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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Horrible targeting system explained.


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WoW made it easier to click on someone, but most would not be clicking on someone, they'd be tab-targetting to them (enemies, at least). In this regard, WoW did not do very well either.


WoW's raid/party interface is much easier to click (everything in WoW is bigger and more clickable); also, in WoW the raid/party interface is at the left side while your own portrait and your target is on the topleft, so your eyes just need to focus on that portion of the screen; in SWTOR, portraits are at the bottom while the raid/party interface is at the left.


I'll have to play WoW again to confirm this but I've always felt that clicking your allies in WoW had a more substantial feel to it, that it was fast/responsive and I could always select with confidence without having to double check; even if I've become too used to WoW, it could still be that WoW's interface is just much more natural and intuitive.

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Ahh.. so that's why clicking targets feels so awkward in this game. Not only is it slower and harder for us to switch targets, clicking is difficult too because of everything in this game being smaller in size (compared to the other MMO).


I wonder why they didn't just increase the target's selectable area, or why didn't they just make targeting "on press" instead of "on release"? There's probably a game-mechanic or combat reason.


They are, iirc. This was brought up at the Guild Summit.

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1. It select target at mouse button 'release', insetad of mouse button 'press' action.


It's worse than that. The press and release have to be on the same target.


And just to add insult to injury, there's a time limit on the release. If you press on someone, and release 1 second later, it won't target them. It has to be within half a second, or whatever the threshold is.

Edited by Amuntet
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what's that? some targeting addon or something?


Yes, it was a vast improvement over WoW's targeting. With Tidy Plates, the nameplates are targetable, scaleable, track all of your debuffs on every target with timers, and whether or not any in the field are targeting you (or anyone else but you, if you put it in tank mode).


He's a video showing how it works:




Players need this information; there is no reason the UI should not display it efficiently. After all, even in a bench clearing brawl in baseball, you can still tell who is hitting whom. You should be able to in a game with a lot fewer players per team.


NB: I am not asking for an addon here. I am asking Bioware to do this internally, or something similar to Tidy Plates, and patch it directly into the game.

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What? I never click to target and it's not even something I think about.


Or are you talking about in World PvP when there are a million players on screen at once? then it's understandable.


Its actually a pain for PVE as well. When you have a group of MOBS clicking one that's in the back of the group is always a hassle.

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