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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's not even healthy anymore


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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.

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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.


Ah yes but you will get 20 people on here that says its totally fine. Or better yet you need to wait for your bar to go white before you break cc that way you wont be chained. CC is laughable and BW knows it. This is the problem of having a pve and pvp game. If you took some lessons from Warhammer and gave a standard cc immunity and also gave a cc break on damage including dots then the CC would be ok. Until then its just a broken game

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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.


Players use CC abilities to CC... News at 11.


You ever think that YOUR fun (running up to and mauling people) isn't fun for them?

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I just can't take it anymore. I'm literally pausing every 4 seconds, how's that fun ?


don't even get me started on the sorcs/sages.


Its not fun and you have a very valid point. I was in a WZ where i got cc so bad that the third time it happened I got up took a piss came back and left the WZ after respawning. Force choke, knockdown, blind, kick in the nuts and what ever else they threw on me. I didnt even bother to go through that crap again

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Players use CC abilities to CC... News at 11.


You ever think that YOUR fun (running up to and mauling people) isn't fun for them?



Lmao, stay on topic, that has nothing to do with being CC'd every 3 seconds. It's not even an exaggeration.

Edited by Deathrupter
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Ah yes but you will get 20 people on here that says its totally fine. Or better yet you need to wait for your bar to go white before you break cc that way you wont be chained. CC is laughable and BW knows it. This is the problem of having a pve and pvp game. If you took some lessons from Warhammer and gave a standard cc immunity and also gave a cc break on damage including dots then the CC would be ok. Until then its just a broken game


Yes, let's use Warhammer as the example of how an MMORPG should be played... the game 80% of the playerbase quit after the free month...


Look, it's simple. The ONLY way to make CC unimportant is to make every class able to function perfectly well while in melee range, even the casters. Champions Online did that, and it just creates a whole new level of whining as the melees whine that casters aren't fragile.

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If you can find a way to do it without screwing over my PVE then fine.


The unfortunate fact is PVP and PVE can't be balanced simultaniously. CC is very important for PVE even in solo play due to multiple enemy groups.


They should roll out diminishing returns for you PVPers... You know homogenize everything down for you guys and give you the total blandness you seem to crave.


It's always the other guy or game's fault right?

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Yes, let's use Warhammer as the example of how an MMORPG should be played... the game 80% of the playerbase quit after the free month...


Look, it's simple. The ONLY way to make CC unimportant is to make every class able to function perfectly well while in melee range, even the casters. Champions Online did that, and it just creates a whole new level of whining as the melees whine that casters aren't fragile.


CC is important however in the current state that it is the cc is out of hand. Also Warhammer could of been a profitable game if they listened to the player base and fixed bugs right from the start. Further more the devs in hammer had their own interests and that was keeping their jobs when EA took over. If you took just one thing that worked from warhammer and that was cc break on damage and that is any type of damage then the cc would be fine in this game.


However I feel you are the type of player that loves to see someone stand in a WZ and not doing anything for a full minute or two

Edited by Paralassa
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Lmao, I have no intentions of quitting this game, I love it.


I just entirely focus my character on PVP and these things become evident the more I PVP. It's flat out annoying.


I can't really think of a fix, but it sucks for melee classes... And what really pissed me off today was after being CC'd, I got tons of dps on me without the CC breaking. That's not normal at all.


CC's are usually all the same, yes, you can avoid me for 10 seconds, but you shouldn't be able to deal damage on me without me doing anything.

Edited by Deathrupter
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Enlighten me. How is CC supposed to work?


I should need to enlighten you. Its simple you are cc'ed it need to break on damage. Once cc'ed you cant be chained by another type of cc. Even if you were that cc needs to break on damage. Do i need to break it down to the kindergarden level?

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No see fanboi you're wrong. CC is important however in the current state that it is the cc is out of hand. Also Warhammer could of been a profitable game if they listened to the player base and fixed bugs right from the start. Further more the devs in hammer had their own interests and that was keeping their jobs when EA took over. If you took just one thing that worked from warhammer and that was cc break on damage and that is any type of damage then the cc would be fine in this game.

Nothing worked in Warhammer. Nobody's going to use that as a model for an MMORPG. It failed massively.


However I feel you are the type of player that loves to see someone stand in a WZ and not doing anything for a full minute or two


And I feel you are the type of player who's so bad he doesn't know what resolve is, how it works, or why what was said above isn't possible.

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I don't get this thread. In a Warzone, all things being equal, your team should be able to CC the other team exactly the same amount as they can CC you. Also, you can break CCs or your teammates can do it for you (if they are so inclined). Also, if the enemy team is CC'ing you every 10 seconds, and you're not dying, then somebody is doing something very wrong.
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I should need to enlighten you. Its simple you are cc'ed it need to break on damage. Once cc'ed you cant be chained by another type of cc. Even if you were that cc needs to break on damage. Do i need to break it down to the kindergarden level?


You're describing how you wish it worked, not how it's supposed to work. You can't tell the difference?

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If you can find a way to do it without screwing over my PVE then fine.


The unfortunate fact is PVP and PVE can't be balanced simultaniously. CC is very important for PVE even in solo play due to multiple enemy groups.


They should roll out diminishing returns for you PVPers... You know homogenize everything down for you guys and give you the total blandness you seem to crave.


It's always the other guy or game's fault right?


you can balance it. In pve you shouldnt be attacking something that is CC'ed. Hence no damage. YOu damage a CC'ed target it should break. Players have a different code compared to a NPC and that can be made to have a anti chaining cc ability

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They should roll out diminishing returns for you PVPers... You know homogenize everything down for you guys and give you the total blandness you seem to crave.



That's what the resolve bar does. Maybe they need to turn down how fast it runs out, but given BW isn't fixing any of the things people are overwhelmingly telling them need to be fixed I wouldn't count on anything changing.

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No see fanboi you're wrong. CC is important however in the current state that it is the cc is out of hand. Also Warhammer could of been a profitable game if they listened to the player base and fixed bugs right from the start. Further more the devs in hammer had their own interests and that was keeping their jobs when EA took over. If you took just one thing that worked from warhammer and that was cc break on damage and that is any type of damage then the cc would be fine in this game.


However I feel you are the type of player that loves to see someone stand in a WZ and not doing anything for a full minute or two


No see troll you're wrong. Your terrible grammar asisde, you made a whole bunch of assumptions about Warhammer and turned such speculation into a statement of fact. And then you made another presumptive statement about the playing style of poster. Logical reasoning fail.

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