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It's not even healthy anymore


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Like I said please post a video of you and your team schooling six people who are focused on killing you and you breaking all their stuns. Thats the whole point of this subject is CC ablities and the lack of cc breaks


Two stuns is all it takes to fill my resolve bar. I have to stand still to do my most powerful heals so still being rooted and snared doesn't effect me horribly. So before the first stun I pop my shield and once the second stun pops I have a full resolve bar I then break it with my CC break and am immune to all other stuns for long enough for my team to either kill them all or enough of them that they are no longer an issue.

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Honestly, complaining about sorcs is like a big neon sign that tells us you're bad or undergeared. At higher gear levels, sorcs aren't all that.


Full Cent geared,guess im just bad huh? lol i mean i cant possibly push buttons yah know or the fact that i have been to maybe three wz's in about two weeks but somehow my Cent gear fell in my lap? and im a Scoundrel,not Operative with my 5 Sorc buddys chain stunning,yah i must be bad.

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Full Cent geared,guess im just bad huh? lol i mean i cant possibly push buttons yah know or the fact that i have been to maybe three wz's in about two weeks but somehow my Cent gear fell in my lap? and im a Scoundrel,not Operative with my 5 Sorc buddys chain stunning,yah i must be bad.


What does full cent gear have anything to do with your skill?

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Full Cent geared,guess im just bad huh? lol i mean i cant possibly push buttons yah know or the fact that i have been to maybe three wz's in about two weeks but somehow my Cent gear fell in my lap? and im a Scoundrel,not Operative with my 5 Sorc buddys chain stunning,yah i must be bad.


So your argument is apparently that the republic has no mirror to sorcs?

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again, complaining about being stunlocked by 6+ people is STUPID. of course you'll be stunlocked. bring friends to back you up, don't go charging 1v6 like a moron


I think the problem we're seeing here is, former WoW players don't have much PvP experience outside of MMO and just don't know much about teammwork or strategy. Trying to 1v6? Lol. Even 1v2 wouldn't fly in most other games (unless you're really skilled).

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You have a total lack of knowledge on how CC is supposed to work if you think the current system is valid


Do you have any suggestions on how it should work? Or anyone for that matter... I hear a whole lot of complaining but no one offering any suggestions..

Edited by Mcfondles
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Here's a screenshot that might help prove that they aren't all what they are cracked up to be.




I didn't die once and I took 174k damage. I was the primary healer and had no guard on me. The other team had 7 sorcerers on it. I was stunned many many times and was ganked by multiple people many times but was still able to keep myself alive throughout it.

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Here's a screenshot that might help prove that they aren't all what they are cracked up to be.




I didn't die once and I took 174k damage. I was the primary healer and had no guard on me. The other team had 7 sorcerers on it. I was stunned many many times and was ganked by multiple people many times but was still able to keep myself alive throughout it.



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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.


This is the worse CC fest I have ever seen.

It is so frustrateing, it just kills all the fun. Stunlocks that last 10 seconds or even more during with enemy players are bashing You with everything they got. And I know that most CC should break on damage, but it doesn't. It's probably game lag or ability lag or whatever lag. Bottom line is CC does not break properly when several players are stunlocking You.

Add all the pulls and pushes and roots that almost everyone have. This is just terrible.

And don't get me started on resolve bar. Suficient to say that id dosen't work like they say it should.

Warhammer online get it right after about a year of QQ on forums. They implemented a buff you got after being CCed that gave total immunity to CC for 5 seconds.

Briliant idea that made PvP a lot more fun for everyone.

Mabey try this in Your next patch BioWare.

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Here's a screenshot that might help prove that they aren't all what they are cracked up to be.




I didn't die once and I took 174k damage. I was the primary healer and had no guard on me. The other team had 7 sorcerers on it. I was stunned many many times and was ganked by multiple people many times but was still able to keep myself alive throughout it.


LOL yup Imp and five casters,i called it earlier lol.

Edited by Sathid
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Nice try. You called him out, and got owned. Thanks.



Nah I still agree with that reply 100% regardless of that mistake, but have fun playing when SWTOR becomes F2P and the servers are dead because everything is fine in your eyes while people are leaving at such a fast rate you'd think this game has herpes.

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