50 you can't really run around and kill anyone else. You get your *** handed to you so it forces you to work in a team. Plus dailys and weeklies wins become more important, do to getting gear. 1-49 really don't care about gear since you can pve for it.

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Win > Stats


I am at rank 62, wins mean nothing since I have full champ gear with a sprinkle of battlemaster items; I can't buy BM bags, so no point now. Oh I guess I could gear up my companions I never even use, goody.

Edited by fixit
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Lord Adraas- usually players follow directions well and at least the top players know the strategies.


Only real issue is teams that all surge to whatever's been called out and leave what they were defending empty.


You naturally do get bad teams from time to time- but that's expected.

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Yeah, I think when there is some kind of ranking system some of this might change. I don't want to use the evil A word, but something like that perhaps. I know in that "other" game people with good A rankings were generally better at pvp. I mean, you have to win to get a good rating. Winning in that sense touches on the intangibles that are hard to quantify.


Back in the days when druids were "op" with feral charge, bash, cyclone, root and whatnot ... I found those abilities key to every win. No medals. No metrics to show what I was doing. Just team mates and friends who loved to play and we all valued the roles we all played in winning.


Oh, and of course there were tons of pissed off players who lost and then qq'd about it to high

heaven. Even B caved and changed the spec. It must have been a sad day. I'm glad I left W before that happened.


No skill required. You put level all 30's and 40's in a wz against any team with 2 players in the 10's and/or 20's and its usually going to the team with the higher level players.


There is a skills bonuses/abilities/dps distribution that bolster doesn't fix.


As for the objectives. Um winning is second for me in 1-49 right now. I have little time left for 50 and need valor. Being able to get at least 6 medals is far more important then winning. So if I am going for the solo kill guess which smuggler is running alone by the imp spawn/base? Me.


But, if a team has 2 meat bags that I can drop in 3 shots, well they are down to 6/8. There is no way any healer is going to be able to standup a level 11-15 against any real DPS player. I saw a lvl 10 yesterday. Now you have no sprint and like 5 abilities. Mind you a BH at 10 is got some skills. But come on. You are not helping the team.


The wz need to be appropriately bracketed. 10-20 20-49. I know the 10-20 wz que will take forever, but that is sort of the point. Go level.


I think its silly what sort of dps you start generating at 45-49 in that bracket. I know this awesome land where my smuggler survives is fantasy at 50. To bad really. I'll be playing a sorc. No reason to deal with this sort of gimped class nonsense my gunslinger has against every other profession besides maybe sentinels.

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Are ppl so bad on every server? or is it only on my server?


I have never seen so many ppl in one place over and over again not having a clue what to do.


In HB they are not focusing on the ball in at all,not defending it or attacking the carrier.They are running around fighting random ppl far away from the ball and they dont care if you loose or win.


In Voidstar NONE are focusing on the doors. They are fighting far away from the door or in the middle. No one are typing on the chat and if someone do type "HELP L/R" no one reads it.


In CW ppl are not defending stations, they fight out in the open with randoms the same as in HB. Same goes here for the chat, NO ONE is reading or typing.


If you are trying to give ppl some help they tell you to **** and stop trolling. They are there to have fun, not to read and work :S I know its not always about winning, but when u que for pvp you are there to win,are you not??


I have a 50 on both sides so this goes for both factions, and i usually run in pre-mades and then its not a prob cause we can pretty much steer the wz to a win, but its the solo ques. I know i can just stop going pvp solo, but im just wondering if this is world wide, and not special to my server. This is the biggest frustrating thing ever and i know i cant do anything about it, but at least i can migrate to a better server.



PS: Sorry for the unreadable english, not my strongest side.


This is just people. In any objective based game I have played you have some people who think they are just there to kill things. WoW, CoD, BF, Quake - these people are always there when you are playing with randoms.


One of the bigger flaws with objective based games is they do not reward enough for doing the objectives.


Take Huttball, a score should be worth so many points divided among people healing the ball carrier, the person carrying, people guarding etc. that it's all anyone wants to do. If the difference in doing this vs. kill farming was 50% XP/Valor behavior would change for some people but not everyone. You would still have the tools who only care about finding 1v1s all game.

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I think it has to do with more and more people realizing that chasing medals gets you more commendations than actually trying to win.After getting the daily done most people would rather lose with 10+ medals than win with 5.


This should be fixed. A loss shouldn't net no medals because that would cause a lot of people to stop playing. But why does a win, especially a fast win, cost players medals? That's flawed thinking right there. I'm all for making sure everyone walks away with something so everyone will keep pvping whether they win or lose, but encouraging farming is a bad, bad idea.

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What is funny is the fact that many of the medal chasers suck. They end up low kills, low heals, low damage and have died 5000000 times. They did not die cuz of poor gear but cuz they SUCK!


I have seen ppl in full BM gear who just are pathetic pvpers...period. Most of them got to 60 valor thru the Ilum win trading crap.

Edited by Badlander
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Are ppl so bad on every server? or is it only on my server?


No, but SWTOR is bad on every server. You can thank 200 million dollars worth of voice acting for that.



BTW, does anyone know the names of the leads on this game? I want to make sure when I boycott EA|Bioware|LucasArts I also boycott the actual people who made this garbage. You know, just in case they switch to another company.

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