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The Player's Perspective


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Dear BioWare:


I preordered two copies of the Collector's Edition and two copies of the standard edition, so all my broke gamer friends and I could game together. We raided EverQuest from launch through Planes of Power, and played Star Wars Galaxies from launch until end. We raided WoW up through Cataclysm. We played Guild Wars through the Prophecies era. We even played a bunch of those micro-transaction Korean titles like "Last Chaos" and some other games with a bunch of bad Engrish. We were looking for "the next big game," and we thought it would be found in this product.


Unfortunately, we've run across some major issues. I'd like for this post to please stay up so other gamers have the opportunity to toss out their opinions. That way, you get some legitimate feedback from your customers on your product/service.


1. Low customizability of characters. I'm not just talking at character creation; I'm also talking about the way armor looks. You guys have it set up so armor can be modded out to have stats, and haven't done too bad in that regard. A Republic Dancer's outfit can be modded out with PVE dailies to come close to Columi, but it lacks belt and bracers and set bonus. Please look into adding more customizeable armor with slots and set bonuses - you could even make these special pieces quest rewards/rare drops (the armor sets) so us PVE'ers have something to solo-farm for.


2. Very low PVE item-farming. A lot of us really enjoy just camping an area and going after rare drops. It's not always about the numbers on the item - a lot of the best pieces of gear are the ones that are purely aesthetic. As it stands right now, there is not very much to farm for, and what you can farm doesn't really sell. Add in some farming areas and some cool specialty drops and you'll see the in-game economy and playtimes increase. An increase in people farming means we will continue to subscribe because we have something to look forward to.


3. Hardmode difficulty is not consistent with gear available before entering hardmodes, unless you count easy-mode raid encounters. Please balance the gear for hardmodes. This could be done by making level-50 normal flashpoints with random columi drops, it could mean taking item #2 on this list and adding some items that are sufficient to do these hardmodes. However, grinding out PVP so you can PVE the level 50 content really doesn't make sense. It also makes the game less appealing. We want you guys to give us a reason to keep playing - and farming flashpoints is a reason to get us logged in and playing for months and years. Hardmode flashpoints should be challenging, but should be doable in gear obtained from the level-50 daily PVE quests. One solution to this may be to make player-crafted gear comparable to columi-tier gear, or to add in columi gear currency to level-50 heroic area loot tables.


4. Please fix the bugs we already have and test any game changes on the test server before introducing them onto the live servers...and let the community give you feedback before implementing these changes. It goes without saying that if you alienate and upset your customers, we will not continue to subscribe to your services. You guys have to focus on making us happy without increasing your overhead...then you will increase your player base. We're month two into launch and people are really upset. The new content BioWare is rolling out looks great, but new content isn't a pressing concern for the majority of your customers at the current time. We'd rather have a well-functioning, user-friendly game that's just a tad shy on content than a game with lots of story and content that we have to "wall" mobs to kill or deal with broken quests. Please, please, please fix those things. And when you're rolling out something new, air it on the test service and see what kind of an uproar you're going to create before you stick us with it. If we don't like the way you cook, we're not going to keep coming back to eat at your diner. Clear out the cockroaches and wipe down the tables at least, k?


Those are the main issues of myself and my group of mates that game with me. We like the look and feel of this game, and we want to be long-term subscribers. But if the game doesn't appeal and the service is iffy, we're not going to keep playing. I'm asking you to give us a reason to keep subscribing - we're all running game cards at the moment, but we're not going to re-up on those subs without a positive response and effort from the staff on these issues.



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I also want to add in that one of my mates hasn't been able to post on the forums since early access and has had no success in getting you guys to fix his forum access. His forum handle is Malluas. He has some viable issues to bring up on here and I'd appreciate it if the BioWare team would fix that bug pronto.
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I approve this message. Even if your icon is a girl.


I'd like to add:


I'm currently level 50, I want to PVP with my friends, but the only place to do so is Ilum.


Why not add open world PVP everywhere and allow us to make our own PVP events? Oh and give people valor points if they kill people outside of Ilum.


If I see a red and kill it, I get nothing.

Change it!

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I approve this message. Even if your icon is a girl.


I'd like to add:


I'm currently level 50, I want to PVP with my friends, but the only place to do so is Ilum.


Why not add open world PVP everywhere and allow us to make our own PVP events? Oh and give people valor points if they kill people outside of Ilum.


If I see a red and kill it, I get nothing.

Change it!


Anarkya (and a lot of others) has been asking for more customization SINCE BETA .

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I approve this message. Even if your icon is a girl.


I'd like to add:


I'm currently level 50, I want to PVP with my friends, but the only place to do so is Ilum.


Why not add open world PVP everywhere and allow us to make our own PVP events? Oh and give people valor points if they kill people outside of Ilum.


If I see a red and kill it, I get nothing.

Change it!


... There basically is open PvP anywhere - starters, capitals, Taris and Balmorra are the exceptions. You want it, go make it happen. Grab an ops group and go make things happen on Alderaan.


As far as set bonuses on Custom gear - that's apparently coming.

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... There basically is open PvP anywhere - starters, capitals, Taris and Balmorra are the exceptions. You want it, go make it happen. Grab an ops group and go make things happen on Alderaan.


As far as set bonuses on Custom gear - that's apparently coming.


Would be wonderful. If there was anyone to fight. I play on a less imbalanced realm and leveling from 20-50..I encountered a grand total of 15, 15 republic players. I can't do anything with that. I even hung out outside their bases on Hoth and Quesh and Alderaan. Nobody, for hours.


It isn't us.

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Would be wonderful. If there was anyone to fight. I play on a less imbalanced realm and leveling from 20-50..I encountered a grand total of 15, 15 republic players. I can't do anything with that. I even hung out outside their bases on Hoth and Quesh and Alderaan. Nobody, for hours.


It isn't us.


So switch factions and make it happen.


If you're going to be contributing to faction imbalance, you don't get to whine about it.

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So switch factions and make it happen.


If you're going to be contributing to faction imbalance, you don't get to whine about it.


Yes, I do. I played since day 1 early access. That 1st day I rolled empire because I didn't want to play a Jedi. I wanted to play a Sith Warrior - I had a character set in mind for months before launch. It's not my job to make up for a lackluster factions imbalance issues. The fact that you even say that as an objective point is worrisome.


Thank you by the way I have a level 45 Trooper who is VR 30. Don't presume nonsense and there won't be no nonsense.


I should not have to re-roll another faction that I do not enjoy the majority of the ideas behind because of an issue created by development. I do not PAY Bioware to fix things myself, if you do? Well. Can't really say much more.

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Yes, I do. I played since day 1 early access. That 1st day I rolled empire because I didn't want to play a Jedi. I wanted to play a Sith Warrior - I had a character set in mind for months before launch. It's not my job to make up for a lackluster factions imbalance issues. The fact that you even say that as an objective point is worrisome.


Thank you by the way I have a level 45 Trooper who is VR 30. Don't presume nonsense and there won't be no nonsense.


I should not have to re-roll another faction that I do not enjoy the majority of the ideas behind because of an issue created by development. I do not PAY Bioware to fix things myself, if you do? Well. Can't really say much more.


So you acknowledge both that the problem exists and that you contribute to it?


Also, go and make it happen on your Trooper than.

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Anarkya (and a lot of others) has been asking for more customization SINCE BETA .


As a female player, customization is important for me. I take care of my look in real life, I want to do the same in a video game (Yes, go ahead and judge me, I don't care)

I also talked to my gamer female friends about it, and they all agree with me.

The female characters are very ugly. Very cookie cutter. Hair styles are.. words can't describe how ugly most of them are, and the good looking ones, are basic.

Just like WoW, it lacks choices.


Add more crazy hair colors like bright pink or blue.

Twileks don't have enough color skin options.

Zabraks tattoos are not good looking enough. Add more tattoos.

Add long hair on humans.

More eyes colors for Zabs as well.




I want the slave outfit on my main character, but guess what, I'm 50 and I can't get it yet because I need to run BT 230947230 times!


And questing with people to get social points? Ya good idea. But guess what: We don't always have people to quest with. Or what if you want to play alone once in a while?


Change it, or add more social outfits. And make it so we can craft them and sell them.


Always wearing the same thing is annoying.



I also asked about more customization options in every single tickets or report I sent in beta. Nothing.


If you want female gamers to enjoy the game more, let us be pretty!

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So you acknowledge both that the problem exists and that you contribute to it?


Also, go and make it happen on your Trooper than.


I think we're done conversing. The problem exists. I contribute to it because I pay my 15 dollars a month to play the faction I want. Not so that I can go "Well. Better play that class/faction I don't like so I can try to find some world pvp."


That's just downright ridiculous.

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I think we're done conversing. The problem exists. I contribute to it because I pay my 15 dollars a month to play the faction I want. Not so that I can go "Well. Better play that class/faction I don't like so I can try to find some world pvp."


That's just downright ridiculous.


I'm certainly not saying they shouldn't do something about it - that would be ridiculous. But it's also ridiculous to say that players shouldn't take a role in shaping the experience to be what they want it to.

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