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Sentinel interrupt and healing capabilities?


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What are the capabilities that a sentinel geared torward watchmen has for interrupting sith who basicly has unlimited electricity. I ask, because I have a very difficult time taking on any sith or creature who has the ability to electrocute me.


I can use force kick, but as soon as its over in pve he calls up lightning again. How do I keep interrupting this when my kick is down for 15 seconds and my stasis is out for 60 seconds after two interrupts? What other abilities do I have to protect myself from their lightning attacks, besides saber ward which I hate to activate until my health is at 50%? Pacify doesn't seem to work on strongs and elites as a third interrupt to give me enough time to let force kick recharge.


I activate rebuke at first sign of damage, ZEN when available, and Saber ward at 50% health. Whatelse can I do to protect myself from their lightning damage and get back some health while fighting sith npc's?



Edited by RenegadePlayer
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Um as watchaman your kick is on a 6s cooldown. If they are not shielded, then leap also interupts on a 12s CD.

You then have two other abilities to help you along. Stasis and force camo. Both of which will break a direct cast at you.

Add your def cooldowns and this is more than enough.

Also I tend to find that the plain lightning is at lower priority for interupting.

Any healing ability being at the top, then crushing darkness, then Electric storm (?) and then lastly all the lightnings you can manage.

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First of all, if you're decently geared all lightning will accomplish is to tickle you, I mostly ignore it and concentrate on peeps who cast healing. Secondly, 15 second cooldown? Try 6 seconds. If that wasn't enough, Force Kick also prevents your opponent from casting the interrupted ability for the next 4 seconds.


Force Kick is far from your only interrupt ability, you can Force Leap every 12 seconds, Force Stasis every 50 seconds and for those who hasn't figured it out yet, even Master Strike is a decent interrupt ability.

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Yeah, if you're specced properly your Force Kick should cool fast enough that you can completely shut down one enemy ability. Sith tend to have more than one channeled power that they use, which means you have to prioritize, as the guy above me stated.


Abilities like: Force Storm, Crushing Darkness, Orbital Bombardment, Full Auto, Hail of Blades, Spinning Strike, Med Scan and Ravage should be TOP PRIORITY to interrupt. Those are the biggies I can remember off the top of my head.


Other "secondary" skills, since some enemies use multiple attacks like Force Lightning or Tactical Accelerant, Ion/Plasma cell, Explosive Round etc. should be interrupted with Leap or Stasis if they're available, but they're not MUST STOP abilities. If you can, stop them. But otherwise the damage from these aren't big enough to warrant use of Kick. If they're the only ability that enemy has, sure, stop it. Otherwise just try to manage and mitigate the damage.

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I'm slightly confused as to what you are asking about. Do you mean enemy players, or "Caster" style gold NPCs?

It's two different things.

For players, expertise = king. For PVE, expertise = useless.


From what I can tell you have way too much accuracy... Beyond 100% is pretty low value in PvP, and very very low value in PvE.


Someone stated in a thread that very few of our attacks are not "special attacks" and therefor have a 100% hit rate anyways. So unless you are specifically trying to kill people with high defense, then it's not overly useful.


I think you have your crit and crit multilier numbers the wrong way around...

25% crit would be a little low, and 97% crit bonus would be a little too high.

30-35% crit and 80-90% crit multiplier seem to work well for me. Then everything else into power.

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Gold NPC's, I'm strictly a PvE player.


This should be more than enough to take on a 39k level 50 Sith Warmaster right? Notice the defense capabilities though. I put everything into str, end, acc, crit, and surge. Electricity does unbelievable damage to me normally 1k or more in damage. So does lightsabers, but guns are minimal in pve combat.


BTW I fight with Kira since she has good combat capabilities. I've found that doc has certain times when he just decides to stop healing.




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Those other stats must have been when a buff was active or something.

Edited by RenegadePlayer
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Ok, then yeah I would say too much accuracy, and not enough crit/surge.

Even so you should be able to chew thru 39k like it wasn't there..

I think the problem is companion, not stats. I use Doc almost exclusively for solo PvE. If you have problems with him make sure he is in healing "stance", his offensive abilities are turned off, he's not on passive and that you stay in range/LoS of him.

The problem with DPS companions, and tanks to a lesser extent is that you have to kill your target within X time or you are dead.

Whereas with a healer companion, provided they actually heal, as long as incoming damage is below a certain threshold then you can keep going indefinately.

With Doc I regularly solo the 2+ heroic daily on belsavis. The champions take a while and are kinda hairy but are doable. One has over 100k hp...

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I put everything into str, end, acc, crit, and surge.


BTW I fight with Kira since she has good combat capabilities. I've found that doc has certain times when he just decides to stop healing.

Two things:

1) Some people will argue to the death, but a majority argue that Power>Surge>Crit. Power adds linearly to your base damage, while Crit and Surge hit diminishing returns, meaning at higher levels you have to pour more stat to get an extra 1 percent. With Power you get a flat .24 damage per point all the time.


2) If you're having problems with Doc healing remember these two tips. A) Turn off Carbonized Stream if you haven't. That's 8 seconds of him spitting freeze goo instead of healing you. B) Make sure you maintain line of sight with Doc. If he can't see you, he doesn't heal you. He'll sit there firing pot shots off his blaster if he does have a direct sightline to you.


I personally will defend Kira to the death because I like her, but the truth is she's just not a very strong companion for endgame content. Doc's healing is invaluable, Scourge has tanking ability which you need along with a small heal mechanism and I've even seen people who say they have really good DPS with Rusk. Kira's great when she's really your only other option except T7, but once you get Doc and beyond, she has a hard time keeping step.

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