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45 Minute Queue - Really!?


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Already having to sit in queue before launch day is a bad thing.


Please stop apologizing for this failure and start splitting full servers so no one has to wait to play.


Please stop overreacting to something thats normal, expected, and happens in every single game.

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Free 1 time limited use character transfer should be the option. This allows friends/guilds to move all at once to a lower population server.


I'd like to see the option to move my character to a new server free of charge. 1 hour wait currently, I'm almost in but I don't really care what server I play on, just picked a west coast pvp server and now I feel like I might have wasted my time starting this character. If it's this bad before launch how hard is it going to be going forward?


Character transfers would make a lot of sense as players could easily distribute themselves more evenly over all the servers. Seems like the problems snowball and you end up with lots of servers well under capacity and many well over.

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I was able to get in on the first wave and lvl my toon up pretty good, so I'm grateful for that. But now I wanna play for a few hours before work and I can't. I don't have all day to wait for a 1hr 10 min que. I understand everyone wants in but this should have been anticipated and prepared for. Sorry Bioware not a good pre launch experience.
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I'm seriously hoping that the 45 Minute queue to get on my server is a pre-launch issue only, What happens on the 20th when the general public join SW:TOE?; 2 day waiting list?



haha! oh snap I can beat that 45 mins, and raise it by 25 mins! ;) I have a 1 Hour 20 minute wait atm

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Swiftsure is up to 1h45min. Pretty much a no go on playing.


And there is just no chance I'm changing server. Already invested 12+ hours of play into one character.


Plus now with the queues, anyone who gets in will simply not log out. Even if you go afk and get kicked back to selection screen, you're still logged in. I know I'd stay semi-online if I intend to play later and have other things to do around the house.

Edited by LaughingMountain
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Queues are a reality of any launch - if you can't handle that then wait for a couple of months and then pick the server that you want. Otherwise - quit freaking complaining! I swear this is one of the worst most self-entitled communities I have seen in many years of mmos. Nothing but ***** and complain


No, not at all. False. They are not a reality AT ALL. All they have to do is cap the number of players able to roll on a server to the number of players able to PLAY on a server. If they are going to cap anything at all. At this point their problem is that they don't have enough service for the number of people that bought their product. They are an airline that has overbooked. So wheres my *********** upgrade?

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Two things here.


Point me at the German standard pop PvE servers (hint they're all full) or the EU English ones (hint 4 are full, 3 very heavy) so that is not a choice.


2nd, he may have already built up a char for a couple of days on the server he is trying to log into, why should he jump and start over?


3rd; Maybe his guild was assigned to that server? I know thats what happened to me and the people I play with.

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Yes this is going to get old fast. Was in a group with my wife sitting next to me. I got disconnected from the server in a heroic. Now I am number 900 to get back in?


I understand que and what not trying to work out bugs before release and early access is kind of like another beta test. When this goes live I am just say lack of planning on your part should not be a problem on my part.

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