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My PVP build - need suggestions


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Wasn't sure if I should post here or on PVP forums, but I'll just post here and hope for the best.


Here is the build I'm currently using:



My rotation is pretty much Blaster while running toward enemy, jet charge or grapple, then rocket punch, flame burst, rail shot, stun (electro or carbonize) and then Death from Above. Throw down oil slick if they stay for the fight, otherwise I chase them back down with jet charge or grapple and try to down them.


Is that a good rotation/strategy?


If a merc is situated above I'll jet charge up or grapple them down and interrupt.


Also, should I be investing in PvP gear that has +Defense on it? Like the Champion Supercommando gear? That's what I have now 3/5 with some centurion gear as well.

Edited by EscVelocity
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