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Sages being ignored by Devs


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OP class considered most balanced and funcitonal by devs is whining for buffs while other classes (operative/smuggler) have essentially three broken specs due to dev ignorance and nerf.


Get over it and play one of your three+ working specs. Others needs fixes first.


reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?


Anyway, why so many sage haters trolling on the sage board??

Edited by Sconnoll
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reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?


Anyway, why so many sage haters trolling on the sage board??


They're not, it was originally posted in general discussion and moved here, which quite obviously explains 90% of the subsequent troll/hater posts.

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reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?


Anyway, why so many sage haters trolling on the sage board??


The funny thing is that they're probably whiny kids playing imps who don't realize that this is a problem with a PvE build, as full Telekinetics is. Beyond that, it's an issue of faction balance, as Sorcs do not have this problem.


You whiny imp kids should learn how to play and otherwise stay in your own class's forum, as that might, at least, slightly increase the likelihood of you guys having something valuable to squawk about.

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ah so ignorant. how is a complaint about non working skills not legit?

being op or not has nothing to do with it at all.


Everyone has broken skills. The reason youre getting flamed is cause sages are clearly the most well off of all the ACs. Half the other ACs have core mechanic problems on top of broken talents and skills. Don't worry you'll survive.


The devs will get to you in due time. They dont like hybrid specs so they'll change you. Be patient. And enjoy being OP while you can. Chances are when they fix your talent they also nerf you : /

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Everyone has broken skills. The reason youre getting flamed is cause sages are clearly the most well off of all the ACs. Half the other ACs have core mechanic problems on top of broken talents and skills. Don't worry you'll survive.


The devs will get to you in due time. They dont like hybrid specs so they'll change you. Be patient. And enjoy being OP while you can. Chances are when they fix your talent they also nerf you : /


Has to be said.


You are not good at this game.


Assassin. Eats me.

Marauder. Eats me.

Agent. Eats me.


So theres three very appearent counters but still "op"?


By the way you better not be playing on the imperial side, because telling us to stop etc is getting really, really old. Sage, compared to Sorcerer, are dealt the shorter hand. People saying the class is op usually base this upon sorcerer experience. Well guess what, they are very far ahead of us right now because they have pretty much no disadvantages whereas we have to live with it?


Ps. We had the upper hand on the AoE heal, guess what - Bioware fixed it and they fixed it fast. Hypocrism is lame. Go. Away. From. This. Thread.


Dots for extra effect.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Has to be said.


You are not good at this game.


Assassin. Eats me.

Marauder. Eats me.

Agent. Eats me.


So theres three very appearent counters but still "op"?


By the way you better not be playing on the imperial side, because telling us to stop etc is getting really, really old. Sage, compared to Sorcerer, are dealt the shorter hand. People saying the class is op usually base this upon sorcerer experience. Well guess what, they are very far ahead of us right now because they have pretty much no disadvantages whereas we have to live with it?


Ps. We had the upper hand on the AoE heal, guess what - Bioware fixed it and they fixed it fast. Hypocrism is lame. Go. Away. From. This. Thread.


Dots for extra effect.


Dont worry I play a shadow.


anyway if you think you aren't one of the most powerful classes then I would argue you are bad...


Your hybrid spec is silly uber. Sorc is quite literally the only class I have issues killing.


Also have you not seen the mass "LF sage healer only" tells in fleet general? One of the surest signs of a powerful class.

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Oh my days people can't even tell the diffence between Teleknetic Momentum and Tidal Force yet how can they know what the OP is talking about. Momentum have been brokening since beta and we have been asking for it to be fix. now asking to fix a broken talent is not going to make the class over power.
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Dont worry I play a shadow.


anyway if you think you aren't one of the most powerful classes then I would argue you are bad...


Your hybrid spec is silly uber. Sorc is quite literally the only class I have issues killing.


Also have you not seen the mass "LF sage healer only" tells in fleet general? One of the surest signs of a powerful class.


So you just tried to justify that we're overpowered by establishing that your class is overpowered?


This is what's stupid about TOR's forums. Any class is OP in the right hands.


Regardless, this isn't about who's OP. The original poster just wants some attention drawn to a glitch that is forcing people to play hybrid specs since it's crippling our PvE tree.

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So many whiny kids on this forum. Eeesh. So bitter about dying in WZs to sages they try to refute a valid reminder about fundamental flaws that cripple a spec. I'm not surprised really, I have met very few people in this game that are actually decent at their class or at least achieving the objective in WZs. Not that I'm laying claim to being a fantastic player myself, but I at least have a clue compared to the majority.


I play a Sage and a Scoundrel. I have no quarms saying that Sages/Sorcs feel too powerful and there's FAR too many of them around (probably because it's such a great class to play). I honestly do not really worry about them that much in WZs though tbh. Most never even bother to juke silences and seem to get confused (and for added humour, sometimes keyboard turn around) when LoS is brought into play. Haven't met a good Sage/Sorc yet though, can imagine they're annoying.


I do have to question why this issue hasn't been fixed yet if it's not a shared issue on the mirrored trees. Since the mechanics are identical and the only difference is applying alternate animations and sounds, I would have assumed the trees shared a common codebase. At the most, I bet it's a small issue that could have been hotfixed very swiftly but was probably pushed back in beta (if it existed then, didn't play) and is now being withheld due to the immense amount of whiners and BW are afraid it'll make them look bad fixing this, as everyone else will read this as "SUPER IMMENSE INSANE BUFF TO MAKE SAGES SUPER-OP INVINCIBLE BEST CLASS EU FOREVER.com"


I'm sure the fix will materialise around the same time BW nerf Sages. Not that this excuses ignoring the community. You have to be vocal as a Developer, especially when the product and the company promote strong community ties. Think about it, why have a dev tracker if they weren't interested in interfacing with consumers? The old "they'll get around to you eventually" or "they are busy" chestnuts are garbage. It does not hurt to take 5 minutes to keep everyone up-to-date on the situation.


Sorry for the tl;dr length of the post...

Edited by krijs
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This is why I never read the general forum. People who post in there are moronic. The class forums are generally where people who are serious about sharing ideas and strategies post, and it is where you can actually find answers to your questions rather than constant threads like... "I HATE BIOWARE, I'M CANCELING MY SUB" or "ZOMG, I'M AWFUL AT THIS GAME BUT I WANT TO BLAME THE MECHANICS RATHER THAN LEARN TO PLAY."


It's sad that the TK Momentum skill has been bugged since before the game was released, making the TK tree unplayable for anoyone who wants to maximize their character's potential. I'm happy they fixed the Unity bug. Surely fixing TK Momentum wouldn't be that difficult.

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glad to hear so much feedback, sad to see this thread got moved here, hence i found that the devs completely ignore these forums. everyone who was defending me is 100% right, i wasn't trying to start a flame war, wasn't trying to get my class buffed, i just hate balance, hate hybrid specs, and <3 telekinesis, just wish it worked right.
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glad to hear so much feedback, sad to see this thread got moved here, hence i found that the devs completely ignore these forums. everyone who was defending me is 100% right, i wasn't trying to start a flame war, wasn't trying to get my class buffed, i just hate balance, hate hybrid specs, and <3 telekinesis, just wish it worked right.


I will say, the TK/Balance hybrid is a lot of fun. The procs you get for the double-speed TK throws and instant-cast TK waves and mind crushes are wonderful. When you can insta-cast TK Waves with 20 percent buffs, you are hitting for huge AoE damage. Or you can use that on Mind Crush. It's a lot of fun and makes you feel pretty powerful.

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Most OP class in the game (best healer and best dps) crying about one skill not working.


Please, dissappear.



I'd give up DPS and healing op for a little PVP and PVE survivability and "RP" value . Jedi with a useless saber ? Oiy . Can we vote on this kind of change or something ? IS their a dev listening and can I speak to your manager ?

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I will say, the TK/Balance hybrid is a lot of fun. The procs you get for the double-speed TK throws and instant-cast TK waves and mind crushes are wonderful. When you can insta-cast TK Waves with 20 percent buffs, you are hitting for huge AoE damage. Or you can use that on Mind Crush. It's a lot of fun and makes you feel pretty powerful.


as full tele u have literally unlimited force in a pve situation, the hybrid specs make u manage your force in ridiculous ways. =/ not to mention with the hybrid specs u lose 50% crit damage towards tele wave, turbulence and weaken mind.

Edited by JediDante
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also, i never said i wanted an immediate fix, if u read my first post, we just want a response or reaction to the problem, i know its not going to get fixed in a day, but the fact that the devs have made no notice that they are even paying attention to the class forums worrys us sages.


Whilst i appreciate your concerns, and i do. It isn't nice to play a class which doesn't work fully HOWEVER:

You are at the bottom of a long long long list. Us marauders have been asking for a fix for forever. They have "fixed" our bugs 4 times and they still happen (animation repetition, ravage stunning you if your target moves out of range, skills refusing to fire with no error message) They have even buffed us and fixed our damage "resulting in a slight increase of DPS" which is actually a lie, as it is a DPS nerf, it now takes longer for us to kill things, and this was a buff! Be very careful what you wish for. Sages/Commandos are OP at the moment, and its silly little posts like this one which add to the cry for attention which ultimately leads to the devs looking and realising how over the top you are... Then you'll have something to cry about.

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Whilst i appreciate your concerns, and i do. It isn't nice to play a class which doesn't work fully HOWEVER:

You are at the bottom of a long long long list. Us marauders have been asking for a fix for forever. They have "fixed" our bugs 4 times and they still happen (animation repetition, ravage stunning you if your target moves out of range, skills refusing to fire with no error message) They have even buffed us and fixed our damage "resulting in a slight increase of DPS" which is actually a lie, as it is a DPS nerf, it now takes longer for us to kill things, and this was a buff! Be very careful what you wish for. Sages/Commandos are OP at the moment, and its silly little posts like this one which add to the cry for attention which ultimately leads to the devs looking and realising how over the top you are... Then you'll have something to cry about.


did i ever say i gave a **** about how "OP" sages are? no, i want a fix to our pve spec so i can actually properly play the spec in its full force i want to play without gimping myself to silly hybrid specs that are the really "OP" things on sages. People like you need to learn to read before you comment. My main is actually a sentinel, i realize how bugged they are, but Sentinels are "OP" i feel gimped as a sage because all my talents don't work.

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did i ever say i gave a **** about how "OP" sages are? no, i want a fix to our pve spec so i can actually properly play the spec in its full force i want to play without gimping myself to silly hybrid specs that are the really "OP" things on sages. People like you need to learn to read before you comment. My main is actually a sentinel, i realize how bugged they are, but Sentinels are "OP" i feel gimped as a sage because all my talents don't work.


Oh i see, makes sense that you don't care that you're op. never mind, i imagine then that the fault you have lies somewhere between your chair and the keyboard. The sorcs we have in guild are perfectly capable and doing DPS in line with our other dps classes. Furthermore, people like me can read, and quite often do before commenting. However, it seems immediately apparent to me that you are nothing more than a whiny petulant child who is crying because the OP class has stuff that doesn't work and yet is still OP and performs aswell as any other class despite its hindrances. I'd also like to add that, if a hybrid spec is better, then how are you "gimping" yourself? Surely it would be advantageous to be the better spec? Meh you make no sense.

Good day to you sir, hopefully they'll "fix" this for you so you actually have something to whine about.

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Most OP class in the game (best healer and best dps) crying about one skill not working.


Please, dissappear.


You got 0 clue.


Oh i see, makes sense that you don't care that you're op. never mind, i imagine then that the fault you have lies somewhere between your chair and the keyboard. The sorcs we have in guild are perfectly capable and doing DPS in line with our other dps classes. Furthermore, people like me can read, and quite often do before commenting. However, it seems immediately apparent to me that you are nothing more than a whiny petulant child who is crying because the OP class has stuff that doesn't work and yet is still OP and performs aswell as any other class despite its hindrances. I'd also like to add that, if a hybrid spec is better, then how are you "gimping" yourself? Surely it would be advantageous to be the better spec? Meh you make no sense.

Good day to you sir, hopefully they'll "fix" this for you so you actually have something to whine about.


The only people crying are those bad players who claim the class is op.

Good day to you sir.


Everyone has broken skills. The reason youre getting flamed is cause sages are clearly the most well off of all the ACs. Half the other ACs have core mechanic problems on top of broken talents and skills. Don't worry you'll survive.


The devs will get to you in due time. They dont like hybrid specs so they'll change you. Be patient. And enjoy being OP while you can. Chances are when they fix your talent they also nerf you : /


So what? If something is broken/bugged it should be reported. Regardless what you think about the status of the class which is no argument whatsoever.

Edited by Vales
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Really hate to say it about another Republic class, and coming from a fellow consular, I think the Sage needs some thing all right, but its not what you would want to read here. Sorcerers and Sages are among the most OP classes in the game to be honest, and need nerfing down if anything. Some dumb sage used Force imbalance on me and my friend last night while we were ON Carrack station, for no reason, I didn't even realise we could even be targeted.


As far as I am concerned if your a sage - you should be healing, not DPS. Thats what the Shadow branch of Consular is supposed to be there for. Two many cross over talents and abilities that make no sense, for any particular reason or role a person should focus on in the game.

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Telekinetics DPS is not OP. Hybrid/Balance might be OP, but telekinetics is not. It's just useless. Force Wake is broken, Telekinetics momentum is broken, that's why noone uses it. Especially in pvp. It's a PVE talent tree, so stop QQing about it beeing OP...

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