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"Legacy" name? seriously? only one?


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You know you can change it right? So it doesn't look like a surname, and instead it's a title such as <The Roman Legacy> or you can turn it off. In fact, you don't even have to have a Legacy name.


To me, having a Legacy name makes me unique. No one else can have that name, and it's a story of accomplishments that I've done in the game and on each character. Not to mention no matter what alt I'm on, people will know me by my legacy. Also, I like how my legacy continues to grow no matter what character I'm on (which is the whole idea). They're all linked and shared, there's no longer a line that seperates my characters. I have 50s on both factions as well, so I made sure to pick a neutral last name.


I think if you were able to change your legacy between characters, it wouldn't be a legacy anymore. It would only be a surname.


Which is all well and good - I don't have a problem with the Legacy as such. At least we do have the option of how we use the name choose. However, there are those of us whose enjoyment of an RPG game comes from having the freedom to name our characters as we see fit. Nearly all of the games I have played past and present don't restrict the ability to form a name based on the FirstName LastName convention. It helps us to personalize our characters, and in the terms of an MMO, try to make them as unique as possible. Right now, the only way to do that here is to use the apostrophe or the dash in between the names, and hide the Legacy (or make it a title) for that character - which is a minor issue, or to have different characters across different servers - which is a bit more of a PIA to have to switch servers and/or remember which character is on which server instead of having a nice tidy list on a single server.


For me, it just feels like I am loosing a little bit of that freedom I have enjoyed in other games. Again, not a huge issue, but a disappointment nonetheless.



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because Luke, Han, Leia (sp?), Chewy, Lando, Vader, The Emporer, Wicket, Greedo, Jabba ALL had the same lastnames?


this is stupid. Why on EARTH would I want ALL my characters sharing ONE surname?


does anyone know if there's any chance of us being able to give our characters unique surnames? because as-is it's really stupid, and makes absolutely NO sense.


because the main characters in SW were;

Luke Skywalker

Han Skywalker

Jabba Skywalker the Hutt

Greedo Skywalker

Wicket Skywalker

Gran Moff Tarkin Skywalker

Jar Jar Skywalker

Sebalba Skywalker







I can't believe they actually thought this was a good idea....


Before you go throwing out big words like "stupid" you really need to go to any of the fine home decor stores in your neighborhood, purchase a nice mirror and take a long look.

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wow this blows, I don't mind having 1 legacy name. But to have to have it on republic and empire? now I have to restart my character because I don't wish for it to be on my Empire character. Plenty of reasons of why it's a stupid idea. Also is there any way to hide your legacy name? Or do you just have to not ever pick one if you don't want one? Honestly for a game where you are suppose to have different options and choices it really seems limited when it comes to names, races, and other such customization options.


Although I guess I could just throw out the idea of making a new character, and continue to grind valor until it's too boring or until they add a Flash point finder. That or make people on my server PVE once in awhile. I would assume the former.



50 Sage - Ajunta-Pall PVP

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Vader, Luke & Leia would be in the same legacy.


All those characters in your list aren't in the same family. In game terms, if that's what you need to understand it, they had different players.


This is what the Legacy system is for.


wow this blows, I don't mind having 1 legacy name. But to have to have it on republic and empire?



Vader = Empire

Luke = Rebels


Both share legacy.





Why don't people understand common sense?

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I don't get your vague as post, are you saying having Vader and Luke share the same legacy is good or bad?


Neither really, I suppose. It's just pointing out that you don't necessarily need a good vs. evil separation of a Legacy - Luke and Leia are good, while Vader is evil, but they all share the same Skywalker Legacy. That can even be made to follow through into the other lore with Luke's and Leia's offspring. So you can have both Republic and Sith characters with the same Legacy, if that's how you want to play the story.


However, in the case of Leia's offspring, they also have the Solo Legacy and surname. I think this is where some of the problem comes in. Our characters are part of our own Legacy, but in terms of RPing, we don't necessarily want them to have all of them share the same Legacy. It might be helpful in terms of knowing which characters belong to a particular player (but that's really nullified by the fact that you can hide the Legacy for a character completely). I would much rather have the option to choose a two name option for my characters and keep the Legacy as a "personal" guild type of option, if nothing but simply to allow for the convenience of keeping all my characters on a single server and maintaining separate RPing stories and backgrounds for them.



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