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Please rate this build, advice appriciated.


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As an Aresnal merc it's all about burst dps and staying unnoticed on the battlefield....sad but true. So getting another 6% heal isn't going to amount to much. Also having the CD on override and concussion missle won't really help much either.


Take the points out of custom enviro suit and one out of power override and get full barrage.

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I am actually attempting something like this at the moment:




Add the heal buff from BG tree and Enviro Suit you're getting 12% extra on each heal. Lower cast times on heal with almost no pushback. You could pop a heal scan and rapid scan both following an electro-dart and they'd be hard pressed to stop you in the 0.5 seconds they have to interrupt, and more than that if you get concussion on them.


I find that heat isn't an issue at all on Arsenal in PvE or PvP so vent heat buff is kind of a waste. If you're over 40 heat you're doing it wrong anyway.


The cooldown reduction on your concussion and the thermal override is a waste too. You won't miss that extra 15 seconds if you are letting the enemy engage your teammates first then running in when they aren't looking.


I use Unload a LOT. That buff pops quite a bit and the extra 25% damage makes Unload as or more damaging than Heatseeker or buffed Railshot. So put points in Barrage.


I have yet to test the heal buffs out to see if they are making any sort of difference, but I see little left in the other two trees that interests me so I figure I might as well get some sort of utility.

Edited by Pwny_Express
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I'll pretty much second everything Pwny_Express said.


If you're full on Arsenal, Unload is your best friend, don't pass up Barrage for Power Overrides. Empowered Scans is kind of a waste if you're not going for Supercharged Gas, but as to where else I'd put those points, depends...


If you're having heat management issues, you can decide between Improved Vents (ride all the way to full heat and hit the panic button) or Power Overrides (an extra preventative step to manage, but mathematically better to avoid heat than the vent it)


If your heat management is fine, maybe go Advanced Targeting (will free up gear slots to stack Crit/Surge/Power instead of Accuracy) or Improved Cardio Package (I'd probably prefer 2% extra HP over 6% extra heal, if you're not really a healer)

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well arsenal does not use alacrity so your heals will always be sub par...


you have to have barrage, it is a huge damage increase


i took the pushback reduction from healing because in a pinch it matters, so i would drop med tech and empwered scans and pick up barrage full 3 points and one point in finishing improved vents.


you gotta have full improved vents, just a must have.. heat is damage

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pny's build isn't horrible, but:

1) Empowered Scans seems like a waste if you dont use combat support cylinder and have supercharged gas.

2) without a larger focus in healing, if you are worried about healing pushback I wouldn't because you can't heal enough if you are being focused anyway and now you are not doing any damage.


Check out the link in my sig for a bunch of specs including arsenal PvP. If you disagree with my listed spec, please explain why and perhaps we can make a better one.

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Well if we're sacrificing the improved heals (and to be honest I have been trying my build above and find I can't even heal through a single non-DPS class's damage, so what's the point of prolonging death when I can attempt to just blast them faster than they blast me and run off to a corner to heal after?)


So I'm thinking to Hell with any of the healing talents. Move those points to max out Enviro Suit and Integrated Cardio Package to get higher health (not that much higher, but better than nothing). Then spend the last points to either get some more accuracy to free up gear stat choices or get Improved Vents (though that 16 heat every 2 minutes seems pointless to me...I've never overheated in a PvP fight and that is like one free tracer every 2 minutes...big deal).


I dunno it will take some playing. Right now I still have to get my timing down because I get tore apart by stealth melee DPSers, Maraud/Sents, and Sorc/Sage due to our ONLY CC break being on a two minute cooldown and something about resolve not working (I swear I've been chain CC-ed with a full white bar before).




I wish there was a talent that gave us 70% pushback protection on our offense and not just healing hehehe. Oh well.

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what about getting alacricity to speed up tracer missile etc?


Because alacrity won't speed up the global cooldown so you can still only get one off every 1.5 seconds regardless, and both will still get pushback if you're being hit. And to get enough alacrity to make any sort of cast time difference you'd be sacrificing a LOT of your other stats.


You give up to much for too little in my estimation.

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Because alacrity won't speed up the global cooldown so you can still only get one off every 1.5 seconds regardless, and both will still get pushback if you're being hit. And to get enough alacrity to make any sort of cast time difference you'd be sacrificing a LOT of your other stats.


You give up to much for too little in my estimation.


gcd does not seem to affect chaneled spells


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Because alacrity won't speed up the global cooldown so you can still only get one off every 1.5 seconds regardless, and both will still get pushback if you're being hit. And to get enough alacrity to make any sort of cast time difference you'd be sacrificing a LOT of your other stats.


You give up to much for too little in my estimation.



Alacrity does not affect the GCD for instants, but it does for abilities with activation times. So tracer missile does benefit from alacrity.



In PVE there are problems with Alacrity in Arsenal builds, but in PVE (Edit: I meant PvP) where things are more burst oriented, it might help.


I am terribad at PvP though, so I can't help too much there.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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But what would have to sacrifice to gain enough alacrity to gain say a 0.75 cast time on Tracer or Power Shot?


How much crit/surge/power are you giving up to gain that quicker cast?


Probably way too much. Going from 1.5 ro 0.75 is A LOT.


Plus there is a problem that I have hear of though not tested or seen personally, and it might be a display bug, but... In one of the threads someone said they stacked a lot of alacrity and they were only getting 2 ticks from unload instead of three.


Now it has been shown that alacrity affects channeled abilities too, but not DoTs/HoTs. SO I can see where this might happen, but it could easily be an animation issue where you only saw 2 "ticks" from the animation, when it did full damage.


Moving on. I don't think Bioware is putting Alacrity on your PVE or PvP gear (they do on our healing PVE and many don't want it). As a result I think you would have trouble stacking a large amount.

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this is an arsenal spec with some enhanced healing abilities, both done and recieved, ill be pvping mostly.


If you're dead set on using healing, you might as well just lose Improved Vents and pick Power Shield=immune to interrupts while shielded and healing.


Also, drop enviro suits and pick Barrage, all of it, pinning fire is not so critical and works just fine even with just one point invested.

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But what would have to sacrifice to gain enough alacrity to gain say a 0.75 cast time on Tracer or Power Shot?


How much crit/surge/power are you giving up to gain that quicker cast?


now you are changing arguments :) alacrity will help dps, how you improve YOUR dps is up to you... you had stated it does nothing.


i dont want alacrity myself, but til the numbers are revealed for us to crunch anyones guess is as good as mine.

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Well if we're sacrificing the improved heals (and to be honest I have been trying my build above and find I can't even heal through a single non-DPS class's damage, so what's the point of prolonging death when I can attempt to just blast them faster than they blast me and run off to a corner to heal after?)


So I'm thinking to Hell with any of the healing talents. Move those points to max out Enviro Suit and Integrated Cardio Package to get higher health (not that much higher, but better than nothing). Then spend the last points to either get some more accuracy to free up gear stat choices or get Improved Vents (though that 16 heat every 2 minutes seems pointless to me...I've never overheated in a PvP fight and that is like one free tracer every 2 minutes...big deal)


Again I tend to agree with this... Going shallow into the heal tree doesn't benefit you much at all in 1v1, and only a very small amount acting as secondary healer in warzones.


I went this way:



Still experimenting with it, and I'll admit I sacrificed a fair bit of Unload and Rail Shot goodness, but so far I like it.


In 1v1's, as soon as I've taken a hit or two, I can kick off the fight with Energy Shield (now further reduces pushback and immune to interrupts, as well as buffing my self heals) and throw up a Kolto Shell and a Healing Scan (which triggers Proactive Med and Reactive Armor). Now we're off to the races and my DPS ain't what it used to be, but I'm mitigating a ton of damage for the first half of the battle.


In warzones, I've still got the same AOE and knockback goodness I always had (DFA and Fusion Missle, Jet Boost and Rocket Punch, etc) but now I've got enough heal and protection to actually make a decent ball carrier (none of the Force-Leaping Interceding goodness of course, but at least I don't fall down instantly when two or three guys get on me) and to decently heal others.


Only question left in my mind is whether it's worth sacrificing a point from Jet Escape to get Cure Mind, but I don't have a good feel for how often I'm getting mental effects I can't cleanse...


I'd also love to sacrifice the dedicated CSC stuff like Supercharged Gas, Kolto Missle, etc but then I don't have enough points in the tree to get higher tier goodness like Kolto Shell...

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