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You're describing how you wish it worked, not how it's supposed to work. You can't tell the difference?


And here is the typical fanboi response. No this is how it should work not how I wished it worked. This will be one of the many reasons why you will see this game fail. Just like warhammer because they waited until the end to fix the cc problems in the game

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you can balance it. In pve you shouldnt be attacking something that is CC'ed. Hence no damage. YOu damage a CC'ed target it should break. Players have a different code compared to a NPC and that can be made to have a anti chaining cc ability


This game already has that. Players have a resolve bar. NPCs don't.

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I don't get this thread. In a Warzone, all things being equal, your team should be able to CC the other team exactly the same amount as they can CC you. Also, you can break CCs or your teammates can do it for you (if they are so inclined). Also, if the enemy team is CC'ing you every 10 seconds, and you're not dying, then somebody is doing something very wrong.



1. There's a cooldown for breaking CC's.


2. I can still stay alive, I know what I'm doing but the experience is not enjoyable in doing so and having to run away from the action in order to stay alive after getting hit just makes me want to take the death rather than having to " blackout" and run to the healing thingy or seethe in a corner....

Edited by Deathrupter
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And here is the typical fanboi response. No this is how it should work not how I wished it worked. This will be one of the many reasons why you will see this game fail. Just like warhammer because they waited until the end to fix the cc problems in the game


The thing is... you being CCed isn't a problem that needs to be fixed. It's working as intended.

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1. There's a cooldown for breaking CC's.


2. I can still stay alive, I know what I'm doing but the experience is enjoyable in doing so and having to run away from the action in order to stay alive after getting hit just makes me want to take the death rather than having to " blackout" and run to the healing thingy or seethe in a corner....


Then have your teammates break your CC...or CC them first...oh wait, you or your teammates aren't good enough at PvP to do that?


This is what happens to PvP when it becomes gear based.

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Then have your teammates break your CC...or CC them first...oh wait, you or your teammates aren't good enough at PvP to do that?


This is what happens to PvP when it becomes gear based.


or this is what happens when you play when your static is sleep :D.


Joining a pug sucks...

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And here is the typical fanboi response. No this is how it should work not how I wished it worked. This will be one of the many reasons why you will see this game fail. Just like warhammer because they waited until the end to fix the cc problems in the game


And here is the typical troll. I love how you can predict the future. Great ability, wish my Sith Sorc had it. I'll contemplate it while I CC someone in a warzone.

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No see troll you're wrong. Your terrible grammar asisde, you made a whole bunch of assumptions about Warhammer and turned such speculation into a statement of fact. And then you made another presumptive statement about the playing style of poster. Logical reasoning fail.


LOL terrible grammar? Really how so? What do you want me to add comma's? Your run on sentence shows how firmly you have grasped grammar also. You are just another scrub who doesnt want to see the overpowered cc chaining cease.

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or this is what happens when you play when your static is sleep :D.


Joining a pug sucks...


No offense to anyone, but it boggles my mind to see people complaining about an ability other PvPers have to use against you, when you can do the exact same yourself, and you have CC break and have the ability to break CC on your teammates as well. When I PvP I rarely CC (other than the short stun effects), because they get broken rather quickly.

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Then have your teammates break your CC...or CC them first...oh wait, you or your teammates aren't good enough at PvP to do that?


This is what happens to PvP when it becomes gear based.


Every post you have ever made about cc has been with both these points. Its broken and you abuse it so you dont want it to change. Fail

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lol really? so your telling me that if I have tons of resolve then I will be able to go out and pvp with being chain cc'ed?


If your resolve bar has gone white, you're immune to CC (but not snares or roots) until it runs out 8-12 seconds later. If it hasn't gone white, you can still be CCed.

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No offense to anyone, but it boggles my mind to see people complaining about an ability other PvPers have to use against you, when you can do the exact same yourself, and you have CC break and have the ability to break CC on your teammates as well. When I PvP I rarely CC (other than the short stun effects), because they get broken rather quickly.


This furthers my point. You play in a organized group that likes to chain cc a target. You know its broken and you are the first to defend the current set up. Just sad

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LOL terrible grammar? Really how so? What do you want me to add comma's? Your run on sentence shows how firmly you have grasped grammar also. You are just another scrub who doesnt want to see the overpowered cc chaining cease.


The only CC that doesn't break on damage are stun and knockdown. The 60 second cc's everyone whines about do break on damage, and snares break on damage after 2 seconds. Also, resolve isn't broken, people just don't know how to use it.


You get stunned, that fills up most of your resolve bar. Do not use CC breaker. You get knocked down or whirlwinded, this fills up the rest of your resolve bar. Use CC breaker. Bam, instant CC invulnerability while Resolve is up, proceed to Profit.

Edited by DarthVarrak
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No offense to anyone, but it boggles my mind to see people complaining about an ability other PvPers have to use against you, when you can do the exact same yourself, and you have CC break and have the ability to break CC on your teammates as well. When I PvP I rarely CC (other than the short stun effects), because they get broken rather quickly.


I have one really effective CC but it is only usable when I'm in stealth, whirlwind breaks easily and im left with electrocute which doesn't last very long. That's nothing compared to what's out there.

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If your resolve bar has gone white, you're immune to CC (but not snares or roots) until it runs out 8-12 seconds later. If it hasn't gone white, you can still be CCed.


Really how often has you resolve bar gone white while around 3 or 4 people? I dont think I have ever seen it happen before I die due to the fact that I have been cc'ed in one place

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It works, it just needs to be tuned to fill a little faster I think.


Also, roots and snares should be part of the resolve equation.


It can't be. There are so many snares that everyone's resolve bar would be full nearly all the time. And since snares would then stop working most of the time, ranged would have no way to keep melee off which means most of the gap closers would also need to be removed...


In other words, you're talking about an entire game rewrite for something that isn't a problem. Melees who start at max range usually lose. Melees who start the fight closer than that usually win. The system works.

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Who cares about grammar,i am a co owner of a small buisness and the last thing i am going to think about is my grammar or anything else related.


Back on topic,i think maybe some people who play classes that use CC alot have not experienced what its like with four or five of you guys spamming this stuff,trust me it really is almost unplayable,and dont give me that BS about "There is a mirrored class" or "Use your break" i could say the same things about my class and people using a trinket or that there is a Operative that is the mirror.

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LOL terrible grammar? Really how so? What do you want me to add comma's? Your run on sentence shows how firmly you have grasped grammar also. You are just another scrub who doesnt want to see the overpowered cc chaining cease.


Run-on sentence? Uhm no, it's called a "compound sentence", which is composed of two clauses joined by a coordinator (in my case, a comma).


Hate grammar police, but just to show you how uneducated you sound:


"CC is important however in the current state that it is the cc is out of hand." -> "state that it is the" does not make sense


"Also Warhammer could of been" -> you meant "could have been"


"Further more" -> should be "Furthermore" one word


"If you took just one thing that worked from warhammer and that was cc break on damage and that is any type of damage then the cc would be fine in this game." -> this is a run-on sentence because of your failure to use any coordinators to connect the clauses


Just saying.

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This furthers my point. You play in a organized group that likes to chain cc a target. You know its broken and you are the first to defend the current set up. Just sad


You have no point. And no, I rarely play organized PvP, and read my above post, I rarely CC.

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