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Bfg vs rifle


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Well i have a gunnery commando with a full champ set and yesterday i got another token for a weapon and i just bought the elimnator rifle since i already have a cannon and just for the fun of it i started using it during wzs and idk why im finding myself getting more medals and doing like 200k+ nearly everytime when compared do the time when i use the cannon. The odd thing is that i have like 1.2k less dmg when using the rifle, isnt that a bit odd lol?
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If your gunnery your pretty much just doing the same amount of damage from grav round and demo round since they're tech based attacks. Your skills like full auto, HIB, and regular hammer shot are gonna suffer from your lower weapon damage since they're white damage.


Its also possible people are ignoring you since they see a rifle and assume vanguard, which means they're expecting you to come close to start dealing damage are could be ignoring you letting you free cast.

Edited by Senscith
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Is it viable to play a Gunnery Spec Commando and only use Rifles? Personally, I prefer the rifle over the cannon, but I notice some skills require the Cannon. I have a Arsenal Merc and Rerolled Republic to help with the pop imbalance, but was disappointed when I found id be lugging around these awkward looking cannons.


So if I plan on only using Gunnery spec, can I still hack it with a Rifle?

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This thread seems to say the weapon dmg is different, but I'd you get the dmg from the barrel, wouldnt a cannon and rifle with the same barrel do the same dmg?


I haven't looked into it, but that was my initial thought. Then my second thought was it can't be, because when you look at the mirror (BH) they go from one blaster to 2 blasters which is more damage. That has to be balanced somehow on the Trooper side.


My guess is much like an armor mod with armor rating X gives more armor in heavy armor items than light, the barrel with damage rating X will give more damage in an assault cannon than a blaster rifle.


My new gut feeling:


Blaster Rifle dmg = blaster pistol dmg

Assault Cannon dmg = Sniper Rifle dmg = 2x blaster pistol damage (after factoring offhand penalties)


That way the Vanguard/Powertech, Scoundrel/Opperative, Commando/Merc, Gunslinger/Sniper all balance out.

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You could use a rifle as a Commando with Gunnery or Medic.


Rifle does about a third or fourth less damage than an equal cannon so its not a big loss.


With Gunnery you are using grav round instead of charged burst which doesn't require a cannon.


With Medic you are mostly healing, if you are attacking, something has gone wrong or the situation is in hand anyways.


People get too hung up on little stats and I find when I kill its usually ability overkill anyways.


As others said the advantage of appearing like a vanguard could be very helpful for pvp as healer as enemy players will be looking for the troopers with the big cannons to kill.

Edited by ForlornHope
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As others said the advantage of appearing like a vanguard could be very helpful for pvp as healer as enemy players will be looking for the troopers with the big cannons to kill.


This was my thinking. Plus i like the Aesthetic of the rifle better. Ill have to do some testing tonight

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You could use a rifle as a Commando with Gunnery or Medic.


Rifle does about a third or fourth less damage than an equal cannon so its not a big loss.


With Gunnery you are using grav round instead of charged burst which doesn't require a cannon.


With Medic you are mostly healing, if you are attacking, something has gone wrong or the situation is in hand anyways.


People get too hung up on little stats and I find when I kill its usually ability overkill anyways.


As others said the advantage of appearing like a vanguard could be very helpful for pvp as healer as enemy players will be looking for the troopers with the big cannons to kill.

As a healer in PvP, you should always be playing supportively and joining in on the damage if you do not need to actively heal. Thus gimping yourself in damage is not a good idea. Running with a rifle might make opponents go "humh?" momentarily, but it won't take an intelligent person more than a few seconds to identify what's going on. So is a few second ruse really worth the reduced damage?

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As a healer in PvP, you should always be playing supportively and joining in on the damage if you do not need to actively heal. Thus gimping yourself in damage is not a good idea. Running with a rifle might make opponents go "humh?" momentarily, but it won't take an intelligent person more than a few seconds to identify what's going on. So is a few second ruse really worth the reduced damage?


As soon as you launch your "green beam of suicidal intent" aka hammer shot heal, everyone will figure it out anyway.

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As soon as you launch your "green beam of suicidal intent" aka hammer shot heal, everyone will figure it out anyway.


You'd be surprised.


I actually know of someone running combat medic with a blaster rifle and jedi knight robes in pvp. I don't think anyone quite knows what to think of him on the other side.

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You'd be surprised.


I actually know of someone running combat medic with a blaster rifle and jedi knight robes in pvp. I don't think anyone quite knows what to think of him on the other side.




Is he a smuggler?


Is he a jedi?


Is he some crazy class unlocked through the Legacy System?

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Well, I'm currently running with full jedi knight armors (some half metal breastplate with a cape).

I guess I should try and get some Rifles instead of cannons just for the fun + I'm gunnery and will consider going medic after hitting lvl 40, so it doesn't cost me that much.

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As soon as you launch your "green beam of suicidal intent" aka hammer shot heal, everyone will figure it out anyway.


And a note of this...




Bioware really needs to remove this.


How can you justify making a healer SO obvious in PvP?


Its a huge disadvantage to be able to be found out in .1 second lol...




But still, thats lame of BW to deprive you of that skill because of looks...

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My new gut feeling:


Blaster Rifle dmg = blaster pistol dmg

Assault Cannon dmg = Sniper Rifle dmg = 2x blaster pistol damage (after factoring offhand penalties)


That is exactly how it works.


On the subject of barrels, they are only for damage RATING. If you put the same 126 Rating Barrel in a Rifle and then an Assault Cannon, the AC will have more damage than the rifle even though the rating is the same and you are using the same exact barrel. Works the same exact way that armoring works for Heavy/Medium/Light armor, it takes the rating and the weapon/armor type into account to calculate the damage or armor.

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What the Heck guys... Your divulging the Commando's entire camo tactic on the forums? Now all the Sith know there is Commando's hiding on the battlefield using little guns to be mistaken for Vanguards.... Quickly delete this entire topic! Never speak of this again!
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This thread seems to say the weapon dmg is different, but I'd you get the dmg from the barrel, wouldnt a cannon and rifle with the same barrel do the same dmg?


The same way the single blaster don't do the same damage as a dual blaster for a BH, an assault cannon does more dmg than a rifle. Even with the same barrel. Or the same way a sniper rifle out damage a blaster rifle for IA.


You CAN use a blaster rifle for many skills as a commandos, but you'll loose a lots of DPS.

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