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Ilum - When will BW rework it?


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I had a blast 1-50. Really enjoyed it. The Classes and Balacing is overall pretty good (Except broken Stuff like Hybrid Sage/Sorc. No, i'm a Sage :D)


The gearing of the First Character was fun (Mostly because of Friends and a Premade). Everything was new and flashy. Good times actually.

The first big downside was Ilum. It's just bad. However, my Guild and I thought that 1.1 would fix it and change it to real PvP. But no, Faction Imbalance just completely destroyed it.


However, this still isn't my main Problem: Ilum is just bad and boring overall. It's bad designed. It's a Zergfest area: No real Objectives, no situation you can say you "Won", no major Gain for your Faction. It's just an Area where you can go and kill and get killed over and over. Is it fun? Maybe the first time. I actually got bored the first time i went there but i still stayed there to get my Weekly.


So, what will BW do with Ilum? In my Opinion they should just delete it. It bad and a disgrace to gaming.

Edited by Teabaker
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I'll bet that you love today's patch then.


1) Decreased spawn times for armaments.

2) No valor NOR armament credit for kills.

3) 1+2= 50 people zooming around midfield to get boxes that take longer to spawn.




These are my experiences. Except for number 1 which was in the patch notes.

Bioware's reasoning? To discourage people from farming. Can anyone explain to me

how forcing people to stay in an area for longer periods of time to accomplish a task

keeps them from being in that area farming?

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Well when the patch was 1st up kills did count and gave valor.Later on it was broken.

They will fix it im sure.


The biggest issue with illum on my server is the fact that the republic side hide in their base most of the time even when they outnumber the imperials.

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The biggest issue with Ilum is the designers were mildly retarded. True story.


I agree. I just rewatched some of my Ilum footage. Ilum is overall just bad and awful designed. It's too big to be a zerg fest and it's too small to be a good open PvP Zone.

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Well maybe I misquoted.


All I can tell you is that it took me no less than 3 hours to get 6 armaments,

and that has never happened before.


I should note though, later on the kills did start to count for both

valor AND armaments and an hours long epic battle for Ilum ensued.


There were so many on both sides that Everyone DC'd at the SAME time,


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And this is why Blizzard didn't release battlegrounds at launch... they cared enough about PvP and their game that they wanted to do it right, and do it well.


Ilum is just poorly tested/thought out, tacked on, garbage.


Try and tell me AV when it released wasn't at least 10x better than this?

Edited by Kromzor
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hold your horses, they can't even get a *********** patch right! let alone a single piece of lvl 50 content. Let us be realistic and take baby steps:


1) Lets have a single week of only 1 scheduled maint on tues.


2) Lets have a full month of only scheduled maint on tues.


3) Lets make a patch that works to accomplish 1 and 2.


4) lets design something for pvp.

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The thing that gets me is how they keep making it worse. Who's idea was it to make augments take longer to spawn. What is this supposed to achieve. People already spend 6+ hours a day trying to do dailys/weeklys. You want them to spend 9 hours a day being bored instead. How is that good for the game. Its just so stupid and brain dead. You could have asked a 10 year old and they would have had a better idea then that. I just cant believe BW did that. they are just so disconnected from the game.


I had no problems when this game launched but all the stupid mistakes and broken patches BW are bringing out make my blood boil.


Not only are you making things worse but your still not even fixing all the exploits. I had such high hopes for SWTOR and I have become bitterly disappointed. So many things still broken 2 months after early start.

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The point is that they want you to play the game instead of farming those stupid weapons.


How do you play the game exactly. Sometimes you will get even sides and have a few good fights. Most of the time one side way out numbers the other so the other side dont show. Or show then leave straight away. 95% of the time nothing is happening in Illum. So to play you have to do WZ. Sometimes WZ take time to pop, so you do abit of crafting, check the GTN and wait for the WZ. If you dont want to PvE then thats it. Stand around and talk waiting for WZs to pop. How long do you think people will stay with the way thigs are. Lets not forget once the WZ does pop exploits and cheats will ruin it anyway, or you win wont count. So why bother. Even if the sides were even, you could only kill each other once every 5 minutes or it doesnt count.

Edited by TriIIian
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