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Dreams of Korriban (SI fanfic)


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(( At the moment I'm doing a couple of things, so to lessen the load on me, this particular chapter will be completed in segments. ))


I wade through the convicts that were conscripted to exit the safety of the landing zone, ignoring anyone who wants my help. I'm here to kill people, not escort a scientist or retrieve some kind of droid part I couldn't care less about. As I continue on my way, my holocomm rings. I pull it out and patch the call through, it's my current master, Darth Skelik or something like that.

"If I remember correctly, you docked at Belsavis correct?" I nod. "Then you may be able to help. A powerful Jedi Master and his Padawan have made their way to the planet to help put the Sith Empire's rebellions down. I don't care whether you directly help or not, but that Jedi has been a pestilence to my plans for too long."

"Give me a name and I'll kill him, and send his Padawan to mental therapy for the rest of her days." He shakes his head...

"That's just it apprentice, there's more then one Jedi on this planet. I can't pinpoint him and it would be vastly more helpful to me and the Empire if you just kill any Jedi you see..." I shake my head...

"So basically you are telling me I have to kill every Jedi on this planet until you are satisfied?"

"Just take pictures with that holocamera of yours and send them to me until I see the right one. I'll contact you then." he cuts the transmission, I slap my face with my right palm. This is going to take a while...


I go back to the camp and requisition a speeder to make this take a hell of a lot less time. The model is the default except that it can't fly quite as high as I'd like... it can barely lift from the ground while I'm one it, but it's a hell of a lot faster then walking. I fly around, stopping occasionally to kill any wildlife or criminals that get too close to me or the road. My holocomm rings after a while. I stop the speeder and look up, it's currently noon on this planet, so I shouldn't have too much trouble finding anything, and my robes are more then sufficient for night travel. The vibration of my holocomm brings me back to reality as I answer it. It's predictably a Jedi, Kel Dor, though how the hell they figure out this channel is far beyond my level of expertise.

"You are the Sith that arrived on Belsavis today? I am Jedi Master Dro'mara and I urge you to leave this planet before we are forced to come to blows." I glare at him and say in a cold and unfeeling voice "Your kind sicken me, name a time and place so I can put you out of your sadistic misery known as your code." He denies my offer for fair combat and hangs up... I'll find him anyway, he can't hide from my wrath...


As I get on my speeder my holocomm rings again... I'm half tempted to throw it against the nearest tree, but I pull it out and answer it anyway. The instant I look I'm shocked.

"Vette? Is that you?" She shrugs at me like she has never heard that name before. I'm even more tempted to throw this thing into a tree, she stops me.

"I am the apprentice of Dro'mara, my name is Tallisa, and I still think you can be saved..." I instinctively spit to my right, away from the speeder of course. Her voice tastes of innocence and ignorance, like a woman who thinks the galaxy is filled with rainbows and shady people who are really very kind people who just went down on their luck.

"You taste of innocence and weakness, I will enjoy watching your master squirm as I make him suffer a thousand deaths." I hang up before she could respond and I throw the holocomm against the tree. No problem, I have three more that can be adjusted accordingly. My spine quivers as I get back on my speeder. It is not from the chill trying to cut my bones, but of anticipation of the pleasure I will have when I soak those brown robes in crimson blood.

Edited by Kuronan
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I head to the nearest outpost, which is, unsurprisingly, under attack. I swear this never happens to OTHER Sith... I throw my palm in my face so hard it almost hurts, but I learned to ignore lesser pains very long ago... I set my speeder to go as fast as it can and turn on auto pilot. This feature was designed for people who were too lazy to hold on and move their arms around like idiots, but I found a more... creative use for it. I quickly bail as the speeder charges into three armored republic troopers and pushes them into a nearby tree, where it explodes, killing them and maybe one or two nearby troopers. After that I focus the darkness inside of me and shoot my arms out at the troopers, after I do a few of them grab their stomachs. A few seconds later others are grabbing their stomachs and some fall to the ground, bleeding internally. All of them know I am here, and all of them soon die as the men rally and kill off the majority of the survivors. Some of the troopers flee, but the bleeding will kill them, and if not, there are many predators in these urbanized jungles... The troops will die within the day. I walk up to the soldiers, where I promptly ask who is the commanding officer. After he shows his face I force choke him until he reaches the edge of life. I release him before he dies completely.


After a few minutes of the soldiers get their senses I begin to ask them everything they know about nearby Jedi. Some claim one or two was putting down prisoners, some claim they were fighting the Esh'kha, and then I hear something about a Kel Dor... I immediately let out a wave of electric energy that makes a very loud boom, it silences the soldiers, like I wanted it too.

"What was that about a Kel Dor?" One soldier comes forth.

"There was a Kel Dor and a Twi'lek were heading to The Tomb to kill some powerful Sith or something..." I thank him for the information and am about to requisition a new speeder when a scientist stops me.

"Excuse me, my lord? there's a faster way to the tombs..." She tells me about some Rakata transport system, she's not sure how it works, but she's mapped them out, using this thing would make so much time I'd meet the Jedi and Padawan before even THEY reached the area, or so she claims. I tap the advice and go into the nearby cave. After scanning my genetic imprint, it sends my biological information (teleports?) to the Rakata teleport terminal at the Tombs. I quickly pull out a map and nod, then head north, to the area that supposedly seals of the HIGHEST level of prisons, I wait there for hours before they walk up to me, I smirk as they approach.

"Surprise Surprise Jedi, I'm here before even you two arrived..." I watch the Padawan's face turn to sheer disbelief, the master draws his lightsaber quickly.

"I do not know how you got here, but you cannot be allowed to use the holocron, your treachery ends here!" The padawan is hesitant, I use the force to conjure a wind to hold her in the air as I shoot out both hands to the Jedi. He is not slowed at first by Force Wound, but then again, most Jedi can ignore the pain for a short duration. I draw my doublesaber and meet his. My movements are not quite as sharp as someone who focuses on combat, but they are sharper then most who focus solely on the force. I am able to deflect his attacks and make a return or two... After about thirty seconds the Jedi begins to hesitate... the bleeding must be progressing... I push him back and then focus on making him bleed more. He cries out in ungodly pain as I rend his insides and tear them apart. After maybe ten second he falls, either unconscious or dead. It matters little, even if he was still alive he won't get the medical attention to recover from this... he will be dead in the hour.


The padawan descends as she finally is freed. Rather then attack me however, she runs to her now dead master and cries. I put up with it for what feels like hours but could have only been minutes before she remembers I'm still here...

"I don't know why or how you could ever do this Sith-" She brandishes her lightsaber as if she was anywhere near as skilled as her master..."-but I will avenge my master!" She charges forth. She is not even using a form or stance, trying to simply beat down on me until I break. Even just at the first glance I see three ways I could disarm her and break her, and at least five ways I could execute her. I just play along with her, sadistic pleasure coursing through my veins as I deny her what she wants... After about three minutes she begins to weaken, I sheathe the blades themselves and hit her with the hilt before she can try to execute me with a downward sweep. She stumbles and I not only disarm her but trip her with a leg sweep. She falls to the ground and she almost cries again... She has not only failed to protect her master... she has failed to avenge him... even as the murderer is only three feet away.

"You are weak Jedi, this is why we will win, it is why we exist. Your kind have sown only chaos and weakness throughout the Galaxy, we were borne to destroy such weakness." She cries into her hands. The Sith in me wants to kill her, the Sadist in me wants to torment her... The Gentleman however, wins. I put away both sabers in my robes and let her cry. After she's done, I knock her unconscious. I make sure to send a scan and a picture to my Master, so he knows I succeeded in my hunt, and bring the unconscious Padawan with me, so I may mold her into what I need her to be...


An apprentice strong enough to help me kill my master, and perhaps, one day strong enough to kill me. I look at her tattooed face, her gentle features, and her general physique... I have heard of a master who once prevented his apprentices betrayal with love... Perhaps I may yet test this theory... Maybe it will work, Maybe she will only kill me when I lay next to her... and maybe, just maybe... I am doing this because I want to... to make up for the woman I lost so long ago...

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  • 2 months later...

(( After looking at The Ascension of Darth Nox fanfic, I decided to give this another go. If anyone of you want to throw in your two cents, I would more then appreciate the support/criticism ))


The Snow-white Twi'lek held both hands close to his chest as if holding an orb, quickly concentrating his sheer hatred of those who would so quickly try to kill another Sith into a very powerful and compressed static charge. He shot it at the shackled acolyte as she screamed in horrible agony and anguish, which fed him great pleasure... The human female looked toward him, eyes begging him for a mercy he long ago forsook for power...

"Please, don't kill me, I'll do anything!" He decided not to speak, instead focusing his memories of the body into his mind, another Twi'lek that was impaled and then supposedly crushed under rubble. He focused a more powerful static charge as he shocked the woman again.


"Why did you kill her?" He says in a nightmarish ominous and dark voice, his true form hidden behind the almost trademarked feather mask, and his lekku hidden in his robes quite well. He exerts an aura of fear onto the unnamed Acolyte, a result of his thorough corruption, wrought on by a horrible accident in a force ritual he attempted as a lord, and the pains and agony he has suffered through his ascension into the rank of Darth.


"She tried to kill me-I swear!" He walks up to the girl and cups her face in his hand, and uses his knowledge of the Dark Side to probe her mind, revealing the Truth. She would feel nothing of the probing, but would somehow feel safer with this motion. After he learns, he lets go, then walks away a bit, putting both arms behind him and facing her, his right now tightly clenched and the left holding the right. "How dare you lie to me, *****!" He amasses a great hatred in him, something stronger then even when he fights the Republic, and shoots her with enough charge that for the first two seconds she screams an ungodly loud scream filled with pure suffering, then her heart literally explodes in her chest. After a few more moments, her entire chest explodes in a gory mess in front of her, which Kuronan is not. He looks to the gory mess and smiles, a fitting end for a woman who would kill another Acolyte simply because of their species... As he leaves the room, another acolyte comes running, likely part of his trial.


"You failed your test Acolyte, but it is not your own fault. Tell the slaves that the room will need to be cleaned... In fact, clean it yourself, and I will tell the overseer that sent you that you passed..." He smiles as the Acolyte slowly nods then walks in to see the horrible mess I have left him, I then turn to look him in the eye through my mask.


"You must accustom your heart to the cruelty and sadism of the Sith child, this is one example. Now, clean it up." I point to a nearby bucket of water and mop. The acolyte is slow to do it, realizing that if he does something wrong, this mess could be his innards, rather then some other acolyte.


My holocomm starts beeping, and I answer it. It is an overseer whom I do not know... I do know Harkun is dead, likely another Acolyte-turned-Lord, or maybe a Darth, who decided to reap their vengeance for his favoritism.


"My Lord, I'm sorry to report your apprentice is dead, killed by an acolyte, who I am sending to the chambers now..." For a slight moment, my heart stops... No, this is more then some jealous acolyte, Tallisa would never fall to such a weak one, this is someone else... This was planned...


"No, send the acolyte to my ship, I must do this without anyone present." The Overseer bows and likely obeys. This is someone else, no mere Acolyte could ever kill Tallisa, I was ready to elevate her to Lord as soon as she was done helping me here... I ask the child who his overseer was, go to tell them the child succeeded, as one of few acts of good will, and then quickly rush to my Ship, where one person will know suffering beyond ending, where even Death will not save them from the pain...


Something he is very familiar with...

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As he paces around on his ship, the door opens. The acolyte is brought in appropriate bindings for one about to be executed, as I requested. I have learned that, if someone is brought in as such, it adds sheer intimidation factor, to prepare them for Death when they are being interrogated adds a feeling that they will not survive unless they comply, which helps in the process of extracting information through pain. I have him brought into my Cargo Bay, which I also use as an interrogation room. I have the ship leave dock and into a random destination in an unknown sector, being sure to check for an hour for any surveillance bugs, which I find several of. After short-circuiting and spacing them, I go to the acolyte.


"You wouldn't get anything out of me, just kill me..." The Acolyte is a male Zabrak, with red skin and some markings that make him look somewhat feral, but fail to leave any impact on me. I have stared Death in the face and spat in it once or twice, nothing scares me anymore, except possibly someone of higher authority wanting me dead.


"I will offer it to you only one time. Comply, and I will let you live. Defy me, and I will make you suffer in ways that even other Sith are hesitant to do... Who sent you to kill my apprentice!" I shoot out both arms and attempt to pry the Truth from his mind, but it is resistant against my effort. His will is strong, but I will break him.


"No one sent me, I thought she was another acolyte, I swear!" I harvest hatred and vengeance unending, very tempted to kill him now, but I put great effort to not kill him. No, Lightning will not work, or I will overload him easily. Instead, I meditate for a moment to alter my own abilities, changing their form. After a moment, I shoot out both arms and fill him with pure suffering and anguish, something he will never fully understand. He screams like a little girl, but I'm only beginning...


After three hours of this suffering, I begin to add some static charge, but he remains strong. Another hour after that, I go into my locker and pull out a surgical knife. I add very painful cuts in addition to his already incredible suffering. Twenty minutes after I begin cutting, I bring the blade between his legs...

"Oh come on! Not them!" I look to him, still wearing the mask.

"If you talk, you may be able to do something with them after all of this..." he ponders for a moment, between a likely Death Sentence from the courier, or losing his parts... He grinds his teeth, and I remove what he treasures most. After another day, I try to pry into his mind again. I am successful this time, the suffering has reduces his mental defenses to nothing, and I divine the true killer of my apprentice. It is indeed him, but... No... The truth is horrid...


A Dark Council member ordered my apprentice's murder.


I pry everything else I can use from his mind. The face of the Courier, the picture of the Councilor, and his defiling of my apprentice. After I finish stealing his memories, I place a horrible curse upon him, the likes of which is unheard of to all but me now... I literally begin to warp his mind, making it so he feels suffering without end. I then use my powers to seal him within his own Subconscious, so he is forced to endure this suffering until his body dies. I then leave the room and seal it. I will clean it out later, but for now, I must find allies, I must find power greater then even that which I hold, or I must find refugee... One thought instantly hits me, but it brings hatred and I clench my fist.


I think of Tython, and the Jedi. No, even if they allowed me to flee to them, i would never do so. I will never go to those chaotic, weak-minded fools. Suddenly, my stomache feels like it is twisting into itself and I fall on one knee, one arm keeping me up as I grab my gut and am summoned into the deepest recesses of my own mind...

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As I am summoned, I see only a black abyss. There was once a black sun that shot out purple fires, the only light in my life, my passion for my apprentice. But now that she is dead, there is only a void, a dark void. I see images of her. She was defiant at first, refusing to believe in the ways of the Sith, but slowly I corrupted her, and after that, we began feeling the connection in the Force, and began taking it a step beyond Master and Apprentice. I remember that burning passion that filled my entire being. I remember the night she walked in, the night I knew she would. I simply waited, we both wore our robes but we both knew they would be cast aside... I begin seeing the acolyte making unanswered advances, and later forcing himself upon her when he was ordered to kill her.


I see my time with Vette, I see when she was taken away by a Jedi as I was nearly overwhelmed with troopers. I remember the silence on my ship, and the first two nights, where tears ran down my cheeks without a sound, the uncomfortable feeling of loneliness I felt, and the void she left when she was taken.. I remember everything in my life, and I am filled with hatred unending. The Light Side cannot possibly exist as the Jedi believe, not in a world where everyone despises you, where people become little more then tools of survival. I want to think of people as something more then tools, but I can't anymore, not in the ways I have suffered... Some people have told me my sanity was shattered long ago, after Vette left. That's probably why I lost my connection to the Light, because the suffering I have felt is so great, the single spark has long since drowned in the endless abyss of suffering...


Suddenly, that single spark stubbornly appears in the dark. I quickly try to use my willpower to quell it, but to no avail. I know by now it's out of fear I try to quell it. I once let myself feel the light, and I came to regret that decision ever since. Both Jedi and Sith had worked together to make me suffer. The Jedi, to save a young girl and stick it to a Sith. And the Sith, to corrupt me fully, to harness my darkness and become an avatar of the Dark Side. He failed, of course.


"It's not too late... come to Tatooine, we can help you..."


I watch as the spark leaps into my right hand and I crush it as painfully as possible. I belong to the Darkness. I always have and always will. I have suffered more then anyone should, so I feel it only fair I return the favor in kind to the rest of the galaxy. I return to where I was before.


I set course for Tatooine, not to answer the light, but to wander the sands until the Force shows me what must be done...

Edited by Kuronan
Alteration for next chapter.
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When the ship finally arrives at Tatooine, I make sure to space the body of that worthless Acolyte that killed my apprentice. After that, I grab my traditional robes, black as the void and able to hide my lekku. I quickly change into them and don my helmet under the hood. (Think the Sith Pureblood at 2:40 in the Return trailer.) After appropriately hiding everything of me, I take my lightsaber. Immediately I get an odd feeling about it, as though the lightsaber itself was repelled by my grasp. I ignore the feeling and quickly leave my ship for the surface.


It takes me some time, but I approach the Dune Sea. This is not the first time I have come to such an extreme environment to meditate, or to wander, and it will not be the last. I do not take a speeder, against my better judgement. If I need to, I can send a signal to the outpost, they will bring me a speeder, and then I will ride it (along with whomever brought it) back to the outpost. I can feel the Light that summoned me here, but I cannot identify a shape... I ignore it and continue to follow where my instincts lead.


After a few hours of wandering, I pull out a map and check my location. I am in the middle of the Dune Sea's charted areas, no one will search for or find me if I wander beyond the areas already charted. I sit down and meditate in the blazing desert, seeking answers for my questions...


How will I defeat a Dark Council Member?

Can I defeat a Dark Council Member?

Is it the Force's will for my apprentice's downfall, or was this a personal vendetta?


These and many more questions stretch out into the hot sands, searching for answers, when a voice disrupts my thoughts...


"You are too predictable Kuronan, I knew I would find you here, of all places..."


It is a dark presence, but it still does not outshine the Light, which appears to be moving towards us. I cannot confirm where it is however. I can only confirm the man standing before me. He wields black and red, a very odd coloring for a lightsaber. His darkness has been swallowed a thousand times by mine, but he still foolishly thinks he can win...


"Turn back now, or be buried in the sands of the desert..." He laughs, mocking me.


"You think that your ominous aura is anything Kuronan? So you have suffered, big deal, everyone has, and yet you act like you are stronger then others for it. I've come here to kill you, and I will so enjoy it."


I shoot out my lightning and his lightsaber meets it, prepared for the obvious attacks, but not for what I am really preparing... he charges and I sidestep with almost no effort. As he swings blindly and angrily at me, I am but a shadow to be chased. He cannot touch me, he should know this by now. He attempts to force choke me, and I let him think it's working. I am lifted in the air and begin (pretending to) grasp for breath and oxygen.


He drops me when I pretend I am dead, but I fall on all fours. He is shocked that he actually failed. I suddenly shoot out my right arm and force him onto the ground with little effort. I walk up to him while keeping him down, and then pull out my lightsaber. Now it feels the dark surge in it, and it is all too happy to be put to use as I point one end to the sky, and the other enters the foolish Lord's heart...


I will not even say his name, he is just another forgotten Sith now, to be buried in the sands of Tatooine, or consumed by the wildlife, I care not. The Force answered my question though... I can feel the life ebbing from him, he's not dead yet, but he will be soon. I leave his bleeding corpse be. I will settle this the old fashioned way...


I will challenge him to a duel in front of the Dark Council, I will kill him, and I will ascend into glory.


That train of thought is interrupted as the Sith, in one last act, unsheathes his lightsaber and throws it at me. I feel it enter my gut, avoiding anything important, but none the less feel my life quickly begin to ebb away... I hear a shout as the blade turns off and I fall onto the sands...

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My eyes shoot open as I grasp for air and grab my heart, or what's physically left of it, and quickly attempt to understand my surroundings. I immediately notice some beeping and some wires, and realize I'm in a medical facility, the area is sterile white. I take a few deep breaths as I feel the cool air against me and realize I am no longer wearing my mask. Whoever saved me knows my face. I had long ago discarded showing my face in favor of the anonymity of a disguise, a mask, something that allowed me to see everything and show nothing. I try to get up further but I am restrained. I realize it is pointless to resist, because if I do, I may not yet be fully healed... Better to take my chances here then to defy whoever is patching my wounds, as much as I despise being in anyone's debt. The decision to go back to sleep however, is not my own. I feel something pumping through me, anesthesia likely, as I lose consciousness.


I stare into the blank abyss I have seen a hundred-nay, a thousand times over. But this time, something materializes. It pulls itself from the Shadows, but It is so dark that even the blackest of blacks cannot compare, so dark that it literally stands out in a black as dark as the void itself. It opens two brightly yellow eyes and slowly pulls both ends of lips until they rip apart to reveal nightmarish yellow teeth, something you would see in some horror holo that would scar the unprepared, but so much more detailed... The beast half walks, half stalks it's away forward to me, and I don't even flinch as it raises itself on hind legs and stares me in the eye, although some small part of me fears it, no matter how long it has been since I feared anything.


"So you have finally surrendered yourself to me..." A voice from inside what I suspect would be it's core speaks. It does not move it's teeth, lips, or tongue, it simply speaks from the depths of it's own being...


"You were waiting for me, Beast." I speak it's name, because I have felt It's presence ever since Vette was taken. Tallisa suppressed it's maddening torments and infernal whisperings, but her death amplified those whispers into screams that literally quaked through my bones. It smiles as cruelly as possible, like a Nexu Cat right before it pounces on it's prey and eats them.


"You are mine Kuronan. You have been for a long time, but that infernal woman stood in my way. Now, you belong to me, and you know as well as I do that you cannot resist." It speaks the truth. It is a manifestation of my suffering, that gave itself form when Vette was taken from me. It fed upon my anguish, my self pity, and my inability until it could literally control me in bursts. Now that Tallisa is gone, he could literally control everything save my mind, and I would literally need a Jedi Master's assistance to break free from him. It would take far more to banish him. It puts a hand close to my cheek as suddenly it shrieks out in ungodly pain. I get a burning feeling in my chest as suddenly the dream comes to a close.

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I cry out in agony as the Light seeps into my gut. Normally, this should feel quite pleasurable, but to me, who had lost most sense of sanity long ago, and who drowned himself in Darkness, this is like pumping Napalm into my bloodstream and watching me burn. The Jedi stops shortly after, thinking that her healing is doing exactly what I just described it feeling like.


"Of all the infernal-Why can't you just use Kolto?!" I glare into her eyes, but it doesn't have the same effect as it would with others, who do not see a pale Twi'lek, and instead see an insanely powerful Darth that would kill them if they so much as breathed near him wrong.


"The Darkness must be deep if you react like that... We'll be reaching Tython soon though." No, I can never go the the planet of the Jedi. She senses my thoughts and simply puts her right hand down. I do not know how, but the hand prevents me from lifting myself.


"You can be redeemed Sith, everyone can, but you will need help..." No, not with this creature inside of me. It realizes what arriving on Tython will mean, for me and for it, and, more for it then for me, screams into my bones that I kill her and take her ship. My eyes cringe closed as the hand remains, and I see a vision I could not possibly imagine before... The beast is chained to the ground by her. Mind you, the chains themselves are weak, but it's stopped... I open my eyes again to the woman.


She is a Mirialan, with black hair and greenish-yellow skin with yellow eyes and markings that spread across her nose, cheeks, and under her mouth, Her hair is organized in the front, but spiking down in the back. I look over her for a bit and, if I didn't see the light saber, would literally be unable to imagine she's been in any serious fighting. She looks over me and frowns.


"You really will need some work, but you can be saved, I swear it..." She says this more to herself than to me, mostly because I really doubt the Jedi Council will even try, seeing how far in my corruption has seeped. I say nothing however, because I would like to give her some kind of hope that I can be saved...


That, and the beast is finally quieting itself, knowing it cannot win. I'd like to enjoy that for a while...

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I squirm in my sleep as the beast rages even more then usual. Normally when a Jedi is anywhere within a hundred meters the Beast annoys me until their life begins to fade and ebb away, as they are left dead and without hope, only then is it truthfully sated...


But I'm on the same ship as a Jedi, and it's a Corvette, the unnecessarily large, yet compact ships the Jedi use (and always jest they use it to make up for what they'll never have) In addition, he's chained somewhere in my subconscious, so he has a lot of reason to be angry, and when he's like this, I can't get ten minutes without him screwing with my dream...


I feel like a child on this ship, like I have literally no power anymore. I know I still have strength in the Force, but this woman also keeps the company of some Padawan that looks human but isn't. I can sense her power in the Force, but she has not yet demonstrated it, I am hesitant to invoke her ire, because I have no idea just how potent she is.


The Jedi is, despite what I have encountered previously, quite civil, and the more she talks with me (I try to avoid her as not to antagonize the Beast) the more I realize I probably would have made a good Jedi had I actually went with them to start. I know I am waiting for the right opportunity to stab her in the back, chain the Padawan with the Force, and steal the ship, but I am conflicted on it...


On one hand, I know for a fact we are going to Tython, but I've been here for days, and it's been some time since Faster-Then-Light was invented. Sometimes I look out the window and ask why we aren't moving, but all she responds with is the Engine is malfunctioning. I've had plenty of time to look it over, there's nothing TO malfunction, that thing will last at least another few months before it needs to be inspected.


I quietly get out of the bed I have been given and organize it and the rest of the room, I can't sleep, not when my mind is heading a thousand places at once. I notice a carpet near a wall, and decide I need to meditate. I appropriately smooth it out, even though it doesn't need it, and stand on it. I lightly give knee and extend both arms outward, and slowly call out an electric charge. I watch as it begins to consume my fingertips, then slowly work it's way up my hands and arms. I feel it tingle and warm my skin as it extends from the core of my being. There's a reason why I love Lightning so much, it's because it's something in my veins, unlike the Dark Side itself, and something that permeates through my very heart and soul. It is a warming thing that can create fire, can restart a stilled heart, that emanates light. It is empowering and warming to the core of my being.


I stay like this for a few moments, then slowly withdraw the electric charge back into my body as my arms fall to the ground and I focus myself into the recesses of my mind. In this state, I am vulnerable, and ignorant of what goes on around me, but I can lose myself in better times. Times that, unlike most of my past, I can remember on my own. I begin to love myself in one particular memory...

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As the antique candles light, the fires themselves as at first, little more then a spark from my hand, but slowly evolve into something more, a small ember, then finally, a small fire to burn the wax and release the latent scene and chemicals held within. It took some time to find a person who knew how to make actual candles, and some credits to get the materials, but it's all worth it. The candles themselves enhance my experiences in meditation, and my general mood. I reach into my locker and pull out a bottle of Blossom wine, which was also somewhat expensive, but the occasion was worth it. I also reach for two wine glasses, making sure to set them down carefully and pour an equal amount for the both of us.


The occasion was a major Imperial victory, the details themselves are hazy, but I remember I was very happy, as was she. I made sure to close all channels for the occasion, and take a small break from the War. I hear a knock at the door just as I finally have everything set up. I walk to the door and hit the keys to open the door on the control panel. She stands at the door, wearing finery I do not remember purchasing or even seeing before.


"I saved it for a special day, Today certainly feels like the right day to wear it." I smile, inwardly cursing myself for not wearing anything specifically formal, and lead her to the table, where I actually prepared dinner myself, although 2V certainly helped with that. again, the preceding details are hazy as something claws at me in the back of my mind, but I try to focus better and remember the best part of that night...


We are both sitting on the bed next to each other, what happens next is pretty obvious, but we are both somewhat hesitant. As we hold hands she looks me in the eye with a weak look, something that does not reflect the stronger side of Tallisa, who would kill if someone so much as insulted me, but the gentler, kinder woman I fell in love with...


"Master-" I lightly let go of her right hand and cup her face in mine. "I know, I want this to be about us, not anything else. I don't care about the Empire, the Sith, the Republic, or even the Force. As long as we are together, there is nothing else that ever can or ever will matter to me." I move her closer to me and before we kiss, she whispers to me. "Tell me you love me..." I do not answer her directly, she is satisfied with my response however...


As we lie there, holding each other, there is nothing else I would rather be doing. We could suddenly be permanently severed from the Force and I couldn't give two damns about it. Suddenly, everything begins to fade as something truthfully begins to pull me from my meditation, from the point in my life where I could truthfully be lost forever...

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I am awakened from my meditation by the Padawan, who is unaware that even now, I am contemplating eight different ways to murder her, three of them through some form of torture, so she knows the pain I feel from being interrupted, rather then leave of my own accord. Instead, I try desperately to control myself, lest the Jedi come in and I end up fighting two people at once.


"We'll be leaving for Tython soon." She disturbed my meditation for THAT?! I nearly use Force Choke on her, but she asks something before I do. "Why did you go to the Dark Side? Both my master and I can sense some light in you, as though you weren't always like this..." I raise my right hand to my chin and stroke my chin, even though I already know the answer by heart.


"I did not fall Jedi, I gave myself to the Dark Side. I have been put through cruel acts that would make some people commit suicide, I have gone through rituals that have brought me to the end of sanity and back, I have done things you can't even dream of, and all throughout, I had done it with one thing in mind... Vengeance. Vengeance against a Jedi that had taken an important woman from my life, Vengeance against a Sith that had helped him, and Vengeance against a galaxy that hates and reviles me." She looks at me, wondering what could truthfully be so horrible to turn me... I hear the ship go into hyper drive as we -finally- go to Tython, and I immediately regret not killing the Jedi and Padawan as I realize my fate is sealed...


There will be no escape until I fully convince them I am a Jedi and get a shuttle off world.

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Wow this is really good. I can definitely tell you put a lot of work into this.:)

I appreciate the feedback, it's nice to know I'm not just working on this for myself, although I admit I'm stumped on where to head from here... I was thinking of introducing the character that took Vette from me but the first thing that would happen if Kuronan saw him is become oblivious to absolutely everything else and kill the Jedi, even if Satele Shan herself tried to stop him.


I'm thinking about making some Force Ritual occur to make Kuronan forget entirely about his past in a form similar to what happened to Revan, but I feel that would be ripping off him, and I don't want to do that, considering he is my favorite character second only to Darth Malgus.


From here I'm stumped, and I don't want to disappoint anyone reading, but I see very few alternatives... I can only hope the Force guides me and I don't disappoint any of you reading.

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I follow the Padawan as we go to the stairs out, we have docked on the Orbital Station near Tython, and I can't help but wonder what looks of sheer awe and fear will follow me when I arrives at the Temple... The Jedi has me disarm (as if that would actually protect her...) as we leave the ship and walk out of the port and to the elevator.


When I get off, the looks of sheer horror and surprise I expected come en masse as a Darth follows a Jedi and her Padawan to the shuttle to Tython, I soak in their fear like a sponge, because I get the feeling it will be a while before I am feared again. Before we board the shuttle, I ask what I should have asked some time ago...


"What is your name Jedi?" She realizes quickly that we never had proper introductions.

"I am Alia, and my apprentice is Nadia, what is your name?"

"Kuronan." I leave it at that as we board the shuttle.


When we finally get off the shuttle in the Temple, two Jedi nearby immediately brandish their blades, ready to cut me down where I stand. I smirk at them from under my mask, ready for them to try... But the Jedi steps in and halts their offensive. They put the blades away begrudgingly as the Jedi waves me over and I follow her to the Council's Chambers.


When I arrive, two brandish their blades, three try to stop the ones who are attacking, and the rest just look in awe... I look around, the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order is not here, but that quickly changes as the holoprojector in the middle of the table everyone is sitting around broadcasts an image of her. I smile darkly and begin before she has a chance to wag her tongue.


"Are you afraid Satele, that I would kill you were you here, that your blood would paint the walls of this room, and that your screams would echo throughout the valleys of this world?" Literally none of the Jedi Council is surprised by this statement, not even Satele or Alia.


"Statements like that only prove how far you have fallen, and they won't help you here..." An especially militant master draws his blade yet again and stands up. "This isn't worth the time or the effort, he should be killed now!" I look at him and focus, then I suddenly realize who this is... This master was the one that took Vette from me... Literally every bit of darkness in me draws forth as the Beast smiles inside of my gut... He says one word and everything suddenly becomes focused, and yet very blurred...




I physically Seethe without even realizing it as soon as I see him, the darkness in me wells for a few moments in preparation, and the Jedi prepare to suppress my power, but it all wells up into a massive sphere of dark energy, the likes of which is so dark I literally feel somewhat drained after welling it... I raise the ball to the master and blast it forward. My body suddenly feels cleansed of almost all of the darkness and fall backward, I watch the rest in a mix of horror and sadistic, cruel delight.


The ball blasts forward, an unstoppable force as it rams the Jedi into the wall and literally forces itself into every opening. His mouth, his eyes, and even his finger nails are all penetrated as the Darkness completely envelops him. He tries to cry out in vain as the darkness literally suffocates him while crushing every organ in his body. Some Sith are able to use a technique to crush a person's mind with darkness, but this is something else all together... His organs are literally wrapped and filled with the darkness and cease to function, as if they were buried in a pool of petroleum, his skin begins to visibly rot as a slight veil of the darkness remains on the outside. He falls on both hands and knees, desperately trying to breathe, but to no avail. After a few moments, he finally falls, dead.


The Jedi are absolutely horrified by the amount of Darkness I had dwelling within me, even I didn't know I had that kind of power... But something's happening, I fall back as time seems to slow around me, but something's happening with my brain... I feel horribly drained as memories fly by, memories I can't catch or hold... Whatever this is, it is absolute Hell if there ever was one. I try desperately to grab everything, but with the last of my will before I faint, I try to keep hold of my memories of Tallisa...


To No Avail...

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More Dramatic Ending
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The Jedi Council becomes heavily divided. Five masters draw blades and try to kill him while he's down, six others try to hold them back, curious about this alleviation they feel, as though the Dark Side was almost fully expunged from him in that one attack. Alia, Nadia, and Satele all try to bring order to the Jedi Council. Five minutes pass and the area finally becomes somewhat civil again, the five masters who tried to kill Kuronan grumble, discontent they cannot kill him.


Satele starts after a bit. "What just happened was a horrible tragedy, master Sykul was killed, but we cannot let our emotions blind us... For now, the Twi'lek will be put in the medical ward until I arrive and we can discuss this more clearly. For the safety of everyone, he cannot leave the medical ward until we have decided what is necessary. This meeting is adjourned." The holofrequency cuts out as Alia lifts the unconscious body to bring him to the medical bay, where he will stay until the Council decides what to do with him.


A few days later...


My eyes shoot open, somewhat bloodshot as I grabs his chest, but I can't remember the nightmare... I look around, trying to remember where I am, why I'ms here, or even WHO I am...


The only thing I remember is my name: Kuronan...


The door opens as a Mirialan steps into the room, wearing brown robes and smiling at the Twi'lek, who has actually gained some of his coloring back.


"I see you are awake, good... Are you still tired at all?" I look at her for a moment, trying to figure out how she seems familiar to me, but I come up blank. I shake my head in response to her question.

"Good... Do you remember anything?" I look at her with a hungering look. She knows my life better then I do...

"The only thing I remember is my name..." She lightly nods to herself.

"That's for the best... Who you were before doesn't matter, what does matter is who you are going to become now. There are people who want to help you with that, if you let them-"

"I want to know who I was before now..."

"I can't tell you that, not yet, for now, you will have to train. Perhaps one day I'll tell you, but not now." In this moment, this woman has become both my greatest enemy and the one person I want to ask anything and everything. I do not enjoy it, but I will have to play this woman's game in order to remember who I am...

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The Dark Councilor glares down the apprentice, who was fatigued from the search, and weak to begin with.


"What do you MEAN he's gone?" The pureblood raises his right hand in the way one might hold a cup as he uses the Force to collapse the apprentice's throat, she tries to get a few words out before breathing overpowered her will to speak...

"The body... wasn't... there..." The Pureblood crushes the human's neck as she speaks her last word, then slams his hand on the chair he was sitting down on.

"He was an abomination in the Sith. Not only was he a Twi'lek, but he was also weak."


He gets up, the dark robes barely restricting his movement as he moved to his holoterminal with fluid-like grace. He opens a channel with his most trusted enforcer, a human he broke and reshaped to his dark will. She stood at attention as he spoke. "Find the Twi'lek, end his pathetic existence, and bring me his corpse!" He closes the channel before she can tell him she will, and goes back to his lounge, to drink his expensive wine and rest with his Pureblood consorts.

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Lights flashed by in moments as I remember the others sparring before me, my body seems to twist and turn as though I were dancing to some music I had long since forgotten. The human continues to chase me, trying to land a hit as I focus on the defensive and dodge constantly, neither one getting a specific advantage. The other Padawans do not enjoy themselves in sparring anywhere near as much as I do, but I think it's because they don't let themselves flow...


My sparring partner is having a hard time keeping up with my unpredictable style, always staying still and focusing himself to twist around, trying to match the hits... I find it odd I am the only one who feels compelled to move around lightly, as if I was dancing in a noble court of some kind rather then actually try to beat down my opponents. I lightly twist as the Padawan I am sparring with misses my back by centimeters as I twist the blade to hit him on the forehead and he gets knocked back. I make one final acrobatic twist to move the edge of the lights to his face, a clear checkmate.


"I would say your form is that of an Ataru, but even they don't seem to dance around like you do. I would say you are most skilled in Soresu." I put the training saber away as I nod to the Knight currently instructing us in lightsaber combat. he raises an eyebrow as if to question something.

"One thing that seems constant is that you seem to play with your foes, is this some kind of joke to you?" I shake my head and respond, trying to sound as respectful as I can.

"No master, I know combat isn't a joke, I don't know why I do this, but I'm just not comfortable standing still while my opponent intents to do me harm..." Well, that's not entirely true... My mind seems to get a slight pleasure in this, side-stepping every blow, luring them into letting their guard down so I may punish them for it.


I watch as the others finish their lightsaber training to determine which form they are best with, the instructor nods as everyone finds their form, but the master looks to me and smiles. "Now I ask that you Kuronan, duel Valerie in single combat." I look to him, wondering...

"Why Valerie, master?" He smiles at me.

"From what the other Padawans seem to think they can sneak behind my back-" The other padawans blush and turn away from the dark Human Knight, somewhat ashamed they didn't whisper quietly enough. "-It appears you two are the most prominent, and they were wondering which is better... Now you may all see, and for the fun of it, gambling is permitted. First one to surrender wins." A few chuckle at the notion, gambling isn't normally allowed, but a few Padawans leap at the opportunity to do less chores. Almost all of them bet on Valerie, but one girl, a Pureblood, places her bet on me... I cannot and will not let her down.


Valerie. a female Mirialan, immediately adopts a stance the others haven't been taught, but I somehow immediately identify as Juyo. I don't know how she learned it, as no one has been taught yet, but I smile as she comes at me. For the first few seconds, I expect the Knight to stop her... my hopes die out as I very narrowly dodge the first blow, it seems the Knight is intent on watching. I quickly bring the blade to defend the second blow as she reaches out and pulls for one of the padawans that bet for her's training saber... No one tries to stop her as she gets it and I am forced on the defensive. I quickly attempt to make the best use of my agility to block as little as possible as I scan the area for anything that can turn the tide... I notice another sparring trainer with an electrostaff...




I quickly knock the next blow to the side, forcing Valerie to lose her footing as I move behind her and reach for the staff using the Force. It comes out with no trouble, the master too busy teaching other students to notice. I drop my weapon and grab it, then immediately spin the staff to knock one of Valerie's sabers to the ground and the other gets knocked on the upper part of the staff as I push them both away, then proceed to knock on her back twice and then jab her with the upper end of the staff, knocking her down. I smirk as she tries to get up but I pin her down with the staff.

"A valiant effort, but I am the stronger one here, I suppose..." Some of the padawans try to call foul, but the knight stops them.

"One thing the other masters will never teach you is that Sith will use any advantage you can get, as much as we must preserve our morals of honor and discipline, sometimes they will cheat, we must be ready. Kuronan improvised well to Valerie's use of Juyo, a form she isn't supposed to know yet, and dual sabers. Kuronan is the winner." The others fold, allowing the woman her bounty.


We all head back to the temple and our corners, as I rest my weary body, I can't help but wonder why a Pureblood, of all things, would bet weeks worth of chores on me... I try to let go of it, but I know even in the morning, when I usually forget what happened yesterday, I will remember and wonder...

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As I wake, I remember the day before, a Pureblood betting against all odds on me, but put my mind on other things. I have to focus on training and learning who I was... I get off of the bed and, having worn the clothes from the day before, I grab my training saber and go to the instructors to see what my lesson today will be.


I look around in front of the temple to most of the padawans I trained with yesterday, they are gathering near a few masters. I walk up and ask what's up, one master looks at me strangely for a few moments, then he says...

"You are not ready for this trial Kuronan, you still have much to remember of Jedi philosophy before you are ready..." I almost protest the decision, but I know better. A solid, yet somewhat bony arm grabs my shoulder and stops me as I turn around.

"Now hold on, Kuronan has as much a right to this trial as anyone..." I turn to the arm, which is blood red, it's the Pureblood that actually bet on me yesterday. I turn around as the master is done shaking his head.

"Kuronan isn't strong enough in the light for this-"

"He's stronger in the light then most of us are!" One Miraluka yells out, I think he was neutral yesterday, I didn't notice him before...

"He has every right to take the trial as us!" The human I was sparring with. Slowly, everyone seems to agree that I am strong enough for the trial, the instructor brings his palm to his face...

"If you are all so sure he can handle it, then I suppose he's ready." I smile at his change of mind.


We quickly head out to the ruins of the old fallen Jedi ruins. After clearing out some of the bottom courtyard, the instructor tells us to meditate, and try to find something the eye cannot see, this is before he runs off to answer a call to nature. I roll my eyes, there's Dark Side energies here, I can feel it. I notice as one of the students, a Rutian Twi'lek woman sneaks away from everyone else, I follow her while the others are too busy paying attention to realize either of us are gone...


She seems to walk past any droids nearby, which seem not to attack us... As we approach closer and closer to a nearby cave, the Dark Side seems to get stronger and the Twi'lek becomes more focused on getting there. I call out to her, but with no response. I curse, then begin jogging to her. She begins running, so I pick up the pace and pursue.


As we run into the cave (The Jedi Knight cave) She seems intent on reaching the core, and I continue to run after her. As we reach the center room, she begins to seethe corruption, and turns to me.

"You have no idea how long I've been looking for you Kuronan... How long I've been trying to contact you..." I look at her, puzzled.

"Who are you, and what have you done with the Padawan I was just chasing?" She seethes a bit less, and frowns.

"How can you not remember me? You loved me, I was your apprentice!" Apprentice? No, that's a Sith term... I'm a Padawan...

"You must have me mistaken for someone else..." She looks at me with weak eyes. She walks up to me and looks into my eyes, trying to find out if I'm lying to her. She cups the back of my head and pulls me in, kissing me. The Darkness she is seething blinds me...


I smile warmly, holding her. She is pale as a ghost, Sith Corruption no doubt, as she pulls me in. I attempt no resistance as our tongues meet, so familiar they dance in sync. As she pulls away from me, she puts her hand to her stomach.

"Master, I'm pregnant... I was wondering if you knew..." I smile at her, the thought having crossed my mind a thousand times before, having sensed the child a while ago actually.

"My thoughts? Our child will be the second most beautiful and powerful thing ever born." She smiles, asking a question she always knows.

"And who is the first?" I pull her closer, hugging her back as she hugs me, lips inseparable. After a few moments, we stop kissing, and the memory fades.


As the kiss stops and we both draw a few breaths, I look to her.

"What happened to you?" She frowns. She realizes I have forgotten most, if not all of my life before being a Padawan.

"I was killed by an acolyte, who was working for a Dark Council member... Look, that isn't important anymore. I've learned how to control this woman. Once we find a ship off of Tython, we can start over again."

"And what about the woman you are controlling?"

"She's not important, what is important is that we can be together again. She needs to come here so I can solidify my hold on her, but once that happens, I can give you back your memories. I doubt you'll take to the idea of sacrificing this Padawan for the sake of a Sith who died a while ago, but think about it... Each time you bring her here, I will unlock a new memory in you. The specific memory depends on my power at the time, and how much I have corrupted her. the stronger I get, the longer and more accurate the memory will be." Her offer is very tempting... I do want to know who I was before...

"I'll think about it, but why not just keep her here?" She shakes her head lightly.

"I know what you are thinking, keep her trapped here so I can corrupt her faster and get more power? It doesn't work like that. My own power is somewhat strained. You can bring her here once a day, and I can control her for a small window of time. The way this works is she doesn't know what goes on when I'm controlling her. For all purposes, she's asleep. Just bring her back here once a day, once a week at most, and I'll do the rest."

"What is your name?"

"Tallisa. I can't control her for much longer, so be sure to come back tomorrow..."

I nod to her as the girl falls, the corruption stopping. I quickly cup her in my arms and lift her up. She is two people, an innocent Padawan training to one day protect the innocent and do out justice as a Jedi, and the other a Sith with an offer of remembering a life I have forgotten...


I bring her outside, where the droids still don't shoot at us... Is this Tallisa's blessing, to be ignored by the droids? I bring the girl back to the others as they look frantic at me, then relieved, then concerned. The instructor from before walks up to me.

"Did something happen to you two?" I shake my head and fabricate a lie.

"We were both looking around when a droid attacked us. Thankfully it wasn't using a blaster, but she fainted anyway." The Jedi looks at me, concerned.

"Are you wounded at all Kuronan?" I shake my head, and the idiot buys it all... Either that, or he doesn't say anything to me... We head back to the Temple while I carry the girl. I'm going to have to find out her name and some reason to drag her out here... As well as a good time to do it at.

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(( Kalenath needs to stop making a new topic for EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER of his fanfic... Listening to the Sonic Adventures 2 White Forest theme as I write this. ))


I quickly run through the green grass as I hold the training saber tightly. I was told to train my Juyo so I open with a rushing uppercut with my training saber, nearly disarming the Padawan. After I quickly spin to the right and open on his back and the Master yells for me to stop. I do as he asks, putting the blade to the ground but keeping a powerful stance. He runs to the Padawan as he orders me to one hour of meditation on a cold rock. I do not know why he punishes me for training an aggressive stance aggressively, but I drop the saber and walk to a nearby rock as he continues to instruct the other Padawans. I sit down and meditate, attempting to expel the emotions flowing through me.


Instead I am suddenly called into a deeper part of my mind as I remember something of my past that was locked away, apparently dormant and waiting for this moment.


The Jedi Sentinel smiles under his hood, thinking that he can 'handle' such a weakling as he sees before him. He is overconfident, it will be his death. He charges using the Force to leap, but I only put my right arm forth as I send a wave of force to send him back, punishing him for such a blatant and obvious tactic. The Sentinel then runs, attempting an uppercut. I quickly spin to the side, shaving part of his armor without even trying. After I do, the Sentinel lets his rage show, he lets his emotions turn him into an 'unstoppable' force of nature. Foolish and weak.


He swings two sabers which I deflect easily, using my own skill and his own force against him. He is untrained in the powers he attempts to use against me. Suddenly, he becomes somewhat calmer and brings both sabers down on me in a fit of guidance. I am forced to bring myself on one knee to block them both. I quickly follow an instinct and look behind him. I see a Consular using the Force to heal and calm his friend. I uneven the Sentinel's footing by forcing my right arm up and throwing him off balance, then throw him into nearby debris. I reach into my robes and pull out a flare, aiming it to the sky and firing, alerting anyone to the Left Turret. The Sentinel recovers but I quickly overwhelm him with a mix of Lightning and Wind, keeping him suspended. It will not last long, but I don't intend it to.


I call upon my power in the Force to pull the Consular to me. She uses the pull to attempt a charge with her lightsaber. I barely dodge it as she focuses on the offensive, the Sentinel joining her a few a few seconds. They become a potent team and I am forced on a heavy defensive as I notice a Gunslinger attempting to control our turret. He almost succeeds when the sky lets loose an Orbital Strike on the fool! Help has arrived as a Juggernaut quickly leaps so powerfully that both of her feet land on the Consular's chest and face respectively. I almost laugh, but the Sentinel is unrelenting. We begin as I notice the Consular is a Trakata! Damn, it's a good thing the Juggernaut showed up when she did, it's hard to fight a Trakata, but this is not the first time the Juggernaut has dealt with one. I notice a Hunter fire a missile and spin behind the Sentinel, then pushing him into the missile with fiery results. The Hunter activates his Jetpack and rains absolute Death on the Sentinel. I go to the Juggernaut just as the Consular unleashes the blade in the Juggernaut's gut, the poor woman falls to one knee, then dies.


The Consular raises some Debris and throws it at me from behind! I am not able to turn fast enough and am knocked to the Consular. She nearly kills me but a missile knocks her back. I am able to gain my footing as she attacks again. She turns off her lightsaber just as ours meet, attempting to set me off balance, but I turn the force into an upward spin, nearly tearing her apart. She is very quick on her feet however, and quickly steps back. We sit there, trading blows as I realize the Mercenary is being forced to deal with a Vanguard. I am able to stun the Consular, then calling upon the Force to raise and revive the dead Juggernaut! She cheers at me as she is able to rejoin the battle. She adopts a Soresu as the Consular attempts to kill me, but I sidestep her and the Juggernaut quickly kills and knocks her aside with a Sundering Strike. We turn to the Mercenary as the Vanguard suddenly blasts him back with a Concussive Charge while a sticky grenade goes off in the Mercenary's chest.


The Juggernaut and I nod to each other. I call on the Force to rush to the Mercenary's aid as the Juggernaut intercepts the Vanguard trying to stop me. The Mercenary is still breathing, lucky sod. I call upon the Force to bring the Mercenary back on his feet. He tips his helmet's rim a bit and thanks me as he bends over slightly. I wonder what the hell he's doing as the Jetpack suddenly shoots off a large missile and hits the Vanguard with enough force to crack his spine! We turn to the South as the Republic vessel is shot down, we are victorious! The Mercenary slaps me on the back and hands me his holofrequency as our ship sends out some speeders to pick us up and drop us off where we were.


I quickly awake from the amazing experience as I realize I've probably been meditating for a while. The others look at me oddly, then the master speaks. "You've been meditating there for an hour and a half, we tried to wake you up but it was pointless, we were about to ask a Master come and help wake you up, but apparently that's not needed. What just happened?" I figured out a while ago it's best not to tell them I'm awakening to my past, I just tell him that I fell asleep. He doesn't buy it, but doesn't push for much more information.

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I get the feeling as I awake in the middle of the night from a dream suddenly that the masters not only know what I used to be and hide it from me, they obviously are, but also realize I am awakening to who I truthfully am, whatever that is. I feel called back into sleep as I once again awaken to another old memory.


I'm walking in red sands and old ruins as I realize I'm on Korriban, but I realize I'm not a weakling acolyte anymore, I am a Darth of incredible power. I quickly walk up to the temple with one goal in mind: I must fell a Dark Council member,


I quickly walks up the ramp into the academy as I walk past some acolytes, one of them seems distracted by the looks of another, I imagine he will die if he does, so I call upon the Force to pull him to me, then kneel to meet his eyes, behind my armor of course.


"You cannot be distracted acolyte, I was nearly killed by the same powerful attraction. Remember you have only one ally, the Force, and that if you open yourself to her, she will kill you." he nods, the human smiling at the fact a Darth would care for his life. He quickly runs to them, a new purpose pulsing through him, to survive, likely so he can enslave the girl. I smile as I get up and let the wind blow against my robes. I make sure my hood is down as I return to my original objective.


As I enter their chambers, the entire Dark Council has congregated. I feel honored to stand among such powerful and influential beings as Darth Marr declares the duel may begin. The Sith quickly charges me with a double-bladed lightsaber. I quickly pull out and charge mine with dark electric currents, then meet his. We swap many blows, and after what feels like three minutes of back-and-forths, we both attempt to repel the other with the Force. The force is exactly equal, despite my obviously greater skill. After a bit, the kinetic force between us explodes and sends us both flying. I nearly hit a wall, but I am fast enough to repel myself from the wall before I hit it. The Pureblood is not so lucky, his spine nearly cracked as he hits the wall.


I reach out with the Force as I attempt to rip his life force from him. I am successful in this, and he screams in agony as it is ripped from him. He has a good amount of life force, and I am successful in tearing it all from him as he kneels, then falls. The others look to him as they realize he has fallen, and a new Sith has taken his place. Darth Marr walks up to me and motions to my new seat on the Dark Council. I quickly realize this is not even a memory, but a prediction of what is to come... Assuming I fall to the Dark Side.


I quickly get up, the final details sinking in even if I have not remembered everything. I'm not a Jedi, but I'm not a Sith either... Has there ever been one who has been both and neither? I will need to meditate and research it later...

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(( I'm listening to various Starcraft Terran themes, Blizzard did their Starcraft Terran Music quite well, but I feel bad for the others, which aren't quite as good. ))


I roll around lazily, not sure if it's night or morning until I hear a knock at the door. She comes in without me saying anything, the Rutian thinking she doesn't need permission, then again, what would I have to hide from her? She looks to me with assertive eyes, telling me that Tallisa has some control.

"You've been forgetting. I've lured her on my own, but it's nowhere near as effective." I shake my head, I was honestly thinking it would be difficult to sneak us both out during curfew, and ever since that incident the Rutian and I don't usually talk, likely the Masters keeping us apart.

"It's not as easy as you think it is..."

"Kuronan, do you have any idea what Chaos is like? I have to wander around, reliving my dieing moments over and over again, and I don't have you to console me." She says in a half-weakened tone, her last hours must have been nightmarish indeed.

"Let's go now then." She nods to me as I go to get my training saber off of my drawer, then put it against my back and nod to her as we go out.

She shows me how to cloak myself and her using the Force, although she doesn't need it. We use it again to jump a small obstruction that would block others as we head to the cave.


As we reach the cave, I can feel the Darkness attempting to seep into me. It feels unwelcome, but this is what Tallisa needs to be reborn. We get the furthest in we can to the cave, sit down and talk about my past. I gathered I was a Sith before, but she explains to me the extent of my power. I was a Darth, and not someone to mess with lightly. I did not directly involve myself in power plays however, focusing more on the War Effort. When Darth Malgus seceded from the Empire, Tallisa talked me out of joining him. I reach over and take her hands.

"From what I sound like, I wasn't the kind of man I should have been to you..." She shakes her head and smiles.

"You were everything I wanted. You were dark publicly, but I knew you had some light in you, light enough to care for me, and light enough to make the right decisions when they were important enough." she pushed herself closer and kissed me. I expected a memory, but nothing comes. She looks away for a moment.

"Look, I know we were done a long time ago, when I died and when you forgot me, but for one night, can we forget anything bad happened? For one night, hold me the way you used to..." I smile and hug her close, when suddenly everything flashes before my eyes, the combination of dark energies and holding my old beloved reawakens my forgotten memories...


The Academy, My Training, Zash, My Rivals, My Allies, Everything came back in a blinding flash and I remembered who I am. The memories mix with my newest memories and I realize I'm not just a Jedi, I'm not just a Sith. I am a Revanite, reborn from memories I thought shattered and lost, I have emerged stronger and wiser then before.


I turn around and kiss Tallisa on the forehead as she smiles widely, knowing the man she loved has returned at last.

"Now, let's finish the connection, so you can live again." We quickly both get up as I call upon the darkness in the room within myself, the feeling now fully returned, and it feels good to be back! I channel the energy into Tallisa as she rises a bit from the infusion of power within her. We stay like that for a few moments, me channeling dark energy so Tallisa can be reborn in this new body. She falls on all fours when I finish, then stands up and pulls me to her. After a few moments, she pulls away.

"I think we should test this new body, don't you?" I chuckle a bit, then laugh.

"Ah, dearest Tallisa, you have no idea how much I would love nothing more, but we must return to the Temple, lest they realize how long we've been gone. We'll have to put up with the facade until we can get a ship, but after that, we'll do what we please, to hell with the Jedi Council and the Dark Council!" She nods, then motions to the way out, we both use a combination of Force Speed, Force Camouflage, and Hidden Presence to hide ourselves as we sneak back into the Jedi Temple and back into our quarters, the masters none the wiser, for now anyway, that two of their best pupils were now no longer as they wanted them to be.


A few hours after that I begin meditating on everything I remember, mostly on the Hidden Presence technique. I am not sure what the other masters would see, even I am unsure how much corruption seeped into me, but I do know they won't approve of my remembering everything before my 'training' is over, or how much corruption is in me.

Edited by Kuronan
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I hold the training saber lightly and parallel to the ground as Valerie pathetically tries to hit me, her impatience making her sloppy. I just keep dodging her for a few more seconds, then drop the blade and quickly jab her in the gut with my left. She loses the wind in her as I hit her a few more times, then bring up my right leg to knock her down. She is unable to resist as she is knocked down. I smile down on her as she smacks away a hand I offer to help her up, then gets up on her own.


"What happened to you overnight, barely dodging a double Juyo and now making my single Juyo look like some kind of joke?" I smile mockingly.

"Perhaps you'd like to show me your double again?" The other padawans ooo accordingly and place bets quickly, the master that had us duel before watches me carefully. Valerie however, smirks.

"You are going to wish you hadn't challenged me like that." She pulls my blade to her as the Master instructs us to begin.


Valerie quickly uses the Force to leap, but I ground myself and send her flying... Literally flying back about twenty yards. She gets up and runs at me now, both blades in a horizontal slash. I am about to instinctively shoot lightning but quickly stop myself, may as well sign a death warrant! I quickly look around and lift some pebbles, throwing them at Valerie from all directions. They keep her distracted as I lift her, trying to stall her as I prepare a better attack.


"No telekinesis permitted." I look to the Master, of course he doesn't want me to use them, I did challenge her unarmed... I put down the pebbles and run at Valerie as she dispels the lift. She swings at me like a wild animal as I am forced on the defensive, either dodging the strikes or knocking them aside while receiving a shock that feels like nothing compared to some of my memories. I quickly counter with a three jabs at her chest, and then an open palm in her gut. She is knocked back and almost resumes the offensive, but the master stops her.


"I don't know what happened Kuronan, but you have learned quite well, although you might want to remember to use a lightsaber more..." Valerie hands me back my training saber as she nods.

"Whatever you've been doing is pretty good, but next time, try not to hit my breast." I look down and apologize as a reflex. She nods as we are dismissed, for now.


Later on in the night, I find myself completely unable to sleep. From what I can tell, it's midnight. I quickly shroud myself in the Force and leave my quarters, deciding to scope the area out, maybe look at the moon.


As I exit the temple, I take a while to admire the dew forming on the grass, the full moon giving everything a bluish glow. After a bit, I go to the pond to sit down and think, but I notice Valerie swinging a single training blade. I forget I am hiding as I say her name. She tenses up in fear and surprise before I reveal myself, then she relaxes herself.


"Shouldn't you be in bed by now Kuronan?" I shrug to her.

"I've been up later than midnight before, you just have to know when to sneak out..." She looks disapprovingly for a few moments, then sighs.

"I've been trying to work on my form more, could you help me with it, without throwing me on the ground?" I nod, honestly interested in helping her. I walk up to her and watch as she mistakenly puts too much brute force in her strikes.

"No no no, you are putting too much power into it, you'll over-exert yourself too quickly and are leaving too many openings." I walk up to her as she moves, lightly taking her hand and guiding her, having her body mirror mine as if I were wielding the training saber. She learns quickly, putting less and less force in the attacks, learning slowly but steadily that so much exerted effort serves no one. After an hour or two, she smiles.

"Do you see what you were doing wrong now?" She looks at me.

"Yea, I see we're both doing something wrong here..." She says in a teasing voice as I notice that the time I was guiding her movements, I was overstepping my boundaries. I blush as she laughs.

"I always thought you had some interest in me..." She says in a way that, although she knows the Jedi Code forbids attachments, she wants to experiment. I think of Tallisa, and immediately push out all other notions.

"I'm sorry, but it can't happen..." She looks at me with this face that makes me almost regret saying that.

"And why not? Are you really going to break a young woman's heart?" I nearly fold right then and there, but I stop myself, no, I must remain loyal.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." Is what I am supposed to say as a Padawan, but I unthinkingly add "I'm already taken." She gawks for a few seconds, just a few, but I see it. She then asks me who.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you, for obvious reasons..."

"Wait, let me guess, it's the Rutian you came back with that one time at the ruins?" I open my mouth to say no, but she already pieced enough pieces together.

"Figures I'm outdone by a bookworm... But fine, if she's who you want..." She is about to leave, but stops, looking back to the Temple, I go and look, and notice the Jedi.

"Ah nuts, it was only a matter of time..." I look to her, motion her to be quiet, then grab her wrist and bend the light around us. She is about to open her mouth, but I pull her along with me as we narrowly avoid the guards around the entrance, then sneak back into our quarters, I bring her to hers first obviously.

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Several Days Later


As I awaken, I hear a knocking at the door, I realize it's sometime around eleven, who would wake me up at this hour? I quickly gather my clothes and answer the door, expecting Valerie or Tallisa... Instead is a Pureblood the on a that bet on me that one time with Valerie, her eye sockets show shadowy circles, she's clearly not had enough sleep. She motions for me to follow her, and we quickly leave our quarters and the Temple, which is oddly vacant tonight.


After we get outside I stop, wanting answers. She looks at me like I just severed her life-line.

"Come on, we have to go to them-"

"Hold on a minute, go to Who? Where? Why?"

"They'll explain when we get there." I roll my eyes back.

"Fine, let's go then..." She nods and we continue on our way.


When we arrive at our destination, I notice most of the droids in the area have been forcefully shut down, it's the Fallen Jedi ruins, and Valerie and Tallisa are waiting, Valerie points one of her training blades at Tallisa, who is wielding an Electrostaff.

"I will defeat you and prove I am the one Kuronan should be with!" Valerie charges, Tallisa says a few words of her own before the training sabers make contact with the metal staff.

"Over my dead body!" I look at them like they have both gone mad... Do they seriously think fighting over me will do anything for either of them? I draw my own blade but the Pureblood stops me.

"You know they won't solve their tensions any other way..." I put the blade away, she is right. This is for the best. Besides, Tallisa will win, she has more skill and experience... Then again, Valerie has defeated me once or twice...


Valerie quickly swings both blades to bear down upon Tallisa, who is forced on one knee. She exerts force into her left arm, sliding the blades down and throwing Valerie off-balance as she gets two hits. Valerie spins her blades, making up for those hits against her, but Tallisa spin-kicks Valerie a few feet away. They both use environmental effects like small rocks and one large rock in Tallisa's case against each other. After a few moments of throwing Pebbles, both begin going all out. Tallisa attempts to kick Valerie, but she catches on and ducks, then swinging both blades at her feet. Tallisa is caught off guard and falls down as Valerie sticks one blade to her.

"It's over Tallisa." Tallisa does not relent however, pushing Valerie back as she gets up and continues the fight. Valerie begins getting somewhat irritated as she begins taking Juyo far more aggressively, forcing Tallisa on the defensive with a series of overhead slashes, a few stabs, and many attacks. Tallisa attempts to conceal herself, but Valerie focuses and flashes the area around her, blinding Tallisa and exposing her...


Valerie reaches into her robes and in her blind emotions, pulls out a lightsaber she likely found somewhere. She attempts to unleash it, but I quickly extend both arms and hold her still using the Force. Tallisa attempts to take advantage but I sense her intent and move my right arm to still her as well.

"Both of you stop, now. I will not have either of you die fighting, thinking the victor will take me as though I am some kind of trophy!" After a few moments, I release them both. They both fall on both hands and knees, panting from both the battle and my stasis. After a few moments, they both look at me.

"Then who do you love?" Both of them say simultaneously.

"I care for both of you, but your ridiculous contest, combined with this situation where you'd rather fight to the death rather then ASK who I want to be with, has clearly demonstrated both of you need to learn control before I give myself to either of you." They both look shocked, but a sense of renewed conflict has arisen in them, I make sure to head that off rather then leave it alone again.

"If neither of you learn to control yourselves, then I'd sooner date the Barsen'thor, Master Kiwiks, or even Satele Shan herself!" I almost shout the last bit, but keep enough control so as not to wake up the entire valley and everyone in the Temple. Tallisa is especially devastated by the last bit, she knows I absolutely despise Satele, to the point where if my first day on Tython she was here, I'd probably have tried to strangle her myself. The message quickly sinks in, and they both nod.

"Now will you stop this useless one-upping war between each other?" They both nod, but it is not sufficient for me.

"I'll need time to see how serious you two are about this. For now, both of you will return to your training, and stop focusing on me, as I know you have been. When I decide who I care more about, I will tell you two. Until then, return to your studies and don't bother me about it." They both nod, and I look to the Pureblood. She very lightly smiles.

"You have done well. Now let's get back." We all agree. I take care to shroud myself and the others shroud themselves as we return to our quarters, although I feel that other padawans are awake and know we went out. If they do know, they will not know why.

Edited by Kuronan
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