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Reserging the Hood question


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I figure I would add another post to to the situation of non-hood marauder. (just to pull the point across to the game dev)


I am a melee style guy through and through. I have done every variation of the jedi knight/sith warrior class. My typical process is decide my side (good/bad), pick saber style, and then get myself a nice hood. My friends can attest to me redoing the heroic mission on courusant (apologies for spelling) every chance I get to get the hooded robe.


Now imagine my dissapointment in discovering that the marauder doesn't get a hooded gear until way beyond 50. And the said hood armor is hideous too. I was looking for what was advertised.


Is it so hard to take the cloak from the jedi side (redo the coloring to black) and place it at a vendor in the imperial fleet?


I know I'm not the only one thinking this. My marauder is still using the first moddable chest gear he got (honestly, its the only good one for the marauder in my opinion).

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i feel you... these threads keep poping up all the time yet it seems like they have other issues to solve before we get vanity upgrades... They should have left it the way it was in beta with all the cliping issues id take them any day from what we have now...

what rly buffles me though is WHY THE HELL we get robes with the hood pulled down evene when ur hiding ur helmet when in fact it can easily be up like we have in our end game gear... guess its another unsolved Bioware mystery...

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I really don't understand why Sentinals get only HOOD UP gear and Marauders only get HOOD DOWN gear. It was predestined to lead to cries for the other gear. Like right now, Marauders want robes with the hood up, while the Sentinal forum here is full of people wanting to see their hair and have robes with the hood down.
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didnt know sentinels only get hood up gear... And this is wrong in more than one way cause when it comes to style the "hood up" look fits the Dark side much more than the light side as depicted in the movies/cartoons/whatever


but i thought we were based off vader and vader never wore a hood. I cant think of anybody that the warriors based on that wore a hood. Of course you could count anakin but his hood was part of his jedi robes.

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I really don't understand why Sentinals get only HOOD UP gear and Marauders only get HOOD DOWN gear. It was predestined to lead to cries for the other gear. Like right now, Marauders want robes with the hood up, while the Sentinal forum here is full of people wanting to see their hair and have robes with the hood down.


In my opinion all characters, or at least force-users should get an option to have hooded gear and toggle the hood up or down.

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but i thought we were based off vader and vader never wore a hood. I cant think of anybody that the warriors based on that wore a hood. Of course you could count anakin but his hood was part of his jedi robes.


Well yeah i was thinking about Anakin when he turned Dark side and a bit Darth Maul although Assassins are supposed to be based on him but have even less with him in comon than us other than the saber-staff... Darth Vader is more Jugernaut territory and although he never wore hood, jugernauts have more hoods than mrauders... in one word its a mess


Also in a more funny note Darth Grievous is clearly a Marauder with 4 lightsabers (LOL) and he also wore a hood, at least in the cartoon, dont rememeber the movies :D

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I really don't understand why Sentinals get only HOOD UP gear and Marauders only get HOOD DOWN gear. It was predestined to lead to cries for the other gear. Like right now, Marauders want robes with the hood up, while the Sentinal forum here is full of people wanting to see their hair and have robes with the hood down.


Columi chest is HOOD UP. Hopefully Rakata also.

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Well yeah i was thinking about Anakin when he turned Dark side and a bit Darth Maul although Assassins are supposed to be based on him but have even less with him in comon than us other than the saber-staff... Darth Vader is more Jugernaut territory and although he never wore hood, jugernauts have more hoods than mrauders... in one word its a mess


Also in a more funny note Darth Grievous is clearly a Marauder with 4 lightsabers (LOL) and he also wore a hood, at least in the cartoon, dont rememeber the movies :D


Grievous in the movie was a robot. 4 arms I dont recall him wearing a hood, or anything else.


i think they actually referred to maul in the assassin video description as like acrobatic using a saber staff which is well, what maul was, but the actual ac i probably wouldnt call it acrobatic.

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Columi chest is HOOD UP. Hopefully Rakata also.


Yes, the PVP gear also has the hood up. But having only PVE Raid gear and PVP with the hood up? That's still ridiculous. There should be robes with hood up, robes with hood down, robes without hoods, for every jedi/sith class, at every level.


Lightsabers without robes and hoods is just wrong.

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Adding a new post does not put the point across to the developers. If you want to help, then bump the exsiting 40 page threads which have discussed the issue more in detail and have tons of players agreeing.


Spamming the forum with the same threads over and over just wastes our time and buries good threads under new ones. Its pointless.


Also, "Reserging" isn't remotely a word. Re-surging? Which isn't a word either. Researching? Reserving? I... don't even know what you were going for.

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Just a warning, I got with a buddy of mine on my jedi sage and bought lvl 31 hood up boe robes, put them on the neutral AH on Nar Shadaa so he could buy them, and the model changed to a gimpy no hood outfit.


Yeah, Empire players can't get republic gear and republic players can't get empire gear.


And all the sith robes are for jedi. O_O Seriously, roll a sentinel. You get brown jedi robes AND black sith robes.


And the sith get no robes.



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