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Deserter Debuff


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BIO for the love of god and all this is pure in MMO gaming ....Please oh please make a deserter debuff of 30-60 mins


I am sick to death of all the weak minded non skilled morons that leave a WZ after one cap or one thing goes wrong ...and once they do its 5-8 and you no chance of catching up until its too late


FIX IT PLEASE I BEG you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

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Sure they could do that...


But what happens when I try to join a warzone and get booted back to fleet before the game even loads?


Or when I'm playing, have a real life obligation, say go to bathroom or someones at the door, and need to leave. Then when my obligation is fulfilled I must wait 30 minutes to an hour before I can queue for a wz again?


No, not worth it.

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RL happens...you just hve to suck it up..but why should the majority suffer through unbalance (as in team sizes) becasue some over self obsessed retard thinks he is better than everyone else...


Most they are the weakest players looking for a free ride...


Deseter De-buff Please:(

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I'm all for a deserter debuff, but what if someone disconnects or his game crashes?


IF there is a grace period, that allows that person to come back to the game/match without getting that debuff, that'd be great.


Considering the state of the game, and how often it'll crash for no reason, or simply boots you to character select when you force leap on the bridge in Void Star, or some many other little bugs with the game, I'd have to say no for the time being.


Once they get their act together and fix everything, and give a grace period for dc's and crashes, then I'll enjoy seeing a 10-15 minutes quitter debuff. No reason to go beyond 15 minutes.

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Sure they could do that...


But what happens when I try to join a warzone and get booted back to fleet before the game even loads?


Or when I'm playing, have a real life obligation, say go to bathroom or someones at the door, and need to leave. Then when my obligation is fulfilled I must wait 30 minutes to an hour before I can queue for a wz again?


No, not worth it.


Yes, you should get the debuff if it happens in those instances as well. Why? Because you've just screwed up the group when you had to go due to RL issues or something. If it happens occasionally, suck it up. If it's frequent, then perhaps you should put a DND sign on your door or use diapers.


30-60mins is kinda overkill imo. 15 mins would probably be a big enough deterrent.

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No. Absolutely not. I get bounced by the server at least once in an hr of doing warzones or it loads in and 3 seconds later bounces me. Ain't waiting 30 mins to an hr or a warzone after that. I've never actually intentionally deserted. In fact I get bounced so often I keep my character parked on imperial fleet when I pvp because it's not worth taking a break from a quest to have a round of Hutball and then get thrown to Imperial Fleet from a bounce -- it takes another 20 minutes to get back where I was.
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Not until they've fine tuned the mess that is level 50 pvp right now, and fixed the good number of bugs of which a decent subset, kick you out of wzs.


This. When they fix their buggy mess of a game, then add deserter. I cannot tell you how many times I've died and it wouldn't let me return to the starting point, and of course my absolute favorite, getting killed while laying on the floor from an Operative or Warrior and then respawn and I'm still on the ground and can't move and have to leave the WZ.


It's bad enough we are already paying to play a beta version of the game, but get penalized because they can't fix bugs? Don't think so.

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I am sick to death of all the weak minded non skilled morons that leave a WZ after one cap or one thing goes wrong ...and once they do its 5-8 and you no chance of catching up until its too late


Well, I am sick to death of all the people that think having a deserter debuff in the game in its current state would help AT ALL.


You wanna know what would really happen? People would just AFK and not leave, meaning that no one can even join to take their spot.


They have to first address people that AFK and the fact when you join a WZ late you can be kicked out before you can get out of the starting zone before they even consider putting in a deserter debuff.


Hope you can understand that.

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I agree about the loading screen boot, thats a killer.


I been booted ou tof WZ like 3 times due to slow loading --> *** is that anyway.


The other thing thats needed is a timer on stealth.


I seen some *****'s on our side parked in mid in cloak for an entire game without engaging in a fight once.


even worse, becuase it LOOKED like people were there fighting, people kept charging into help them, and.... get wtfpwnd because it would end up being 5 on 1.


Turns out, get this, there were 3 pubbies in sneak in mid for the entire game. I almost rolled imp just so I would never be embarrassed by that ******** again.

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A deserter debuff won't stop me from leaving a clear loss when you get more than 5 times the bags from wins than you do from losses.


Assuming 80 coms per match, you need 10 games for a bag, or .1 bags per game.


Assuming dailies and weekly, you get 10 bags for 21 games, or .5 bags per game, ON TOP OF the .1 bags per game from coms.


.1 vs .6 bags per game loss vs. win. I'll take the debuff, thanks.

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I am fully against this idea. Implementing a deserter debuff will only further kill this games population as there is no way in hell I ever intend to stay in a round with a group of idiots who'd rather sit afk in the corner or mindlessly attack a tank when the healers are right there. I simply leave and find another group in hopes of having a bit of fun.


If this goes live it will hasten the games demise and I for one will be using the door.


Let's not even talk about the bugs that make you get trapped in the starter area and are unable to leave it. Happened to me twice tonight. Once was a speeder bug the other was a forcepush bug. Both times I was kicked from the round. Excellent concept to punish people for something so silly.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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So add the debuff, make it be triggered by /leave or by the afk code being triggered. Maybe add one to boot anyone who doesn't unstealth in 3/5/7 minutes (take your pick). If RL calls you away, you get to sit because you caused your team to be shorthanded. If you got kicked/crashed, you don't trigger the code for the debuff. Increase the "kick you out because you didn't leave the spawn" to 90? seconds to give folks time to make it out even when the game is kind of buggy (? means scale up if needed).


If you're going to require wins for daily quests (which I favor as opposed to "credit for queue'ing"), then penalize leavers. It can be done without impacting the crashers. If you really want to be one of those "I'll queue and not worry about that phone call that I know is coming/any other IRL issue that is known might make me leave" then you can yank your ethernet cable. You win too!

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Protip: When you hit 60 valor, warzone commendations/medals/etc. are worthless. Only wins matter.


which is 100% a reason why a derserter buff is needed when the game fixes all problems, i see people very clearly intend to leave cus of stupidity in groups, but they might be less stupid with the debuff, and maybe a way to report afkers midgame

Edited by Slemfiskz
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which is 100% a reason why a derserter buff is needed when the game fixes all problems, i see people very clearly intend to leave cus of stupidity in groups, but they might be less stupid with the debuff, and maybe a way to report afkers midgame


Negative. Your logic is as flawed as the mechanic. Deserter debuffs are just bad ideas. Always have been. If it took 10 years to get a round going.. sure. But as it is.. it's fine.

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LOL.. 30 - 60 min debuff has got to be the dumbest thing said so far. A debuff of 15 min is plenty enough to make a person stay and put in the effort. Your just QQing to be honest.


Now as for "Vote to kick" in a WZ.. that would leave everyone open to getting booted for any manner of reason.. and would cause more issues then it fixes. The jerks, internet tough guys, trolls, and the baddies would abuse it just because they can and they WILL.


Now there should be a "Report AFK" option implemented and that would fix things for the AFKer and if you do get booted for being AFK you should get the debuff.

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Negative. Your logic is as flawed as the mechanic. Deserter debuffs are just bad ideas. Always have been. If it took 10 years to get a round going.. sure. But as it is.. it's fine.


how is that a bad idea ? seriously mate im just sick of my entire team leaving, win or lose, i wanna pvp without being farmed every 2. game cus its 4 on 8

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lol all of this can be avioded if people smarten up in pvp.....dont leave the game period and with people smartening up and actually taking out the healers instead of tanks and working towards the objective you will just be a big ***** if you leave when your team is actually trying....but the key thing is smartening people up on how to pvp since 80% of the pvp population are horrible (made up statistic) but how to smarten them up? well you cant really due to some idiots being stubborn and keep doing the same bs over and over again.....people not caring for the objectives and just want kills as if its a tdm....and just some of them having some type of EGO IN A VIDEOGAME...like really? wth? in a videogame you have to deal with egos? but also you have to know you are not going to win every match you are bound to lose some....think im done ranting about stupid "pvpers"
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