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The GCD animation blocking out the ability cooldown timer is horrible. Sentinels already deal with quality of life issues tracking cooldowns and stacks, crippling our ability to see cooldown timers during the GCD window is totally unnecessary and a huge game play problem.


I do like that the new cooldown timers are more visible, it was very frustrating to not know if, for example, force stasis was off CD or just had a few seconds left (it was impossible to tell with the old dark blue CD gradient), but don't overlay bright neon on every ability every GCD.


I'm pretty certain most sentinels/mauraders scan their bars during GCD's to gauge what abilities are off/coming off cooldown and decide a few moves ahead what they're going to do, this is part of the fun of the class, and I can't do it anymore.


I'd normally wait longer before complaining about a 1 day old change but I think this is clearly a bad change that should be fixed sooner than later.

Edited by DanChart
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The problem is that we have too many CDS to watch.


Me, you, anyone can play the class well, its easy. Its just anNoying!


less cd, more reactionary gameplay.


Playing a sentinel is like a wackamole cooldown dps machine.

Edited by Superastro
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I'm not saying I am perfect in any way, and yes I do run into times when I cut it very close on focus and have to throw a strike in to make up for it. Honestly tho, it isn't hard to quickly glance at things and tell the difference between gcd and skill cd. Yeah it can be a pain and I have run into slight issues in pvp but honestly, how hard is it really to quickly glance down or hover your mouse over it?


Even in pvp scenarios when I have to constantly rotate my character to stay on target I can still hover over a skill or just glance down to look at my focus and CD's. Unless you have a major tunnel vision issue, I don't see what the problem is.


And yes, for the record, I do not like the new GCD or CD animation at all. However it is nothing that will truly hinder gameplay. If you don't like it, blame all the people who *****ed about the previous one that so many in the community had no issues with. In the end tho, the people who ***** and whine about things not being unfair or being too weak are always going to get their way, even if they never shut the **** up about ****.


Also in regards to the CD/GCD issue, I'm fairly certain that when a skill is on CD and not just a GCD that it is darker than other skills. And seriously, who the **** doesn't quickly glance at their focus?

Edited by EnnaRei
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