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Option to skip huttball games


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An option to avoid joining huttball games even if it means waiting for longer would be great, playing as an empire player I've grown sick bored of that game and would love being able to just avoid joining this type of game and having to load in and out of this since i just leave warzone now as soon as I join one.
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I love voidstar...haven't even been able to play the alderaan one yet...but I have come to loathe huttball. My son plays pub and he seldom gets huttball. I would just like to know the option to skip would be nice


I love Alderran.

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Huttball needs to be removed from the rated warzone Q for sure. Due to blatant class imbalance for this warzone it needs to be taken out.


this. I also would love to have a chance to skip Huttball. As a GS I have lil to do there except shooting ppl in the middle or at goal line and we all know that way you don't win Huttball games.


Huttball is just not made for all classes.

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Huttball > Civil War > Voidstar


maybe to you. i would prefer never to be in huttball again. i cant stand it even though i win majority of time.


Civil War then Voidstar. if i had a choice i would never play huttball again.

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Option to only play huttball games?


I swear on my server, republic <50 games are almost never huttball.


Last night i played voidstar, civilwar, civil war, civil war, civil war, void star, void star.


F-that Not to mention our queue times are a lot...a LOT longer.

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maybe to you. i would prefer never to be in huttball again. i cant stand it even though i win majority of time.


Civil War then Voidstar. if i had a choice i would never play huttball again.


It's not just to him (or her?).


There have been several polls which show that Huttball is far and away the favourite WZ, followed by Alderan, and Voidstar at a considerable distance.

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this. I also would love to have a chance to skip Huttball. As a GS I have lil to do there except shooting ppl in the middle or at goal line and we all know that way you don't win Huttball games.


Huttball is just not made for all classes.


Running the ball is not made for all classes. People tend to seriously underestimate how important controlling the middle is.


I don't have level 50 experience on my sniper but I have PvP'd a lot on that character while leveling (currently 42). So far, my character has been highly effective at controlling mid. It's pretty comical when there's another sniper in the WZ doing the same thing as me. Obviously this is pre-50 so every player tends to have less survivability so I can see how the effectiveness will be diminished, but I stand by my original point which is that people tend to undervalue the importance of controlling mid.

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No, leave it in. Hopefully it will encourage more Imperial Players to re-roll the Republic side ;).


As for rated warzones, how on earth is there "class imbalance". Most people who do rates, will be grouping with these "classes" anyway.

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Huttball = who has the most sorc/juggernaut? Oh, other team does *leaves warzone*. I'll requeue in 5.


Then I hate to say it, but you need to understand that other classes can play huge roles in these warzones.


People need to pay attention, if your standing there letting someone leap to you, it's your fault. It isn't difficult to keep out of LOS of these people.


I've been playing a Scoundrel and I'll float around the sorcs and destroy them. I'll also float around middle to re-cap the ball, to pass to my Vanguard friend who can Harpoon or Leap etc.


I can also stealth in the end-zone and just wait for my vanguard friend to drop middle and pass the ball up.


The tactics are endless.

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