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Ataru form + Defensive forms speed buff not added to Sprint.


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According to tooltips Sprint increases speed out of combat by 30% (not to 30%), and Defensive Forms in Ataru increases Speed by 15%, however if you use Sprint your speed doesn't change no matter if you use your Ataru Form or not, so it's clearly not adding at all. Please give us the little candies Combat has to offer.

To test this i've run from side to side in Republic Orbital Station Jedi knight Airlock, it takes me:

Sprint 14.4s

Sprint + Ataru 14.4s

Ataru 16.7s

Nothing 19.2s

Edited by nicolatron
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Yes figured so much, and i think they should stack according to tooltip, so maybe it's not working as intended or maybe it is, i'm wondering if we also loose the speed buff when we use trascendence. Well not lose, but got it replaced.

I wonder if the burn buffs in watchmen replaced surge instead of being added to it, people will be happy about it. Well combat don't have burns but should have higher speed, with the centering generation of watchman and Focused Pursuit i even doubt that.

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It is working as intended. It means when you are in combat, you will be moving 15% faster than your target. It may not seem like much but it really is.

It means that unless they put a slow on you, you will definately catch them without having to use a gap closer like leap.

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Am i right in thinking that the tooltip sates that it increases "in combat" movment speed by 15%?

In short: you are not right.


I'm looking at the tooltip from torhead as i'm not home, but if they didn't changed it recently it says:


Defensive Forms: Ataru Form: Increases your movement speed by 7.5% (per point max 15%).


The thing is not that it's not counted out of combat, the thing is it's not stacking when you use any other speed buff, it's not working as intended (in the tooltip), don't stack with:



Force Camouflage


In fact if you are out of combat and you disable Sprint you have the Ataru: Defensive Forms buff as i stated in the first post.


Most sentinels are already gimping themselfs by playing combat, maybe with a specific gearing up with lots of Surge it works better, but for me with 2 pieces missing from full champion Watchman is way better both in dps, survavility and group utility, so i don't think this ciscunstancial buff for combat will make it OP and will give the sentinel more viable diversity.

I like the gameplay of Combat more but Watchman is way better when you put survavily and group utility in the table.


I'll check stacking with trascendence and Force camo and update it on my first post.

Edited by nicolatron
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