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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best fast solo leveling spec


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Pop Deadly Saber midjump, Battering Assault to build rage, apply Rupture and go to down. Things just melt. I'm in md-40s now, and I don't even stop between pulls, literally zero downtime.


I actually feel Mara is the fastest class to level. As a BH, I have to hold back because of heat issues. As a Sorc, I can AoE way better but there's some downtime involved because someone will end up taking damage, either myself or the pet. Operative and Sin both kill way slower because of energy issues. I can literally make 3/4 to a full level in about an hour of playing on my Mara right now, but that's with rested bonus. That's a crazy speed when you are doing your last 5 levels.

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Best leveling spec: Bounty Hunter. :p Seriously though, Mara is pretty hard regardless.


Nothing in this game is hard. I hit 46 on my Mara, and I have exactly 3 days /played time. That's ridiculously fast and easy by MMO standards. In vanilla WOW it was easily double that. I believe my record was 5 days 21 hrs with a good leveling guide. You push buttons, mobs fall down. And unlike in other MMOs, you have a pocket tank/healer/dps pet to back you up. By far the easiest MMO I've ever played.

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Wondering what spec would be good for leveling as a mara from 22-50 and using healing companion plus the rotation's ?


If you read the sticky topics - which means they are a good reliable source for info, the spec for leveling is Carnage and last I read the PvP spec for end game is Rage.


But really the best spec is what meets the type of player you like to be when playing your character.


May the Force be with you. :D

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Get shockfrozen water and just dps with a dps companion and healzor yourself between fights


Thats what i would do. But im trying something different. My newbie marauder, i am leveling entierly through warzones. Its almost 15 now! Its valor rank 13.


I thought things were bad at first, but once i got sprint im getting ~6 medals per match and top/near top on the damage every round.


I dont see why people say low level maras are bad in pvp


Though i will admit the bolster system is really screwy at such low levels, i get like 45% armor mitigation :eek:

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