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Annihilation Maurader nerf not buff


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DPS increase my ***.


My Anni Maurader is doing less damage than before the patch and its not even close.


pre patch 36% dot damage -vs- 15% dot damage + 30% crit increase added to current crit mulitplier


36% wins out handidly.


Furthermore, the 30% crit increase goes into the pile with surge, meaning it doesn't add up after surge crit but is instead added into it. If this is confusing here is what the math should have looked like.


(Crit multiplier of 50% + surge)30%


instead it is playing out as: Crit multiplier of 50% + surge + 30% talent


If you want to nerf us, fine, but at least don't lie about it and call it a dps increase.

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It isn't earth shattering. The real issue was that BioWare mentioned an increase in DPS. Had the talents worked properly from the start, the change would have been a buff, but with bugged talents it turns out to be a decrease, they shouldn't have stated that it was an increase. Effectively they attempted to maintain our DPS without obliterating the tree. Also, it is supposed to be Crit multiplier of 50% + surge + 30% talent and not any other way.



DoTs are fine, BW shouldn't have claimed to increase DPS.

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Cool, someone already as addressed this issue, Bioware is aware of it, why do you feel the need to rant more? Don't take someone else's work and claim it as your own, you didn't do the math. It was intended to be a buff, but there is a bug that turns it into a slight nerf, and will be fixed in time. Edited by Nasithice
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Cool, someone already as addressed this issue, Bioware is aware of it, why do you feel the need to rant more? Don't take someone else's work and claim it as your own, you didn't do the math. It was intended to be a buff, but there is a bug that turns it into a slight nerf, and will be fixed in time.


I'll humor you and answer some of your post even though it is frankly all over the place.

1. no where has Bioware acknowledged this issue, so if they are indeed aware that is news to me. Perhaps you have some sort of insight int the company that most of us do not have?

2. As for ranting...same reason you feel the need to try and rant/admonish me in a forum.

3. I actually waited until the patch to see what the damage was like just to not jump the gun and indeed it is less.

4. There is nothing wrong with using someone else's data to prove your point. Haven't you ever written a Thesis?

5. Lastly, you conjecture that it will be fixed in time is just that, conjecture. That said, I hope you are right.

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Also, it is supposed to be Crit multiplier of 50% + surge + 30% talent and not any other way.


Why is it supposed to be additive and not multiplicative? The talent description doesn't clearly state that. Bioware did not clearly state that, yet somehow you feel the need to claim that is should be additive? I don't buy it. I don't see where making it mulitplicative would break the bank. Its not like Mauraders were crushing other classes, many of whom can perform just as well as the old pre-nerf annihilation Maurader could.

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