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100% user impacting maintenance?


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Every MMO should adopt EVE Online's downtime system. Its daily downtime at a set time for server resetting/ quick daily maintenance. They had it down to when I last check a matter of minutes. The only long downtime (read current swtor downtimes) are when expansion are being updated which is to be expected.


It's a short daily downtime NOW, but I was there when it launched when the daily downtime was anywhere from 1 hour to 2, and sometimes 3 or 4 hours long. Not to mention the fact that the servers crashed on a not infrequent basis for the first few months at least.


I'll also note that EvE isn't even doing patching for their downtimes, for the most part. They actually have to do database maintenance on a daily basis that requires the systems to be down. Imagine the outcry here if they actually had the same data architecture as EvE....

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It only goes down at 12am in ONE time zone. Do you think your have priority over the others. There are 25 nautical time zones.


You would have a point but the servers are at the lightest populations across ALL the servers at 2-3am PST or 4-5am CST.


Don't believe me? Check the server status page at 12am PST and again at 2am PST.


There is absolutely no reason not to adjust downtimes to coincide with low populations rather then during heavy populations.

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Well that is unfortunate that the weekly maintenance falls exactly during the only time you have to play. What a crazy coincidence. Unfortunately you are an outlier. Currently I would suspect that this time period is set to have the least impact on both NA and EU. Hopefully they come to their senses one day and split NA and EU maintenance and then adjust the times to better suit each region.
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This is not true at all. Check the server status. A majority of servers are still standard or heavy at midnight PST.


After 2am PST the servers fall to light. It just makes sense to do the maintenance on the servers when the servers are light not during heavy populations.


WE have been asking for this to change since release. Obviously they don't care. Because this is like the easiest to fix.


Certainly I have been wrong in my initial assessment, but that does not change that moving the downtime to some other time will affect more people (read europeans by moving it further into the night, or americans by moving it earlier). Until Bioware decides to split up the maintenance hours by region, the current solution seems like the most optimal compromise.

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Careful with that word "should." You "should" not tell others what they "should" or "should" not do. Not everyone works on the same schedule you do, Mr. Center of The Universe.


Feel free to ignore the beginning and crux of that post... oh wait... you already did.

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When are they going to split European en American servers!!!


If the servers where split they could make more suitable maintenance timing and it would annoy only half as much people.


My problem is that I have to do my dailies in the morning to get some credits to be raiding in the evening and since I cannot do my dailies now I wont be raiding this evening.


So instead of raiding I will do my dailies and since the dailies reset at 13h00 CET I will have nothing to do tomorrow morning since my dailies will be done.


Dailies should reset during the night and not in the afternoon!!!

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That wont happen until we get seperate maintenance windows for US/EU/Oceanic. As it is, maintenance starts at 9 in the morning over the most of europe. And then up to 4-5 in the afternoon, and extended maintenance even further.


That wont happen ever. Doing that requires different clients which are typically region locked.


When are they going to split European en American servers!!!


If the servers where split they could make more suitable maintenance timing and it would annoy only half as much people.


My problem is that I have to do my dailies in the morning to get some credits to be raiding in the evening and since I cannot do my dailies now I wont be raiding this evening.


So instead of raiding I will do my dailies and since the dailies reset at 13h00 CET I will have nothing to do tomorrow morning since my dailies will be done.


Dailies should reset during the night and not in the afternoon!!!



The servers are split. It is not a server issue. It is a client issue. As noted, the only way to do it is having specific clients per region.

Edited by Viera
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I hear many people state that it is standard for MMO to have weekly maintenance.

I am sorry to state that this all depends on how the system/infrastructure has been build.

Because WOW or others have weekly maintenance it suddenly has become a standard and everybody thinks it is normal and it should be accepted.


Rift (An MMO) never had weekly maintenance, never had to interrupt user player time for upgrades and maintenance more then 5 minutes. The only thing you could get is that server will shutdown in 1 minute and five minutes later you can login again.


I don't want to compare swtor with other MMO games, just want to state an example that it is possible for an MMO to operate without weekly 4-8 hours window shut downs.

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Midnight and onwards on a week day is typically where most people are asleep or trying to.



You're an unfortunate outlier. Get new working hours. Moving the maintenance to some other time will affect more people.


Check midnight PST and you will see the server pop is till pretty good. They should be bringing it down at 3am PST

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Every MMO should adopt EVE Online's downtime system. Its daily downtime at a set time for server resetting/ quick daily maintenance. They had it down to when I last check a matter of minutes. The only long downtime (read current swtor downtimes) are when expansion are being updated which is to be expected.


Too bad EVE Online can't compare to a real MMO's sheer size and amount of data.

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The servers are split. It is not a server issue. It is a client issue. As noted, the only way to do it is having specific clients per region.

That's a very good point. So to put it another way, you try to log into the US servers, which updates your client. You then switch to an EU server, whose maintenance window is a few hours later and hasn't had the patch applied... and what? You'd pretty much be locked out.


A workable solution would be to have different maintenance windows that overlapped. In this case, the US maintenance hasn't finished before the EU maintenance starts. Clients aren't updated until you try to log into an updated server. So then there's no problem with using a patched client with an unpatched server.


We'll see! They've alluded to doing something about separating out the maintenance windows...

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1.) The downtime does start too early.. Hardcore raiding guilds are barely wrapping things up when they go down... Anyone overseas its directly in prime time for them. As in ANY MMO, the prime time is about 3 hours later than their current time slot... That being said...


2.) It would be AWESOME if during the umpteen patches and downtime we could fix any number of the bugs they have in this game.. They have yet to fix things that they have claimed to fix in past patches...


Illum hasn't worked correctly forever, Rakatta weapons are still wrong, Rakkata gear is still itemized incorrectly, the reverse engineer button still doesn't show up, the master loot bug in hard modes still bugs out, some raids don't drop anything besides patterns, marauder ataru procs dont recognize hit box, camera bugs out during casting, aoe targetting reticle doesn't appear, companion armor during cutscenes... There are so many more...


The point is this... These are all KNOWN bugs, yet we suffer downtime and patches to deploy NEW content and then fix IT, before the original game and its known bugs haven't been ironed out.. I have no problem enduring multiple downtimes at the start up of a game. I do have a problem however if they continuously applaud themselves for dilligently trying to work out the bugs when they are releasing content before doing so.


This game is FUN but people will begin to leave in droves if Bioware does not stop pussyfooting around gameplay issues. I realize they do not want to be just like WoW.. But that game is successful because they follow an excellent business model. Taking a few pointers can't hurt.....


And customer service in this game is a straight joke....


Sorry for the rant, I would like to reiterate that I very much love this game.. But there are major flaws and it will sink even the greatest of ships...

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Eve-Online uses a TOTAL different server setup for all other MMOs on the market. It cost 4x more for their servers. And they have by far the very longest downtime on updates. (24 to 72 hours) Which is due to the server type.


Yes expansions not bug patching like this. Even with they more complex server set up for a non-shard world they can push patches faster and with less hassle.


It's a short daily downtime NOW, but I was there when it launched when the daily downtime was anywhere from 1 hour to 2, and sometimes 3 or 4 hours long. Not to mention the fact that the servers crashed on a not infrequent basis for the first few months at least.


I'll also note that EvE isn't even doing patching for their downtimes, for the most part. They actually have to do database maintenance on a daily basis that requires the systems to be down. Imagine the outcry here if they actually had the same data architecture as EvE....


Yes now that they have the system down its short... But even with their update bug patches like these are just as fast.


Point is they have a solid system that works and to many companies are still using the we will fix it when its broke idea.

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It still amazes me how *some* people seem to think that midnight PST is somehow "off-peak". This isn't the 1950's. There are lot of professions and industries that have long since shifted away from the standard 9-5 schedule. Just off the top of my head I can think of at least 300k (Silicon Valley/Bay Area alone), up to 500k techies (Cali, Washington, Oregon) out west that do not work your typical 9-5 schedule. Try 10-6 or even 11-7. The same goes for many of those who work in finance out west.


Stop applying the stupefying EST-centric mentality onto everywhere else as if it is the center of the world. I came from the east coast originally so I am well aware of the existence of that warped thought process. Hell, I even play on an east coast server since that's what my east coast RL friends chose. Even then I usually see at least 70-90 people on Imperial Station at midnight PST. The maintenance schedule needs to be adjusted to reflect the reality, not the fantasy world dreamt up by those who are asleep at 3am EST and could gives a rats arse about anyone else's convenience.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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None of the maintenances have gone that long. Most are over within 4 hours of start. Besides, at 9 am, shouldnt you be at work?


I work 1 week, with 2 weeks off work cause of the hours put in during that 1 week.


Think you have your facts wrong, several of the maintenances has gone that long. Albeit they have improved significantly since the beginning.

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Check midnight PST and you will see the server pop is till pretty good. They should be bringing it down at 3am PST


No thanks. I have office hours to attend to, but I will take your word for it. However, are the EU regions included in your assessment of server population? Have you included the risk of moving the maintenance window into EU prime-time, US morning?

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The problem with these midnight maintenance is that the gaming community undeniably have lots and lots of night owls; there's a huge group of gamers who only play during late night, while they do "normal" day stuff during the day like going to work or school. The best downtime is actually mid-week morning when most people are either working or in school, those prime time early hours are needed to do more important things other then gaming, hence those are actually the best hours for MMOs to go off line for maintenance. Midnight hours are perfect gaming hours for a lot of people and I always felt MMOs tend to get the maintenance hours wrong in this regard. Gamers are known to loose sleep over gaming!! Edited by Dead_Ted
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The problem with these midnight maintenance is that the gaming community undeniably have lots and lots of night owls; there's a huge group of gamers who only play during late night, while they do "normal" day stuff during the day like going to work or school. The best downtime is actually mid-week early morning where most people are either working or in school, those prime time early hours are needed to do more important things other then gaming, hence those are actually the best hours for MMOs to go off line for maintenance. Midnight hours are perfect gaming hours for a lot of people and I always felt MMOs tend to get the maintenance hours wrong in this regard. Gamers are known to loose sleep over gaming, sleep is for the weak!! :D


Routine downtime is ONLY once per week. Learn to plan around it.

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Weekly maintenance is weekly maintenance which means it comes at the same night every week. Wake up. Mechanics don't fix car engines while the car is on do they? Jet engine mechanics don't crawl into a 747's turbo jet while it's rolling down the runway do they? If you had a house contractor working on a room in your house would you walk in, lay down a sleeping bag and then scream "Hey keep it down in here I'm trying to sleep!"? Edited by Zoggel
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Maintenance schedules are timed to be complete by the time the dayshift support personnel start work in Austin. 2AM (local, in this case that is Central time) Wednesday has become the traditional time across the MMO industry. It's never been confirmed, but the usually speculated reason is that nobody wants their game to be down when WoW is up.
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I was thinking the server maintenance could be delayed to 2AM. I live on the west coast and there is still a significant amount of people playing at 12AM on my server. I'm sure almost any college student would agree that 12AM is an EARLY time to go to sleep. I know it's selfish of me but it's so discouraging to come home from work at 12:30AM to find that server maintenance JUST started. :jawa_mad:
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I would be telling him when he can work in MY house.


And any contractor would tell you to hit the road. The work at set time and not when you want. Guess you have never worked with a contractor.

Edited by Romiz
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