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umm how ???


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Last night i was doing my daily WZ's as frustrating as they are. (but that's another topic)


Now I'm a new level 50 so I'm sure there's alot I don't know, which is why I'm posting here.


I noticed something that I just cant explain several times on the WZ results page.

It has to do with healing, my healing total stat rarely exceeds 2000 ... However I notice other Jedi knights often have in the tens of thousands on there healing stat.. and in some case's there have been some jedi knights that achieved over 100k in total healing stat..

How is this possible ???

And why would my healing stat be so low ? I do use expertise heal stim aswell as the regular heal stims, as often as the ridiculous cool down on them allows me. am I missing some sort of inate healing ability .. or is it because im not a bio-chem ... ?? what what

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