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Character Creation - I Want My Own Face


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I would love to be able to import a pic (or couple of pix whatever it would take to work) of my own face onto the character i create.


Personalize it, make it more me, ok, the super awesome Star Wars me.

Rather than looking like everyone else or being just another clone in this universe.


I want to be unique, I want to be awesome Star Wars me.

Talk about Immersing yourself into the game yeah?


Anyone else like that idea?


Ya? or Nah?

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Nnnneh. Really Neh. No, in fact.


Just to prevent the inevitable obscene submissions all images would need to be vetted personally by staff members.


Furthermore, it would look horribly out of place next to the rest of the textures in the game. This would not magically create a character that looks like a swtor version of you. It would create a character that mostly look like a swtor character except where it has your picture plastered badly across the face.

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Use my own face huh?


I don't like playing females, and I prefer my male characters look like men, not some being of questionable gender (unless of course the species lacks sexual dimorphism. In that case... *shrug*)


I would however, like some facial sliders so I don't look like about 23 other male characters.

Edited by Xieveral
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Ahh the trolling and abuse that would ensue...




Rainbow six vegas series tried it on console... The amount of dick faces was staggering.


maybe it's because it's like 2 am here, but this made me laugh way more than I would have thought possible.

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