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Hard mode eternity vault loot issues with new patch?

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We ran hard mode EV last night and everything was fine up until the pylons. The chest after completing had no Rakata gear at all. Same thing happened with the council. Almost seemed like it was the same loot table as normal mode.


Is this a common bug or something thy can be avoided or is it possibly new to the patch?


We had master looter on if that makes a difference.

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We ran hard mode EV last night and everything was fine up until the pylons. The chest after completing had no Rakata gear at all. Same thing happened with the council. Almost seemed like it was the same loot table as normal mode.


Is this a common bug or something thy can be avoided or is it possibly new to the patch?


We had master looter on if that makes a difference.



Sounds like Master looter is still FuBared if you ask me.


But good to know that is why I am here to see what happened. We did normal mode farming last night so HM is still coming up.

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Tell everyone to turn off autoloot and set the instance to FFA.


We've always used ML and since setting it to FFA, we're getting all of the items that we've been missing out on (4-5 rakata items, 4 crafting mats, 3-4 schematics, and some columi per boss now).


Just have to trust your guildies :p

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We didnt get loot on 1st boss hard mode either. We got 2 exotech junk and schematic, but we didnt get 2x rakata gear or any cubes.


We had master loot on.


This game is so bugged and every week we only see patch notes about some unimportant stuff, and about stuff that matters like end game content and bug fixes nothing.


Seems like they either dont have nearly enough ppl to support MMO or person in charge doesnt have any MMO experience and doesnt know what should be priority in MMO.



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We had the same issue last night with Hard-Mode EV - I set it to Master loot and we ended up with a normal mode loot table. I guess we'll set it to FFA/auto loot off until they fix this issue.


It really should have been fixed in this Tuesdays patch. Bioware is doing a good job, but they do need a bit more coordination with prioritizing what needs to be fixed either on patches or emergency patches. A lot of raiders/peoples time is being wasted due to this sort of issue.

Edited by Jedi-Masse
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