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Dungeon Finder

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Yeah I know people have talked about this before but im asking anyway.


Is there any plans to implement a global dungeon group finder??? I have been 50 for a month now and have stoped playing because I stand at the Rep Fleet Station and LFG for an hour and cant find any. Day after day I LFG, none. I dont have time for raiding, and get way too tired of dailies to give a damn and plunge through them over and over again.


So, just seeing if there is any plans for one, before I cancel my subscription and totally forget that this game was ever made. Cause thats what it comes down to. Theres NOTHING to do after 50 besides: dailies, flashpoints, pvp, raids. Well, I refuse to do boring dailies day after day cause thats not fun! I dont have time for raids, and if this is gonna be a game built around raids it will fail really quickly. I have no interest in pvp. And flashpoint groups are too hard to find. So im left with nothing. Oh well, it was worth hoping for.

Edited by TarikGur
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Also, I tried playing an alt character....got to level 19 and decided it was way too boring as well. Its the same game with alts, just different dialogue during missions. So what? The story line isnt so amazing and awesome that I think to myself "I cant wait to see what that pointless npc says next!!!!!". I spacebar all the dialoge and get tired of the same missions over again.


Might be worth it if my guild or the world needed the other class im playing as an alt, and I could use them on flashpoints at 50, but alas this is not the case. I know in my heart when I reach 50 there will be no need for my healer, and I will again stand at the Station searching for a group that doesnt excist.

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One more thing!! I was hoping to use my alt healer and flahspoint my way through leveling. Again, this isnt possible. The experience given for the time spent on flashpoints isnt balanced with time spend running pointless missions. And without a group finder, I waste WAY too much time LFG that it makes flashpoints completely pointless at lower levels. Edited by TarikGur
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Maybe it's just your server bro. In the last month there has only been 1 time that it has taken more than 10 minutes to find an entire group for any flashpoint, HM or not. For me at least.


And yea, the only thing different with alts is the skills, companions, and the class quests. Other than that, its spacebar all the way.

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Maybe it's just your server bro. In the last month there has only been 1 time that it has taken more than 10 minutes to find an entire group for any flashpoint, HM or not. For me at least.


And yea, the only thing different with alts is the skills, companions, and the class quests. Other than that, its spacebar all the way.


It could also be my playing time, I play more during the day when there is NOBODY around. I have had the same problem at peak night time as well though.

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A dungeon finder will increase subs. Even the UO ghouls that are so avidly against the existence of anything that will reduce the waiting and increase the fun in a game that people are paying X ammount of money a month to play, can't argue with the fact that more subs = more money = more new content.


Before anyone argues against the idea of having one - nobody has ever given a decent reason why there should not be a dungeon finder. The most convincing argument i ever heard was "this isn't wow". However, WoW has more subs than SWTOR and that isn't just because WoW has a dungeon finder, it's because WoW isn't a broken, half playable ball of mess. Rift is ran by a smaller company, who are infinitely more competant than Bioware and EA at running an MMO - EA completely screwed up Warhammer, and they're doing the same to SWTOR.


The sheer frustration and anger i feel at Bioware atm, the feeling of "guys, seriously, what the hell are you doing with my sub money?" was felt unanimously by players Warhammer Online, and the scariest thing is, I'm seeing exactly the same trends here in SWTOR. A lot of people I know are cancelling their subs. I probably will when I hit 50 and get rolled in PvP because expertise gear takes a long time to grind these days. I'll see how much i can put up with, then unsub.

Edited by Introvertus
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Before anyone argues against the idea of having one - nobody has ever given a decent reason why there should not be a dungeon finder. The most convincing argument i ever heard was "this isn't wow".


Ha! That's great. It really baffles me that BW hasn't come up with one yet. I mean, it can't be all that hard to do and it's only profitable. They even have an opportunity to make it better than other MMOs with more features. Like maybe being able to give a link to your character's gear or stats, such as the main stat (aim, willpower, etc.), crit chance, crit multiplier, bonus damage/healing. Or keep a running count of how many times you have completed a particular flashpoint so others know that you know what your doing.


But I guess they are too busy nerfing Biochem :p


Edit* Or if they did a flashpoint finder that worked across all servers. THAT WOULD BE SICK!

Edited by Jwhitless
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Well technically the argument of "This isn't WoW" is valid in 1 way and not in another.


Let me explain...


Yes, this game has a lot trend wise for the mmo world, but all of the things people take for granted in WoW (Damage meters, dungeon finder, etc.) We're only implemented after years of the game being out. Having played vanilla WoW I can tell you it was a very different game. In some ways it played similar to this.


I'm guessing part of that was the community was allowed to create new add-ons (Which I hope happens eventually) and that with the long length of the game being out they had the budget to work on those types of programming features, alot of that stuff doesn't come cheap.


Think about ALL the story and ALL the content in the game already. To be quite honest in comparison this game has SO MUCH. And it already had a pvp system built in, something WoW had about 8 months after release.


So basically, will it bring up subs? probably, but the people who have so quickly abandoned the game because it doesn't have things like dungeon queue's and damage meter's are people I don't want in the community anyway because they're spoiled and not willing to give the game a chance to grow. That's the problem with most MMO's now, they're solid games but because they aren't WoW they don't keep subs beyond the 1st year, then are forced to go Free to play which then slows down the game development even more. People don't get behind games and that's why features like Dungeon finder never reach them.

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When you buy anything, there are standard features that you more or less expect to get for your money. If you go out and buy a brand new car, you expect that car to have at least a working engine, a steering wheel, a radio, windscreen wipers, wheels, a locking system and seatbelts etc etc etc. Then there are the less mandatory, but still pretty much expected things these days like automatic windows, ABS, sat-nav, an on-board computer and a decent sdound system. Then maybe even some really cool things to set it aside from other cars on the market like maybe... oh I don't know. An Ejector seat? or TV screens in the back seats? A fridge? You get the idea.


Anyway, supposing this new brand of car, promising to be the car to end all cars, was missing one or more of the Mandatory features (in MMO terms you could liken these to a chat system, a grouping system and some form of Auction House or trade system) then it will be laughed out of the game market.


SWTOR has most of the mandatory features an MMO should have, but has next to none of the standard, expected features that are present in Rift, WoW... hell even Warhammer Online and Aion, and many of the F2P games that I've tried between then and now. Rift is the king of MMOs atm, as it contains more features than any of the other afformentioned games, and really sets the bar for what every MMO developer should probably aim for. Taking these features and using them is like making a new brand of car. If a car was any different, it wouldn't be a car. It would be a spaceship, or a helicopter.


What it all comes down to is: would you buy a car that didn't have a steering wheel because the developers were too busy making sure that the buttons for the radio (that didn't work) felt nice when they were pressed? That's how it feels playing SWTOR - too much focus in the wrong areas of the game.


This game lacks so many features that are not just "stuff wow has that make it easier for noobs" - it lacks features that are a modern standard for any MMO. SWTOR felt like a huge step back in terms of MMO. It's beyond the point of having a "classic feel". It's coming off as just a huge lack of effort on game development from BW, because they spent too much time and money on voice overs that only a fraction of people care about enough to the point where they can totally overlook the game's problems.


I'm going to get lots of flame and hatred for even suggesting that there are actually people out there who care more about the game than the story, but as good as the Voice Over work is, it's just not enough to make the actual game more enjoyable post 50.

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Who cares about all this dumb story!?!? It lasted 1 month for me. 1 month!! After that it was boring as all hell.


They think that they can make their kind of game and turn it into an mmo. Well, its not working. storyline driven mmos cant support a long running sub base. There has to be the basic back bones needed to keep people playing. and this game severely lacks almost ALL of those backbones.


just having those needed parts of a game doesnt make it WoW. it just makes it work!


I already canceled my sub, too bad i paid in advance for month I wont use...i was being optimistic, i wont make that error again.

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So basically, will it bring up subs? probably, but the people who have so quickly abandoned the game because it doesn't have things like dungeon queue's and damage meter's are people I don't want in the community anyway because they're spoiled and not willing to give the game a chance to grow. That's the problem with most MMO's now, they're solid games but because they aren't WoW they don't keep subs beyond the 1st year, then are forced to go Free to play which then slows down the game development even more. People don't get behind games and that's why features like Dungeon finder never reach them.


You make a valid point - sadly this attitude doesn't sell games. Read my above aqrgument about the cars.


Devs need to realise what will sell and what won't.

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When you buy anything, there are standard features that you more or less expect to get for your money. If you go out and buy a brand new car, you expect that car to have at least a working engine, a steering wheel, a radio, windscreen wipers, wheels, a locking system and seatbelts etc etc etc. Then there are the less mandatory, but still pretty much expected things these days like automatic windows, ABS, sat-nav, an on-board computer and a decent sdound system. Then maybe even some really cool things to set it aside from other cars on the market like maybe... oh I don't know. An Ejector seat? or TV screens in the back seats? A fridge? You get the idea.


Anyway, supposing this new brand of car, promising to be the car to end all cars, was missing one or more of the Mandatory features (in MMO terms you could liken these to a chat system, a grouping system and some form of Auction House or trade system) then it will be laughed out of the game market.


SWTOR has most of the mandatory features an MMO should have, but has next to none of the standard, expected features that are present in Rift, WoW... hell even Warhammer Online and Aion, and many of the F2P games that I've tried between then and now. Rift is the king of MMOs atm, as it contains more features than any of the other afformentioned games, and really sets the bar for what every MMO developer should probably aim for. Taking these features and using them is like making a new brand of car. If a car was any different, it wouldn't be a car. It would be a spaceship, or a helicopter.


What it all comes down to is: would you buy a car that didn't have a steering wheel because the developers were too busy making sure that the buttons for the radio (that didn't work) felt nice when they were pressed? That's how it feels playing SWTOR - too much focus in the wrong areas of the game.


This game lacks so many features that are not just "stuff wow has that make it easier for noobs" - it lacks features that are a modern standard for any MMO. SWTOR felt like a huge step back in terms of MMO. It's beyond the point of having a "classic feel". It's coming off as just a huge lack of effort on game development from BW, because they spent too much time and money on voice overs that only a fraction of people care about enough to the point where they can totally overlook the game's problems.


I'm going to get lots of flame and hatred for even suggesting that there are actually people out there who care more about the game than the story, but as good as the Voice Over work is, it's just not enough to make the actual game more enjoyable post 50.





I totally agree and have used the same arguement myself!

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The problem with the Dungeon Finder idea is that there is no cross-server anything in game, which means you're stuck with just your own server as a pool. If no one on your server cares to even run them, well, having a Dungeon Finder is no more effective than putting a LFG tag next to your name in the /who list.


The issue is that people are less and less inclined to grind anything... be it dailies or what have you. They've done it for eons in other games and quite frankly they know that next week something new is added for them to grind after making the previous week's efforts null and void.


If doing dailies is a chore, Flashpoints and Heroics and Raids should be a chore because in essence, you are repeating the same content, over and over.


I think all MMOs are coming to the realization that players like to play on their own terms and at their own pace... in essence, by themselves with an open chat channel. The content that got people to play the game is the stuff you did from 1-50, not the stuff you do at 50. If the end game was all that, they'd start everyone off at 50 and say, here's your dungeons et al, have fun and see you in about 4 months when we add some new ones.


What people crave is more 1-50 stuff... they want to continue playing the game, not grinding stuff. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was no level cap? You always had more class quests to do, more quests in general. Quests that took you to new worlds, returned you to old ones. No more of this, ignore every zone you've ever been in that is below your level because no one thought to have more quests there... in an instanced fashion so that low levels don't run into high level mobs and high levels don't run into low level mobs. What if the zones leveled with you? Mobs that grew in stats just as you do. Level 50? No mobs around you are less than level 50 no matter what zone you are in. Rescale the worlds... starter world is now level 50 and so on and so forth... you could rinse repeat almost endlessly... playing the game... not grinding the game. If there is no cap to what level you can be, there is no race to get there. Crafting levels become endless. The best way to describe it would be playing say WoW, after 12 years of production... meaning they don't rescale leveling or anything, you have 12 years worth of content to play before you even see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's why we buy expansions... for the new content, I don't think anyone is buying an expansion because of some raid they get to do... that's just the left overs.

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why are all you spoiled brats so whiney?


MAKE AN EFFORT AND IT WILL BE REWARDED..... Socialize, what's the point in playing a MULTIPLAYER online game if you're not gonna talk to people ?


I wish people would stop whining as soon as they got just a little challenge... it's a new game, of course it needs alot of things, but seriously, have some patience... WoW didn't even have half of the features we have in swtor from the start.. learn to appreciate...

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I'm goin through the same thing bro. Standing on the fleet with lfg note spamming Heals lfg.. nothing. So i cant imagine what dps go through. I'm enjoying the raids so far but thats about it. And just a question but does bio ever post in threads aobut concerns like these cause i yet to see it. It would be nice for a answer on yay or nay on the whole dungeon finder situation.
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Have fun playing an empty game all by yourselves. And when they realise they arent making enough money they will just cancel all your hard work and stop putting any money back into the game and eventualy kill it off.


have fun with that. It should be nice and quiet for you in there.

Edited by TarikGur
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I'm think everyone is sick of the blasts in General for LFG/LFM.


The dungeon finder function in WoW was nice. What I liked even better was the LFG/LFM implementation Turbine did for DDO. Group lists with specific quests/raids displayed and you were able to display what classes you wanted.


Nice for a leader, nice for a browser.

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