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Great job Bioware on the new ability cool down : )


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I for one love the new effect, this makes my game play allot more enjoyable, keep the fixes rolling in.


Now if only we can have a Stealth bar & travel time delays tweeked we are golden : )


We totally needed another thread about this.


Also, please tell me this was sarcasm? The new system is an abomination.

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We totally needed another thread about this.


Also, please tell me this was sarcasm? The new system is an abomination.


I like it, lot's of people that I have talked to like it. Opinions are opinion not fact. What you think is an abomination others enjoy.


An option to choose how the CD timer works would be ideal but I'm not sure how much coding/time that would require.

Edited by Srqt
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I like it, lot's of people that I have talked to like it. Opinions are opinion not fact. What you think is an abomination others enjoy.


Taking away what worked for some people is an abomination. Bioware needs to get a *********** wake up call on this issue. More options when it comes to the UI, not horrid blanket throat cramming changes to everyone.

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Taking away what worked for some people is an abomination. Bioware needs to get a *********** wake up call on this issue. More options when it comes to the UI, not horrid blanket throat cramming changes to everyone.


This also works for some people.


People were complainin about the first and second versions of the CD timer also.


You can't make everyone happy and I am sure making the 3 layouts available choices is not easy code.

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I'm not a big fan of them. There are definitely problems with it.


But I think the biggest problem with them right now is that since you can't customize your UI at all so you have 2 bars on the bottom strobe lighting, and a bar on each side of the screen strobe lighting, and it's just too much flashing all over the place. If you could move all the bars to the bottom or arrange them another way the new system wouldn't be that bad. Still bad, but not that bad.


Unfortunately we can't do that since the game was released about a year too early so meh.

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The only time the old system bothered me was when I was trying to use a long cooldown ability and it had like 5 seconds left. However, the new system bugs me almost constantly because everything is greyed out and I think I need more Focus, when I really don't.


Yeah, I'll probably get used to this, eventually, but I've found myself either trying to use Focus I don't have or generating extra Focus I don't need thus hurting my damage output/threat generation.


In short: For longer cooldown abilities it does make it much easier to see what is ready, but for everything else it can be problematic, though I don't think it's as big of deal for non JK/SW classes.

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No I really like it, allot of my abilities before the fix caused my global cool down to reset if I spammed a button to fast, this new fix not only fixed that problem for me but it's a heck of allot easier to see what's on cool down and what's not, I like it.
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I like it, lot's of people that I have talked to like it. Opinions are opinion not fact. What you think is an abomination others enjoy.


An option to choose how the CD timer works would be ideal but I'm not sure how much coding/time that would require.


While GUI programming can be tricky, a system that already has all its functionality laid out is very easy to tweak in such ways.

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Hi all,


While we appreciate the positive feedback regarding the ability bar, we do have an ongoing thread for discussing this topic, available here:


New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


Because that thread is a large, ongoing discussion with both positive and negative feedback, we ask that the community continue to use that thread to share their constructive thoughts.


Thanks for your understanding!

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