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We need better female armor models, BW.


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Dear Bioware,


Not only does the bare-midrift look of many armor pieces fail at looking "sexy" (or whatever you were going for) on our female characters, but it denies me many of the (very few) cool-looking medium armor sets that I've seen on male characters.


There are too many armor sets that look good on male characters, only to look like a sports bra when my character puts it on (the level 40 Marauder PVP set, for example).


Please scrap the sports-bra armor model and give us a version that retains the "cool factor" of the male versions.




Sports-Bra Intolerant Marauder

Edited by mikelizzio
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Funny you should say that.


When playing my male marauder, I can't help but think he would look better if he was bare-chested with possible metal bits here and there.


Kind of like Darth Sion. It might even look good without the corruption.

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Funny you should say that.


When playing my male marauder, I can't help but think he would look better if he was bare-chested with possible metal bits here and there.


Kind of like Darth Sion. It might even look good without the corruption.


This is how I feel, I think the sports bras are hot :o:p and I hate the way our armor looks.



How about this: BOTH male and female sith marauder really just need some PROPER SITH ROBES.


For cryin' out loud...


Gimme a single simple black robe that is mod-able and I'll wear it for eternity. Something like what Darth Maul wears.

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How about this: BOTH male and female sith marauder really just need some PROPER SITH ROBES.


For cryin' out loud...


Gimme a single simple black robe that is mod-able and I'll wear it for eternity. Something like what Darth Maul wears.



I agree! If it had a hood as well I'd probably die and go to sith heaven

Edited by rayne_goddess
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What about a slot on your character sheet for cosmetic robes and cloaks you can put over your armory, like the Marauders in the opening cinematic? That would please everyone I think. I actually hate most of the armor and would rather have something to cover it all up but still flow in the wind when I charge some healer.
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That's all I ever want. A simple black robe. No kinky terminator-like bs, just a stupid robe.


I can't believe how many of us feel this way. Bioware kinda dropped the ball on this one.


They really need to say something to us, I wouldn't mind as long as I knew they were aware there was an issue and they'll be giving us some more gear in the future.


The thing is, all the gear we want is already in the game. Its just not available to us. Its either NPC only or heavy armor only.


All they have to do is copy some equipment in the database and change the value from heavy to medium, and tone down the armor stat a tad. Thats it. Shouldn't take long to make one or two.

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