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Did companion quest ever exist, or are they a future feature?


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I tried searching the forum, but mostly saw people wondering the same as me, or complaining they have a bug.


Other than your initial companions, the people you gather seem to have their own plot unfolding. However when a "companion quest" could be obtained, you get a fade to black, and a lousy "How did it go?" conversation ender.


Was this a feature that was removed due to bug? A feature you will implement eventually?


If not, why make those kind of prompt, only to choke right after? Why build up some potentially interesting stories for little to no results?


If its a feature that will be implement in the future, or working on fixes, how are you going to fix this for people whose character are already through that phase?


I would very much like some from Bioware/EA to clarify this please.

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I've done quests for Kaliyo and Scorpio. One was my first companion and the other was my last. So yes, the quests exist and no they don't belong to just one companion.


Up to now, malavai quinn(SW), andronikos revel (SI) and Ashara Zavros (SI) all passed this as dialog. Looking at torhead, the format used for the "quest" Master Cyman, on Ashara seemed to suggest an actual quest. Is there a trigger I missed or misunderstood?

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I've done Vette's and Quinns. Jeasa didn't seem to have one, she did her own thing but I was never able to get involved apart from giving her mission to do something.


How did you get to go with Quinn?


He went after a few already, and I couldn't get involved. All I could do is give the go ahead.



I've done Vette's, Khem Val's and I got one for Kalyo on my low level agent. Hence why I was wondering if it was only for first companions.


This matter is really unclear.




EDIT: Anyone that actually got "Master Cyman" to be an actual quest for Ashara Zavros? This is the one I just passed that made me feel somewhat bad about it, seeing as until now I supposed only romance interest and first companion gave their quest. But Ashara is my inq's romance interest. (convo took place after you take her on a date)

Edited by verfallen
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Gaining quests is based on their affection. If your affection is low, you won't get quests.


Please read exactly what I wrote. this kind of generic replies is why I couldn't find what I wished on the forum.



I trigger the "conversation", but rather than a real quest, I get a convo, a fade to black, and a few more lines where the companion did the quest solo.


Its not about affection or story progression.

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Are you triggering in the right place? Sometimes they'll talk in a cantina but not your ship, and vice versa.


His issue isn't that the conversation isn't happening. His issue is that the conversation is ALL that happens - there's no actual quest.

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His issue isn't that the conversation isn't happening. His issue is that the conversation is ALL that happens - there's no actual quest.


(glad someone actually understand rather than just takes everyone general problem and pull a general reply to it)

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Actual Companion Quests are few and far between.


What you're experiencing aren't actual quests. They're just companion conversations, in which the companion's story is furthered by them going off and doing 'something' relevant to the companion's story arc, then coming back and continuing the conversation.


Edit to add: Them going off and 'doing something' is just to make you, the player, feel more like the companions are actual 'people' with 'lives', etc. See Dragon Age II for how BioWare considers a companion's 'life away from the PC' to be important.

Edited by Shaz
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(glad someone actually understand rather than just takes everyone general problem and pull a general reply to it)


I'll remember this in the future when I try to help people. "Don't help because people are just going to get pissy if you can't do anything."

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Actual Companion Quests are few and far between.


What you're experiencing aren't actual quests. They're just companion conversations, in which the companion's story is furthered by them going off and doing 'something' relevant to the companion's story arc, then coming back and continuing the conversation.


Edit to add: Them going off and 'doing something' is just to make you, the player, feel more like the companions are actual 'people' with 'lives', etc. See Dragon Age II for how BioWare considers a companion's 'life away from the PC' to be important.





Any idea why Torhead seems to be displaying them as an actual quest? (refer to link I posted, where the quest seems to have a description)

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They're coded as quests, so that the game can look at your 'completed quests' list and know at what stage of the companion's story you're on.


The quests are just conversations. You can a quest reward of xp when the conversation is done.

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I'll quote you.



"please actually read a thread before answering"


Which I did. And do you know what you do when troubleshooting? Everything. Exploring what a user has or hasn't done narrows down the options you have.


But I guess being a pain in the *** when someone is trying to help is easier for you.

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This happens to my female smuggler when dealing with Risha. I bet if I were male I'd be helping her do the quests, she is the romance option for males.


actually thats what I also supposed, till Ashara pulled one on me an hour ago, and looking it up on Torhead, I saw a quest description that had me puzzled.

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Pretty much any and every time your companion wants to talk to you, having that conversation is doing a quest. How you handle that conversation ('complete' that 'quest') might have consequences on future conversations (companion 'quests').
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Which I did. And do you know what you do when troubleshooting? Everything. Exploring what a user has or hasn't done narrows down the options you have.


But I guess being a pain in the *** when someone is trying to help is easier for you.


Do understand my irritation when I try to explain I have the a conversation, but no actual quest, and I am wondering if it is normal. I explain I get a fade to black and a small ender line.


Please, how do you think affection being too low fits on this? You woudn't have the conversation trigger with this.

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