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Cross-faction armors: I just realized something


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I believe there are many armor models that only drop for a specific faction, and many of them are BoE. They are not class-locked either.


So I guess you can sell them on Nar Shadda GTN.


Is this correct? if so, please go ahead and put on sale those sweet IA coats already! :mad:

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From my understanding, the gear will change appearance (both the actual look and the icon image) when transferred to the "other side." That is why there are a lot of items on TORhead that have the same name, but have a look specific for the Republic and a look for the Empire.
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So I guess you can sell them on Nar Shadda GTN.


This is true, if you have a BoE item that doesn't require a class, you can sell it on the GTN on Nar and people in the other faction can buy it.


Last night for example, I found as a random drop a sit of Muse something armor. It was light armor, orange, BoE and did not require a given class.


I personally didn't like how it looked much, so I could of sold it on the GTN and some Imperial player could of bought it and used it.


Edit: Oh what was said above does make sense... So the item would change appearance to the Imperial version of the Muse something armor, if a Imp bought it...

Edited by VanorDM
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From my understanding, the gear will change appearance (both the actual look and the icon image) when transferred to the "other side." That is why there are a lot of items on TORhead that have the same name, but have a look specific for the Republic and a look for the Empire.


I see...


Wow what a downer, so much for variety, back to the 4 or 5 models I guess...

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From my understanding, the gear will change appearance (both the actual look and the icon image) when transferred to the "other side." That is why there are a lot of items on TORhead that have the same name, but have a look specific for the Republic and a look for the Empire.


You are correct, The items change appearance based on faction.

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Yes, as others have said, if you trade one of these armors to the other side, they change in appearance.


There are a handful of BOE hoodless robes for Sith Juggs on the Empire side. The Republic has none such robes. I decided to transfer one between factions, since I very much desired to see my hair again as a Jedi. Imagine my surprise and dismay when my hoodless Sith robe (which was blue... it wasn't even friggin' black) morphed into a very generic brown, hooded Jedi cloak.


I am starting to hate this game. :(

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From my understanding, the gear will change appearance (both the actual look and the icon image) when transferred to the "other side." That is why there are a lot of items on TORhead that have the same name, but have a look specific for the Republic and a look for the Empire.


That is correct. I've sent a sentinel robe to my marauder through the gtn and it turned into marauder-looking gear. Come to think of it, it makes sense. The robe in question was black and made sense but it wouldn't make much sense to send trooper armour to bounty hunters or Imperial uniforms to Smugglers or Sentinels.

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That is correct. I've sent a sentinel robe to my marauder through the gtn and it turned into marauder-looking gear. Come to think of it, it makes sense. The robe in question was black and made sense but it wouldn't make much sense to send trooper armour to bounty hunters or Imperial uniforms to Smugglers or Sentinels.


I'd love to get some smuggler gear for Vette tho ;)

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From my understanding, the gear will change appearance (both the actual look and the icon image) when transferred to the "other side." That is why there are a lot of items on TORhead that have the same name, but have a look specific for the Republic and a look for the Empire.





Wow. That's stupid.

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Apparently BW is concerned about each factions silhouette and therefore wont even let the opposite faction see what it is they are selling.


Dumb idea IMO ...we should be able to equip those cross faction BoE's.


Yeah, somehow I can understand that as there are no "race silhouette" as in other MMOs, cheap as all hell of a solution though.


It would be way more palatable if each side had more customization options, right now it's just... awful.

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Yeah, somehow I can understand that as there are no "race silhouette" as in other MMOs, cheap as all hell of a solution though.


They're actually not needed. SWG had both factions in the same gear/races and it was never a problem. TOR already has the same things.


- You can't target a friendly

- Red reticles

- Red nametags/healthbars


I say we should be able to wear anything we can aquire ;)

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