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Talk about Double-talking?


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ok.. so from the patch notes we have this:



•Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.



Whats so important about that?.. well From my own customer help ticket i turned in about a week ago.. we have this:


Copy/paste picture


I have a CSR responce saying that there is no problem with people doing what this patch now keeps from being done. And yet, less than a week later, its in the patch notes as being removed (skills wont work, which is one of the sugestions i gave them). :confused:


Make up your mind EA.


*edit* link should work now and for those that actualy read all of the cut/paste thing.. no, the 60 timer doesnt auto-remove.. but i did find out a way to reset/remove that timmer while still remaining up there (which is likely what those troopers/BH's were doing).

Edited by Arialyn
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It is still consistent. Pulling people to the spawn was not an exploit, just like speccing Concealment as an Operative wasn't an exploit. You were not going to get in trouble for doing it. The developers decided to adjust the game because of balance reasons.
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It is still consistent. Pulling people to the spawn was not an exploit, just like speccing Concealment as an Operative wasn't an exploit. You were not going to get in trouble for doing it. The developers decided to adjust the game because of balance reasons.


What then is your definition of an exploit? Mine is stated in that cut/paste i made. That being when a game mechanic is used in a way that gives 1 player an advantage over another player or the game itself, or bypasses/breaks gameplay.


Useing a mechanic who's sole purpose was to 'keep players out of a spawn area' as a way to Instantly kill players who had absolutly 0 intention of going into the spawn area in my mind is an exploit. If you think its not, then what would be an example of an exploit in your mind?


As for the 'speccing concealment as an operative' thing, Take it youve been knifed in the back a few times? *shrugs* happens to everyone, even other operatives.

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It is still consistent. Pulling people to the spawn was not an exploit, just like speccing Concealment as an Operative wasn't an exploit. You were not going to get in trouble for doing it. The developers decided to adjust the game because of balance reasons.


This ^^

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What then is your definition of an exploit? Mine is stated in that cut/paste i made. That being when a game mechanic is used in a way that gives 1 player an advantage over another player or the game itself, or bypasses/breaks gameplay.


Useing a mechanic who's sole purpose was to 'keep players out of a spawn area' as a way to Instantly kill players who had absolutly 0 intention of going into the spawn area in my mind is an exploit. If you think its not, then what would be an example of an exploit in your mind?


As for the 'speccing concealment as an operative' thing, Take it youve been knifed in the back a few times? *shrugs* happens to everyone, even other operatives.


It doesn't matter what is an exploit in my mind or not. It isn't my game, I don't get to decide what is or isn't an exploit. Your definition could also include people speccing an overpowered spec, which many (especially Sorcs) considered Concealment to be. Initially they thought it was fine (team play/ways to counter and all that) and then decided something different. Again, in neither case was it an exploit, but rather a change in game design.

Edited by Bnol
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Initially they thought it was fine (team play/ways to counter and all that) and then decided something different.


Only there is no 'counter' to being draged. Unless you consider the broken Resolve meter to be the 'counter' to it. About the only way to keep from being harpooned is:


1) Be out of range.

2) Be lucky enough to have your resolve bar full and have enough hp left over to actualy make use of it.


Notheing else keeps you from being yanked. And as there is currently a way to stay up on that platform indeffinantly and never get booted for 'idelness', which let them literaly camp the score-line (that 60 second move it or lose it debuff), im sticking with my idea that it was an exploit as it gave them a way to instantly kill a player, nomater his hp, nomater his buffs, even if he had a 'bubble' on him. The moment he crossed the threshold, he instantly died.

Edited by Arialyn
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