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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

STOP Lying with patch notes


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This must stop, you already were by far out of a serious to take with some terms of the game/Customer Service.


I just log in:


- I STILL have the "Invalid schematic" while try to learn it.

- Ability false cooldown STILL there for E.Probe at least (Sniper)

- I just Alt-Tab and back to the game - NO SOUNDS


I'm getting tired of all your false advertisment and lies and I hope we start a serious customer global action.


Good job posting your issues in General Discussion.




You must be one of those people that chews out a cashier ate McDonald's because they use some odd chemical in their meat....


Because... you know... the cashier put it in there, obviously. While your at it, you should turn around and notify all of the customers there with you of your discontent and make sure you linger around and tell all new and returning customers the issue you are having with the food as well because... well again... you know... it MUST be how you make a difference.


While I understand your problem, I think you are handling it rather poorly and you should learn to communicate more effectively.

Edited by Ebbikenezer
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Yes, the same with "fixed" companion conversations and ability to abandon bonus quests. Simply lies in patch notes.



PRO TIP: Bonus quests can be abandoned by dropping the standard quest it's attached to.


It's a subset of the main quest. That's why it's called a "bonus".

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This must stop, you already were by far out of a serious to take with some terms of the game/Customer Service.


I just log in:


- I STILL have the "Invalid schematic" while try to learn it.

- Ability false cooldown STILL there for E.Probe at least (Sniper)

- I just Alt-Tab and back to the game - NO SOUNDS


I'm getting tired of all your false advertisment and lies and I hope we start a serious customer global action.


Oh go away. Don't you ever get sick of complaining?

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Sombody needs to look up the definition of a lie......


Just because your experience differs form the patch notes does not nesserially mean that they have lied........


Theres nothing for bioware to gain from lying and alot to lose.


They probably beeived they had. And every major games developer out there makes these sorts of mistakes. Even Blizzard who's teams for QA and bug fixing on wow are likely larger than many developers, makes this kind of muck up all the time. Hell I still get the loot freeeeze bug thats been in since about launch........


That's really a great example on how difficult it can be to completely eliminate a bug in game of this type.


The loot freeze bug has been around for years.

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PRO TIP: Bonus quests can be abandoned by dropping the standard quest it's attached to.


It's a subset of the main quest. That's why it's called a "bonus".


The issue is that the "Bonus mission" associated with the "class mission" stay in your log even when you "complete said class mission" and cannot be abandoned as we speak.

Edited by Sireene
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That's really a great example on how difficult it can be to completely eliminate a bug in game of this type.


The loot freeze bug has been around for years.


You mean when I report a bug it doesnt immediately get fixed with a flip of a switch?



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Not to pile on, but the patch notes specifically say that the loading screen will no longer show a low res version first and then a high res version, and yet it still does that.


I work in software development, and i can tell you that having accurate patch notes is not all that difficult to do. I could not speak to what laxness and lack of rigor may exist at a game company, but giving them a free pass under the guise of saying it's complicated is just allowing yourselves to be content with poor products. Guess what, if you never demand better, you never get better.

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No, it is the community that is causing these issues.


"I want bug X fixed NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!"


"Bug X is fixed days later"


"Some people still experience bug X, but some people do not"


If people would learn to be patient, and realize fixing bugs PROPERLY takes time, the game would be better off. But the devs are constantly rushed with people threatening them by saying things like "If bug X is not fixed by next week, I will cancel!"


Oh my there is really a God! (lol at that) After reading alot of threads here, finally someone who has a b-r-a-i-n. Let them unsub. We don't need them here. lol :D

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You know, most of the time I look at bugs they say they fix in the patch notes and say to myself "there was a problem?" I have very few bugs on my end, and the few I do have I know are problems with my computer rather than BioWare, most of the time. It's not like I have a great computer either, this thing is 5 years old after all and wasn't very good to begin with.


It seems to me you are either very unlucky and getting a lot of bugs, or you just simply are an idiot and don't know how to minimize your problems on your end. I'd prefer to think you are the former.


In any case, all problems don't affect all people. They aren't lying, they simply cannot predict what is going to happen with every single computer that plays this game and they cannot fix all problems for all people. You are a developer and you don't realize that? Hell, I'm not even that great with computers, most of my problems I go to my friend for help with because he is a computer wiz, but even I know that every computer is going to have problems that many others won't.


Common sense?


Another one..we need more like you posting here in the forums..not like the thead starter. lol

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why on earth are people like you still on the forums if you do not support them?



quit the game..stop paying to come on the forums to complain..if youve canceled your sub no one cares about your opinion anymore since you dont care to support a growing developing game..


so harsh ya..but move on find a game you like and be happy.


fact: You don't have to be a fanboy to play the game


I hate the cupholder in my car, the volume button for the radio doesnt react every 40th time i use it, I don't really trust the range indicator.



Does that mean that I'll return it or drive it off a cliff? no, but I realise that it aint perfect.

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you would be surprised how little time they have to play this game..

They commented in a recent article or blog entry that all of the developers play the game on the live servers.


thats why they have a test server..and peopl who can submit bug reports..

It's not worth anyone's time to go to the PTS because you don't have level 50 characters. Low level toons don't have enough skills to adequately test the changes.


Bioware needs to grow up as a game developer. I give them credit for trying to fix issues quickly. Unfortunately, they are missing too many massive bugs in their haste to make changes. They need better testing protocols ASAP.

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how can any huge company make any product and miss one small key piece.. there have been countless companies that have had to recall huge quantities of product because something wasnt right..


its not an excuse it is a fact of life.. mistakes happen..


dont worry though.. you are the exact person that will freak out when they have a patch in the next couple of days to fix the issue..


you will claim it isnt serious enough to go down on fri or sat...


and thus the circle of life is complete......


All versions of Microsoft products are a Prime example of a huge company who make products that miss not only small peices. :)

Microsoft is still patching their software products until the day they discontinue that product.


It's a race between software developer making better idiot proof software and the Universe making better idiots; the Universe is winning!

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You also know, I'm a iOS developer aswell and I made a serious research on every version/test after release and most of all, say that have been fixed, and we're just a team of 3.


Common sense, please.


Do you even how many lines of code this game must be? Compared to a iOS smart phone app?

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