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obfuscate and vicious throw


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I'd love to see obfuscate removed from the GCD. Especially with all the strange ability delays we're still experiencing. I find myself attempting to use it around 20% health on a HM FP boss, only to realize several rounds later that it never triggered because i pressed it too quickly after another ability.


I almost feel like I have to stop my priority rolling for a good 2 seconds AFTER the GCD expires in order to ensure that it goes off.


Also - I'd like to see vicious throw moved to 30m on ->NPC<- targets (to avoid pvp imbalance/whining). It's pretty situational (target below 20%) and has a somewhat lengthy cool down. It would be handy to contribute some damage at crucial points of a high movement fight where the boss is likely enraging.

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I'd love to see obfuscate removed from the GCD. Especially with all the strange ability delays we're still experiencing. I find myself attempting to use it around 20% health on a HM FP boss, only to realize several rounds later that it never triggered because i pressed it too quickly after another ability.


I almost feel like I have to stop my priority rolling for a good 2 seconds AFTER the GCD expires in order to ensure that it goes off.


Also - I'd like to see vicious throw moved to 30m on ->NPC<- targets (to avoid pvp imbalance/whining). It's pretty situational (target below 20%) and has a somewhat lengthy cool down. It would be handy to contribute some damage at crucial points of a high movement fight where the boss is likely enraging.


I love the obfuscate change, i can add it as a macro to some other ability to help increase its usefulness.


As for vicious throw, increasing its range makes no sense, you should be in melee range when you get them down that low, this would only be useful as a kill stealer, and thats no fun. Also we are a melee class, why give us a long ranged ability? NPC's wont run away from us, this isnt wow :p.

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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I love the obfuscate change, i can add it as a macro to some other ability to help increase its usefulness.


As for vicious throw, increasing its range makes no sense, you should be in melee range when you get them down that low, this would only be useful as a kill stealer, and thats no fun. Also we are a melee class, why give us a long ranged ability? NPC's wont run away from us, this isnt wow :p.


Actually most of the other Melee classes have at least one 30m ability.


PT's have DfA, rockets, etc (they are melee, all their "core" abilities are 6m-10m).

Jug's have Saber throw

Operatives and assassins also have one but I forget their names.


I don't understand the comment about the kill stealing, it's why I suggested making it NPC targets only.


I do understand what you're trying to say about being a melee class though- in an ideal world we will be within melee range, but a lot of NPC's have random charges/leaps, not to mention various AOE to avoid in. If you want to avoid taking unnecessary AOE damage in a PVE encounter, often times you have to spend time off target depending on the positioning or encounter dynamic.


And to be annoying and use your own point against you :) - This isn't wow, and the encounter dynamics are quite a bit more fast paced, not as much aggro dumps and random leaping from wow bosses as there are in this game. Plus wow heroic instance bosses don't enrage after 60-120 seconds.

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Actually most of the other Melee classes have at least one 30m ability.


PT's have DfA, rockets, etc (they are melee, all their "core" abilities are 6m-10m).

Jug's have Saber throw

Operatives and assassins also have one but I forget their names.


I don't understand the comment about the kill stealing, it's why I suggested making it NPC targets only.


I do understand what you're trying to say about being a melee class though- in an ideal world we will be within melee range, but a lot of NPC's have random charges/leaps, not to mention various AOE to avoid in. If you want to avoid taking unnecessary AOE damage in a PVE encounter, often times you have to spend time off target depending on the positioning or encounter dynamic.


And to be annoying and use your own point against you :) - This isn't wow, and the encounter dynamics are quite a bit more fast paced, not as much aggro dumps and random leaping from wow bosses as there are in this game. Plus wow heroic instance bosses don't enrage after 60-120 seconds.


We have force charge to get to opponents running around out of range, by kill stealing i was thinking of engagements where one teammate is halfway across the room while you are wailing on another, You could use vicious slash on that opponent without being near them. When you could jsut force charge through to them and have access to all your abilities.


The classes you compared us too all have an advanced class ranged counterpart that came with alot of those abilities. Jugg's even have that one ability primarily for tanking. Tanks just need that ability plain and simple. We are the only pure Melee dps class and as such our abilities should reflect that.


The wow comment was focused ont he fact that certain mobs ran away after a certain amount of time/hp was lost, it had nothing to do with encoutner dynamics or whatever, i was simply commenting that in wow, if your opponent did run away, you could simply get back to him by force charging instead of chasing after them on foot. In TOR they dont run away.

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Actually most of the other Melee classes have at least one 30m ability.


PT's have DfA, rockets, etc (they are melee, all their "core" abilities are 6m-10m).

Jug's have Saber throw

Operatives and assassins also have one but I forget their names.


They should just give marauder back saber throw...

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The ones warriors have with the 10-30m range and it builds 3 rage... Marauders had that in beta but it was taken away for some reason.


I was talking bout vicious throw and deadly throw. We have enough rage builders as is, and what good is that rage buildier when we cant use any rage costing abilities when they are 10-30 meters away.


The great thing about our 2 ones we have now, is one can root the target or decreasing healing done, and the other is made to finish off an opponent who will most likely be running away in fear of you.

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We have force charge to get to opponents running around out of range.


What about the times where force charge will land you into the middle of a big AOE? Again - I'm not looking to compete with merc's, sniper's and sorc's in those situations, I'm just looking for something to contribute other than standing around and looking pretty.


In TOR they dont run away.


Again - I'm my concern is with boss encounters, which didn't run in wow. either. Trash doesn't have insta death aoe's or enraged cleaves.


The main point I'm trying to make is, this, the amount of DPS time on target is much more important due to enrage timers in this game, give me something to do when I'm having to run away from boss AOE's or while I'm closing the gap on a boss while leap is on CD.

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The main point I'm trying to make is, this, the amount of DPS time on target is much more important due to enrage timers in this game, give me something to do when I'm having to run away from boss AOE's or while I'm closing the gap on a boss while leap is on CD.


Yep, but there will always be fights were ranged are at a disadvantage or melee are. A ranged ability that costs 2-3 rage with 30 meter range on a 6 sec cooldown only usable against targets under 20% Isnt the answer. Its just the way of MMO's.

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